Monthly Archives: December 2011

Q and A: Planting raspberries, corn seeds, and potato soup recipe

Planting raspberries Can black raspberries and red raspberries be planted close and not cross? I want to plant Black berries and black and red raspberries...

Meat for our homestead

Besides arranging for our first homestead seminar in May, we're taking care of our year's meat. Last week, we hauled our big, 1,400-pound steer...

Q and A: Sourdough starter, canning family recipe, and canning enchilada...

Sourdough starter I have been trying to make sour dough starter for months now and every time it stays in the fridge for more than...

Q and A: Milkless cow, mites, keeping flour in the freezer

Milkless cow I have a cow with a 3 week old calf. The poor thing is about to starve as the mama just doesn't have...

We have our winter’s entertainment

No, it isn't an iPod, home theater, or other electronic gadget. It's a small kitten named Mittens. This fall, Will and I went to...