Homesteading with Jackie Clay

It feels like fall

All of a sudden, a cold front hit us with highs in the low fifties F plus very high wind. Boy was it cold! And, unfortunately, our son, Bill and his family, were scheduled...

It’s supposed to freeze tonight

Holy cow! Yes, we're pretty much picked out in the gardens. But there's still a lot to go. Unfortunately, Will had a farm auction to go to at our neighbors' house today. Then Brad,...

We’re still hard at work with the harvest

And boy, are we glad we did get a good harvest, despite the weather and we are so glad we live way up north. We really feel for folks who were hit with the...

With dry, warm weather, we’re hard at work

Thankfully, we haven't had a freeze yet. So, we're able to let a lot of crops finish that wouldn't have made it if it had frozen. Our friends, Sherri and Dara were here on...

Harvest is in full swing now

With fall upon us and frost and freezing not so far away, we're hauling in the harvest by the crate load. On Saturday, Will went out to the Wolf Garden and cut and crated...

I almost lost Will on Friday!

Okay, it was Friday the 13th … He had taken a big round bale out to the cows in the North pasture and had come back though the pipe gate, parked the tractor on...

Beautiful, warm fall day

I just took a cruise around the gardens and really enjoyed the fragrance of fall leaves. The maples are turning color and other trees and plants are starting to show some fall colors. It's...

We had 30 degrees F for an hour

As we had a very long window of preparation, we were able to do a lot to be prepared for the frost we felt was inevitable. We picked tomatoes for three days, ending up...

We’ve got a frost warning for Friday night

Holy cow, from the eighties down to 33 degrees F, forecast for Friday night/Saturday morning. It's been a very challenging summer for the gardens so far and we sure didn't need that. We've still...

Harvest is chugging right along

Will picked tons of Dragon Tongue snap beans, the third picking off that 50-foot row and I was busy for three days, canning them all up. Each day I got 28 pints! Our pantry...