Our “second Christmas” was perfect
After our first Christmas celebration on Christmas day with Will's grandson, Drew, we had our second celebration on Saturday with sons, Bill and David's families here. We had presents from their aunts plus all...
We had a quiet but very nice Christmas
Late Christmas Eve, Will's grandson, Drew, arrived after a long drive from Minneapolis, a five-hour drive on some not-so-nice roads at times. We sat up and visited, probably too late, but we couldn't help...
Merry Christmas to everyone
With a foot of snow on the ground but warmer temperatures, we're getting ready for Christmas. We started out this morning by having the big tire truck roll in, bearing Will's "Christmas gift," a...
After -25, 30 degrees F seems like summer
After -25, 30 degrees F seems like summer
We sure had a cold snap last week. Our high was -14 and that was actual temperature, not wind chill. Will kept busy hauling in wood and...
We dove to -10 degrees last night
And it looks like that's going to be warm, compared to tonight. The high tomorrow is supposed to be about that. Brr! We're definitely hauling in more firewood, including some long-burning ash for overnight....
We’re definitely having a white Christmas
A big snowstorm hit us on Sunday, dropping 8 inches of heavy snow. It knocked down a few smaller trees on our driveway and covered our solar panels and internet satellite dish on the...
Finally! The sun is out
We've had weeks of dreary, cloudy, windy cold weather. The last two days, the wind was screaming up to 45 mph gusts, making the brake on our wind charger scream. But, finally, today the...
I’ve been busy playing catch up
No, I still haven't gotten my leftover turkey and broth canned up. But I did get the celery done. Yea! Then I spent two afternoons down in the basement pantry, putting away and arranging...
We wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Although our own "thanksgiving" family get together is over and Will and I will spend Thanksgiving Day alone, we still plan on having a small celebration as we are very thankful for all we...
Our Thanksgiving came early this year
As David's mother-in-law is having their family get-together on Thanksgiving Day, we agreed we'd have ours the Sunday before. The weather was nice, unlike many former Thanksgiving family days. I remember, back in 2016,...