
We’ve been working at nailing the shakes down on the roof extending into the greenhouse. We bought a brad nailer that sure makes things go faster and splits less shakes than a hammer and nail. We’re more than halfway done and had to stop for a time to go down to the home of my oldest son, Bill and his wife, Kelly for our granddaughter Ava’s first birthday party on Saturday.


All of us had fun and ate plenty of great food. I enjoyed playing with Ava. She’s such a happy, funny baby! And the faces she makes! She smiles a lot and scrunches up her nose at you in such an adorable way. Ava even exchanged “mean” faces with Will which left him laughing right along with the rest of us.



But today we’re back at it doing homesteading stuff as well as working on finishing off the greenhouse and other indoor projects. The low has been in the teens below zero and the high in the single figures above. So we’ll be working on some indoor projects after chores.

Boy, winter’s about half over! Those seed catalogs are looking pretty good right now. — Jackie


  1. Hi Jackie! Hope you’re staying warm up there. I lived in MN once for two years, 96 and 97, which were apparently the two coldest winters on record at that point. It was like living in a freezer! The temperature actually got down to like -60, or maybe it was -40 or so, and -60 was the wind chill. either way , it was COLD! So cold that when the temperature came back up to 0, we were walking around with our coats unzipped because we were so warm.

    I just wanted to thank you for sending the Hopi Pale Grey seeds. I’m going to plant them, here in Southeast Indiana, probably around May 1. I sure hope they turn out well. I also wrote to tell you that I think your grand daughter Ava sure favors you! And she does make a cute face. She looks like she’s full of personality.

    All the best,


  2. Our youngest of 13 will be 2 the end of this month. What a blessing they are. You are so blessed to live within driving distance. She is 10 hours driving time away. Most of the rest are even farther away.

  3. Aren’t those pneumatic nailers wonderful -? One trigger pull and you can get things nailed where you have almost no clearance. When you are doing a project like that there is no room to take the swing required to use a hammer and it makes life SO much easier! :) Your shakes are beautiful……AS is your sweet little granddaughter!

  4. I am so ready for spring. Wish I could stay home and work on my garden. But I do what I can and can what I get. Juast canned a load of beef stew. I turned the fire off under my canner and had to leave the house. Could not wait for the steam to escape. When I got home, the steam was gone and the canner top came off easy. The jars were still quite warm to the touch. I pray they will be alright. Will heat well before we eat them. I marked them so I would know.

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