Monthly Archives: November 2011

We’re trying to crowd a lot of odd jobs into what...

It always seems that this time of year, we have so many jobs we want to get done "before winter!" We keep hacking away...

Q and A: How much canning in a year? and Cornish...

How much canning in a year? How many jars of canned food do you put up in a years time; on average? I have been...

Q and A: Canning gumbo and honey chicken, canning clam chowder,...

Canning gumbo and honey chicken We recently made a BIG batch of gumbo, and thus, had lots leftover. I was wondering if there is ANY...

Q and A: Canning chicken stock and canning celery

Canning chicken stock I was canning some chicken stock last night. After the recommended processing time in the pressure canner, I let the steam go...

Another workday at Bill and Kelly’s

We spent another (luckily very nice) fall day down at Bill's, helping sheet his garage addition. One of Bill's friends, Andy Gunderson, volunteered to...