Monthly Archives: January 2012

It’s a girl!

Yesterday, I became a grandma again. My oldest son, Bill and his wife, Kelly, had an adorable tiny baby girl. She was named Ava...

Q and A: Hopi Pale Grey squash and Growing and Canning...

Hopi Pale Grey squash In previous issues of the magazine it was stated that Hopi Pale Grey Squash Heirloom Seeds are difficult to find. I...

Q and A: Canning ham and storing meat

Canning ham Can you "can" store bought hams? If so how much time should you process it Connie Gann Rogersville, Missouri Yes, definitely. I have one in my...

Q and A: Old cast iron kettle and canning olives

Old cast iron kettle I bought a very used cast iron kettle for $2. It was a great buy I think. Put it in a...

Q and A: Chicken stock and tomatoes and garlic in olive...

Chicken stock I've been canning for years and just ran across something that I'm not sure about. I just opened some quart jars of chicken...