Monthly Archives: August 2013

Q and A: Using dill and breeding chickens

Using dill Can I use the flowering heads of dill in the pickle recipes? I have lots of that, but none has yet gone to...

Q and A: Oven canning and Hopi Pale Grey recipes

Oven canning I oven can my dry goods like rice and such, but can I oven can things like homemade jerky or sun dried tomatoes? Crystal...

Our seminar is only two days away!

With folks coming from as far away as California, Florida, and Alaska, it promises to be a great time and we're busy getting ready....

Our homesteading seminar is this week

And we're still homesteading! Will FINALLY got our big round baler working again after first a blown hydraulic hose (with a fitting that only...

Q and A: Teriyaki sauce recipe, canning horseradish, and wild foods

Teriyaki sauce recipe and canning horseradish I have 2 questions. I was wondering if you had a teriyaki sauce recipe you could can? Also, looking...