Monthly Archives: July 2014

Things are finally getting back to normal

The rains have seemed to quit and we're getting more caught up (or is it less behind?). Yesterday and today Will poured cement and...

Jackie’s Fall Homesteading Seminar

We're planning our fall homesteading seminar and are ready to take deposits.This seminar should be a great one, covering such topics as bringing in...

Q and A: using horseradish and wormy ham

Horseradish I started growing horseradish a few years ago, but had a hard time getting it to take off. Similar to the problem with my...

Q and A: pruning zucchini plants and planting fruit trees

Pruning zucchini plants Both my zucchini plants are growing like crazy out there. I left 5 feet all around each, and they have filled it!...

What a summer! I have to have my gallbladder out and...

We've had more than 12 inches of rain in the last two weeks. Hey, it's homesteading, right? But it didn't help that I found...