I’m sure all of you are wondering what the heck was going on with me. After all, I missed a few blogs. Well, my “health issue” was a bleeding ulcer. No, I’m not stressed, anxious, or worried. I don’t or have never smoked, drank, or used drugs. And I eat pretty healthy. But still … I woke up, having black diarrhea. I’d had a big salad the night before and figured something didn’t agree with me. Until it didn’t stop. So in the afternoon Will drove me to our local emergency room. The doctor there examined me and called for an ambulance after seeing my hemoglobin was low. So after sending Will, who had to remain in the parking lot due to COVID-19 precautions, home, I took a ride to Duluth. The next day I had an endoscope put into my stomach and the doctor found the ulcer, cauterized the bleeder and put a couple of clips in. By then I was feeling pretty tired. After all, who can sleep in the hospital? After the diagnosis, I was worried as after having an aggressive cancer 15 years ago, I was wondering if was stomach cancer … Luckily, not!

Our car was in the shop so David drove down to pick me up after work the next day. As Duluth hospitals are seeing some COVID patients, I felt contagious even though I used a whole lot of hand sanitizer, soap, and water. I’m being very careful to mask up when I go out (infrequently!). But let me say right now, I’m very happy to be fixed up and back to normal life. The doctor is having a culture done as he said it was likely my ulcer may have been caused by H. pylori, a bacteria that causes ulcers. Wow, who’da thought?
Well, back to real life, although a little slower. Will held down the fort very well, managing to keep up with our unprecedented amount of seed orders. But we had to hustle to keep up and get the three big bags of them shipped off this morning. Now we’re all caught up.
While I was in the hospital, Will pulled all of the variety stakes in the main garden and when I got home, David went out in the dark and pulled all the tomato cages and 6-foot steel T-posts along with the bean posts and trellises. Holy cow guys! That night, there was a full moon with a cool name — Super Pink Moon. It was huge and so bright.

It seems like the tomato and pepper plants have had growth hormones as they’re going nuts! Already I have Bill Bean tomatoes eight inches tall. I’ve got to start transplanting them tomorrow into big pots; the normal Styrofoam cups are too small. And the daffodils and tulips are up like crazy. I’m so excited! Our snow is nearly all gone and the frost retreating as well. Spring is here.

— Jackie
Glad to hear you’re better! I was praying for good outcome.
Woohoo, the Guru is back! You have been missed. Glad the doctors & nurses took good care of you. Aren’t they gifts from God. Best wishes for a continuing & full recovery.
Thanks for sharing, we all can learn from your experience. And I’m glad you didn’t miss Spring cooped up in a hospital. I think that would have been devastating for you.
Dear Jackie,
Glad you are in the recovery mode. I pray your body continues to heal. On another note, sure have enjoyed your Jess Hazzard series. You are such a great author. I hope you will be publishing more books in the near future. I forwarded my recommended read of your books to so many. Glad you are on the mend.
So happy you have returned home! Hope everything continues to go well with your ulcer recovery! I ordered seeds and I can’t wait to try them out :)
So glad this scary episode ended well. Slow down and let your body heal. Your health is more important than anything. It won’t be long until the sun will be shining down on you while you’re standing in your garden.
So pleased to have you back Jackie. Did you know that an Australian specialist suspected bacteria caused ulcers but when no one believed him he infected himself then used antibiotics to cure himself? Thank goodness you well again. Take good care of yourself as you are so important to so many. Best wishes.
Wow Jackie – scary stuff there! Glad you’re feeling better.
So glad you’re ok. NOW ask doctor for 4 carafate tablets. If a bleed starts or ulcer flares up you dissolve tablet in 20ml of water and drink. Instant relief. Its liquid gold. Repeat hourly and head to the hospital or doctors asap.
So glad you are better. Just take it slow as I am sure you are tired. Get plenty of rest and don’t overdo things even though your starter plants are taking off. Spring is trying to make it way to the Northland that is for sure but Old Man Winter just doesn’t want to let go. We got 4 more inches last week and have had snow flurries all weekend. Please take care of yourself as you have many people who care about you and have been praying.
What a relief!! Who’d a thought ulcers caused by a bacteria!??!!
So glad you’re doing better, Jackie! What a scary time to have to go to the hospital.
We got our seed order so quickly and it was perfect! Thank you!
I was thinking H. pylori when I started reading this. Glad you’re ok. I was missing you.
We are all so blessed that God brought you through this . Glad to have you back !
So happy to see your smiling face again! We have all missed you and been praying that you are doing better! We love you and your blog don’t do too much too quick and remember that it takes a while to get your hemaglobin back up
So glad you are feeling better! You had everyone worried. Take it easy!
you know you have to take care of you. i am a new student of your lifestyle and i would not like being hung out to learn what you know if you couldn’t be there. i am so happy you found the problem early and the doctors knew what to do. i got the seeds and planted the lettuce. do you start your corn early or just in the ground when it gets warm. do take good care of you and say hi to javid and the rest of your family for me. god bless you all, patz
I just plant corn in the ground unless it’s a late variety I need to save seeds from. Thanks Patz!
Thank goodness you are feeling better Jackie and no Cancer return!
Your extended internet family have all been sending good thoughts and saying prayers for you.
Just curious, Did you have store bought salad or home grown?
Please be cautious everyone…there is some hinky stuff with food tampering going on…
Please wash it very well and look it everything over with a magnifier for foreign objects if you can.
It was store bought and washed well. But the ulcer was older and NOT caused by the salad.
Another happy dance for you from NY!! Glad you are feeling better. K
I am happy you are on the mend! If there is a bright side, at least you will be feeling much better about the same time it really warms up.
Blessings to you! You have been my inspiration for years!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
How scary to have to go to the hospital during this pandemic. They were probably thrilled to have something other than Covid19 to work on. Glad you are back home again.
Glad you are home and feeling better. Take it slow, you need rest! I know “it’s gotta get done” boyfriend says that too! BUT you need to get your strength back so go easy lady. You are my hero, I want you around awhile!
I am glad you are feeling better! The U/M hospital does h-pylori tests as well as 4 hydrogen breath tests: glucose, lactose, sucrose, and fructose. Not all hospitals do all these tests ( just fyi) people have to have a GI doctor to order them. High doses of antibiotics is a trigger for gut issues. (Again fyi, if you’ve had to take antibiotics) I am not medical personnel at that hospital. I hope you get your full strength back soon! Happiness of being home is wonderful medicine! Helen
So happy to see you’re doing well again Jackie. Prayers and best hopes!
So very happy to see your smiling face again Jackie! I hope that you will continue to feel better and regain energy. Bless Will and David for all of their hard work to hold down the fort! Prayers for you friend.
So great to see your smiling face again! Glad you’re feeling better!
Glad to hear some GOOD news!! Speedy recovery!
Blessings as you heal.
So glad you’re on the mend and feeling better!! I have been going through your books Jackie Clay’s pantry cookbook and Growing and canning your own food. I bought them a couple years ago but use them often but now reading them with a little different point of view, more serious I guess you’d say. With everything that has been going on I feel very pressed to get all my ducks in a row with gardening, canning and your book section Stocking up your pantry has been so helpful like I say read your books before but now looking at it with different eyes ?. I’m going to work on upping the quantities though. So if everything goes back to normal then I won’t have to shop for a year?, but I just have this feeling inside that keeps telling me something isn’t right. So in your future posts if you have ideas for those of us who really want to be prepared pantry wise could and should be doing that would be great. Even if you want to reference some older posts for us to look at that’s great I just have a harder time finding categories in your blog so I know I’m missing some important ones. Thank you for all your teaching us.
Happy dance that you are back and getting better. Prayers from Oregon.
Glad you are on the mend, and prayers that the culture comes back “normal”. Also, I can see there is no rest for the weary, but try to get your feet up occasionally…what gets done, will get done, the rest won’t matter! Take care my friend.
So glad you hear you’re on the mend! My mom had a bleeding ulcer a few years ago and it was pretty scary. She’s all better now though and hope you are too! Sending healing energy your way and lots of love to you and Will from me & Melinda
What a huge relief for all of us! Please give your body time to heal! What a terrible time to have to go to the hospital!
So happy you are recovering!
Best wishes from our house to you as you continue healing!
So glad you are better and back. I missed you!
So happy your feeling better you had me scared get lots of rest and remember naps are good for you
Hi Jackie, so happy to see you back in the saddle. Thank God for your recovery, you were truly missed. Don’t overdo!
What a scary time! So glad that you’re back home and feeling better. Don’t do too much now and take care of yourself!
Welcome home! Glad you are back at the homestead where you belong and thrive. Rest as best you can. Thank God for Will and David to be the keepers of normalcy there, so many animals and humans depending on you , me included, for advice. Stay strong, friend. Plantin’ season now. We’re going to really need that food this year.
Welcome back Jackie! I’m impressed by your tomatoes. Do you have them on heat mats? Or do the mini greenhouses I see provide enough heat?
So good to see your beautiful face again!! You are such a blessing!
glad you are recovering!
Kathy in Fergus Falls
Enjoy your beautiful day! Heavy snow squalls and then sunshine ALL day long here. It may very well get to your area..
Glad you are feeling better and good luck with any additional tests.
We are so happy to hear you are on the mend! We have been praying like crazy for you guys. So glad you are back home! Lots of love, Mia and John And Family
Glad all is well.
So happy you are ok. You worried all of us. Special thanks to Lisa’s for the update too. Stay well.
so glad to see you back and looking good. Belated Happy Easter!
Welcome back, Jackie! You were missed! I do hope you are gentle with yourself for a while. Spring is a busy time, but rest and sleep are important. Sending lots of positive vibes for heal and strength your way.
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