I’m not sure it’s a Mars and Venus thing.  More a circadian rhythm thing maybe…

All I know is that my Significant Other, in one of the great understatements, says of herself: “I am not a morning person.” I would have said “creature of the night,” but perceptions can be subjective.

All I know is, waking her up in the morning looks kind of like this. I’m the one on the right…

Or watch Video Here.


  1. LOL. And ouch. Hmmm . . . seen on a T-shirt one time: “Instant Human Being: just add coffee.”

  2. Your video pretty much depicts how I feel too, when trying to awake my wife, with less than 24 hours of straight sleep, when she doesn’t deem the reason to important, to her.

    I suggest “Leaving Her Alone”, if at all possible, Mass!

    Good Luck.

  3. Just give me the first thirty minutes of absolute quiet and lots of caffeine and I’ll be fine.

  4. I phrase I use frequently, given to me by my father: “Could be worse. It could happen to ME!”

  5. I want to know how you got a video of me waking up on a good morning? The second my wife opens her eyes she is in a cheerful mood me I’m not responsible for the first 30 seconds.

  6. Hi,
    My current ex was that way.. She wondered how I could wake up and be so cheerful.. My reply was that “waking up just makes my day”…
    Apparently, my waking up is what put her in such a bad mood..!!

    Tread softly,


  7. This may really get me in trouble with BOTH of you.
    Whatever, your WOMAN is doing that she is “into”…… you are likely to get in trouble interrupting!
    However, I know a tiny bit about animal body language and the Lady Tiger obviously reacted to the RUDE awaking, BUT, she quickly became submissive (that’s not me or Gal)!
    Seriously, the female, once she got over THE intrusion, did lower her head, slightly back off and still complain! I think Gal isn’t that easy to placate.

  8. LOL! Well, it would help if you didn’t just walk up and swat her on the head. 😉 (Going by the video, not your post otherwise.) You’re right though, some folks just are not in any way, shape or form Morning People and as someone who could have inspired the t-shirt Fruitbat44 mentioned, I can attest to that fact. I even had to get up 45 minutes before Reveille during Basic Training and AIT just to be able to function. :-p It’s a good thing coffee is not a controlled substance, I’d be a scofflaw for sure.

  9. Hence: “Let sleeping dogs (and tigers) lie.”

    OTOH I was that way for several months after I returned from Vietnam. Of course in my case startling my wife was followed by apologies, and she learned how to wake me without startling me.

    Teaching moments.

  10. Mass, did you ever try breakfast in bed on her? No promises but it might help once. If not, sometimes you just gotta go with the flow. They tell me that pit vipers are the same way. LOL

  11. Interesting how animals and humanoids have similar “personalities.” Our emotional responses to things are so similar.

  12. Been trying my entire life to get people to understand they need to leave me alone first thing in the morning. It’s nothing personal against them, but they always take it that way. The very worst is the sort of unbearable person who feels it is their mission in life to make sure everyone they meet is upbeat and happy.

    It is truly amazing that I have not strangled anyone.

    None of my three sons is this way, but my daughter is just like me. I find myself running interference for her as she grumbles and scowls around first thing in the morning. I tell her mother to just leave her alone, she’ll become human again when it suits her.

  13. While I like to think that I am not as bad as an enraged tiger, I must confess that I, too, am touchy each morning until I get some caffeine into my system. Since I despise coffee, I get my morning dose of caffeine by drinking a cup of strong and hot Irish Breakfast Tea.

    This usually has the effect of turning me into a normal human being.

    Like MichaelJT, I have to sometimes restrain myself from strangling somebody. Especially if that somebody jumps me with a problem first thing in the morning before I have a chance to dose myself with hot tea!

  14. You might try buying her a Wacky-Wake-Up alarm clock. “Drop the P.O., drop the P.O.” can be more effective coming from a recorded female voice.

  15. I’m fine in the morning if my husband is reasonable. One morning he DEMANDED breakfast in bed. I said fine…..and hit him with all three of the oranges I threw at him. I have a pretty good arm.

  16. Paul Short: “My current ex was that way?” I’m sorry – just can’t “get” that one. However, I do have a friend who used to introduce his wife as his “current wife” – NOT recommended!

  17. Haha. Once in a while, in the right jocular social setting, I’ll say, “And this is my first wife, Sheryl.” We just celebrated our 38th anniversary.

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