
Here’s preview of how some want the new Administration to approach criminal justice issues, courtesy of the Gun Free Zone blog (

One seldom sees clearer proof of the fact that people who don’t understand how things work in real life should not be the ones making the rules.


  1. Promptly walking the cat back on the 2020 (and before) weaponized voter fraud operation(s) can forestall the planned takeover of our country by the supposedly well-meaning Gun Free (Guaranteed Massacres) Zone people like Mr. “just-shoot-’em-in-the-leg” Biden. Part of the problem is that we could use more armed citizens to augment actual public security. Another issue is that many people misjudge intelligent assertiveness, and the leading role that it plays in physical survival struggles. Some parents sometimes see firearms as inherent threats to their children. Denying our Second Amendment, however, massively undermines freedom and safety for everyone, including the children.

    • It worked quite well: apparently not a single victim was armed. Nor was anyone else except the shooter.

      Disarmed Victim Zones work quite well. At least they do for the murderers.

    • Anyone else remember the mall shooting that happened three days before Scammy Crooks? It was at the Clackamas Towne Centre Mall, outside of Portland Oregon The place is posted with NO GUNS ALLOWED type signs, but generic purchased ones, not the state mandated designs, nor were they “properly placed”, thus the signs were not legally binding. We who frequent that mall know this, and carry on regardless.

      Nutjob brought in a “black and ugly” rifle, a gymn bag full of 30 round mags, took up a position where two main “arteries” of foot traffic inside cross. He fired atand killed two people,was deciding whom to hit next. A young man, replete with a good handgun with which he was quite skilled, and his state mandated Mother May I Card, happened to be in the area… and made haste to the sound of the gunfire. He identified the killer, took up a solid position nearby, drew on the guy from some distance, was taking careful aim on the perp, but there were innocents in the backdrop, and he refused to risk a miss and thus injuring one of them. He started to shift his position to provide himself a clean line, when the perp noticed him, quickly turned and walked away, down one of the hallways, then turned into a small side-hall and made the best use of his rifle he had made so far that day. As things quieted down once the perp was out of commission, pollice came, and the wrapup commenced. The Hero was not cited or charged, as the cops KNEW he was not bound by the silly proprietary signes outside the entrances. He never fired a shot, but the perp realised he could and likely would, and so ended his miserable life of his own hand. The chap is pretty well known in the area, I believ I’ve actually met him some years back his name was very familiar. The mall interestingly enough, has left the non-compliant signage in place. Perhaps they do so for the sake of their insurance carrier. THEY probaby think no one can carry inside that mall, thus making it safer. Crazy thing is, they turned away likely heroes daily, yet did not stop the perp from coming in fully armed and ready. He had enough ammunition to kill a few hundred people. I know another woman who was in the mall at the time of that incident.. SHE is also an incredibly good shot (her husband was the firearms trainer for a the loca Sheriff’s Department, and has taught her as well), and, as always, was armed. She heard the shots, but was off another hallway. The instant the shots were fired, the steel doors into the hallway were clossed and locked, denying her an exit to go and deal with the situation. She WAS close.. within earshot. So the non-comlaint signs were duly noted and ignored by at least three people that day. One of them being the killer, the other two heroes.

  2. An obvious case of “let’s throw all the excrement at the wall and see how much sticks. The total lack of rationality is frightening.

  3. Let’s just throw the entire system out so society can function as we did in the wild west. Reminds me of the show, The Purge. Unfortunately those who have voted for those that are thrilled with this proposal have no idea and are clueless. I’ll bet half of those would support the proposal. Obama stated he was going to fundamentally change America. Well we can guarantee that Biden will follow the same path in essence giving us a third term of Obama. Seat belts and helmets because it’s going to be a extremely rough ride

    • Don, Obama did “fundamentally change America” and he is still working on it. The Obama/Jarrett/Bill Ayers/Leftist Billionaires gang has been training, funding and directing the Swamp Deep State, BLM, Antifa and other scum we have yet to discover since at least January 20, 2009 to the present day. One way or the other, whether President Trump’s team is successful or not, we are in rushing in a SHFT world.

    • I am scared. I pray the Senate will prevent most of the changes. However, these people are ruthless and relentless. The only true way to stop them is for half the country to wake up. I’m afraid this won’t happen until it’s too late.

  4. Curious to see what the NRA response to the recent election dilemma will be, especially regarding the commerce in firearms act, NFA expansion and ammunition taxes. This will be a rough ride ahead I’m afraid, but glad to have you Mas, in SAF leadership now. Methinks Wayne has enough suits, both woolen and filed, so hopefully some changes there ahead.

  5. I get that some folks are pissed about the new incoming administration and their ignorance surrounding gun control and law enforcement. Instead of sitting around and just bitching about it on blogs and social media be part of an equitable solution. Contact your law makers and make your voices heard. Reach out to the anti-gun factions and educate them. Explain your position on gun rights, personal protection, sport shooting, hunting whatever way you roll. Don’t depend on the NRA to do it for you as their reputation has taken quite a hit these days. Put a personal face to the issue. It’ makes for a bigger impact.
    I seriously doubt you’ll ever see the Second Amendment overturned. It would take 2/3 of the House and Senate to agree to it and at least 39 states to also agree with it. Not going to happen nor should it.
    I have found that people are afraid of and or against issues they don’t understand. Be part of the solution instead of sitting in the dark while some factions try and take away what they don’t understand. Explain that Law abiding gun owners aren’t the problem, that the only faction that benefits from stricter and suffocating gun laws are criminals. Present the argument in a polite and professional way. Rabid and antagonistic behavior towards the anti gun groups only reaffirms the belief in their minds that gun owners are a bunch of right wing nut jobs and the anti-gunners are right in their quest to remove all guns from the planet. Misguided ? Yes but it’s all in the messaging. I have had a lot of anti gun friends that have changed their mindset after we sat down together and talked about the issue of guns and a trip out to the range. A good portion of said friends are now gun owners with CCP’s and have in turned educated more friends.
    So my point is to educate, educate and educate.
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving……

    • All good points. As for talking with legislators, it does little good in Washington as most of our congressional delegation is rabid Democrat. That’s not just an assumption. It’s established fact. As for the rest of us, many are not anti-gun at all. People I know who identify as Democrats even own firearms. One of them said the waiting periods should not apply to “good people” but still voted for I-1693 and I-594 which mandates local background checks background checks on all gun sales.

    • The local checks take anywhere from 3-29 days, but usually 2 weeks. This person wanted to walk out of the store with purchase in hand and was annoyed when he couldn’t.

    • Linda,
      Visits to dimocrat members of The House is an exercise somewhat like Tabasco sauce in the eyes.
      Trying to explain that ARs function is just like that of any semiautomatic such as a Remington 7400 is maddening because the “honorable rep dipstick” isn’t listening, he/she shuffled through papers, made a phone call or views porn.
      That’s a intentional insult, spit in the face.
      Should I book another appointment with him/her ?
      Write to your rep, right ? No need for me to tell what a form letter response with signature says, “Thanks for making your concerns known, I’ll keep this in mind, dum bass”.
      If you’re not holding something over their head, something they fear like photos of them in compromising situations you may as well talk to a rock

    • Linda,

      Education works for some people, but not others. There are plenty of book smart people who are still ignorant or evil. Plenty of misguided idiots in ivy league universities. Since it is OK to burn down businesses while chanting “Black Lives Matter,” would it be OK to do that to Harvard? It’s a business.

      Robert McNamara was very smart, but still made a lot of bad decisions. Hillary is book smart, but her policies don’t work for average people.

      The NRA and the gun community has been heavily involved in education and politics since 1968. Some people have been educated, but others are still blind. Some people refuse to listen to facts. Their illusions blind them. They won’t let facts keep them from building their utopia.

      • Roger,
        Being as the NRA has taken a public ass whooping in the last year or two I wouldn’t much count on them. Their credibility has taken a serious hit.
        I’m not saying you’ll change every mind but until a continuous effort is made then it will be business as usual.

        And Lew, the squeaky wheel does get the oil. When at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Those are all things taught to me by my Grandparents and my parents. They have served me well. You can sit back and bitch that your letters and calls didn’t work in the past well to that I say, It’s new day. New crop of Politicians. Perhaps gathering a group of like minded people, making an appointment with your state Reps and discuss in a rational manner why gun rights are important to you and as I previously said, an invite to the range can go a long way. Some folks are visual and hands on learners. Just a thought….

      • Roger Wilco, yup. You nailed it.

        Education only works if the ‘student’ is willing to learn and able and willing to use critical thinking skills and if the teaching doesn’t violate their belief (faith) system.

    • Your so right, Linda, frustration has set in. That’s speaking for myself. It seems as though we’re allowing others to our fighting for us.

    • Sounds like you don’t know, or don’t believe what happened in this election. The extreme left wants its way, so they steal it. It doesn’t matter what we do.

  6. “ One seldom sees clearer proof of the fact that people who don’t understand how things work in real life should not be the ones making the rules.”

    I have to respectfully disagree: they understand just fine. They understand how things work in real life, they know what they are doing, and they know what the effects would be.

    Look, when you are a Marxist you inherently hate America. That is built in to being an anti-capitalist, anti-individualist. Q: So what do you do to destroy the greatest capitalist country which ever existed? A: everything you can.

    You do things like publish columns like this one in TEEN VOGUE, a magazine aimed at girls 13 to 19. Then you joyously watch America reap the consequences as those readers grow up and become voters…become lawyers…become judges…become politicians:

    • Penrod,

      Your comments hit the bull’s eye! Sun Tzu taught to only strike at weakness, never attack strength. Our guns are our strong point, so a half-intelligent Leftist will never attack us there. No, they will seek to divide us along racial lines or whatever works. They seek to delude us with lies. As Lincoln said, we can never be conquered by a foreign army. America’s death can only come through suicide. A large tree can appear to still be strong even when it has been hollowed out by disease or pests. It is rotten on the inside, but we can’t see that.

      • Well, yes. Except the majority are going on feelings and wishful thinking and the leadership, guidance and support of the lesser number of true agitators, instigators, anarchist, Marxists and such..

        I read something recently about the Sandinistas (?sp). Three levels of involvement. Most were just along for the feels or the social creds. Only a small group were the drivers, true leadership of the ‘revolt’.

  7. Regarding the Mayfair mall shooting, the mayor of Wauwatosa has the solution. Here’s a quote:
    “ Guns have no place in shopping malls or other places in which crowds of people gather. Mayfair has a strict no-gun policy. If the shooter had complied with that policy, no one would have been hurt yesterday.”
    Apparently, we just need to make sure that criminals follow the rules and we’ll be fine…

    • If only the criminals followed the laws like democrat politicians do.
      Oh, wait, they do. Since they’re mostly one and the same.

      • Really Ed ??
        Just the Dems follow the rules ? You know that’s not true. Both parties are full of corruption.

        Frankly, our whole political system needs an overhaul. Term limits, more interaction with the people that put them in office. They do after all, work for the people. They just need to be reminded of that.

    • Notice how often we hear citizens criticizing politicians. But how did these politicians come to power? They were voted into power. Who does the voting? We the people. When half of the voters are deluded we cannot have good government.

  8. I see a civil war on the horizon.

    At one time I dreaded such a thing. Now I have accepted it as inevitable. The soap box, ballot box, and jury box have become a farce. Only one box left.

  9. I must say I am very wary. The country was heading in the right direction, but the media wasn’t having it. They convinced half the country to bail. Half the people in our country refuse to think for themselves, or they lap up whatever the main stream media tells them and they think they are informed!

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