Whaddaya know…some correspondence in the Comments section in regard to the recent blog entries on the Appleseed Project led to an invitation to talk about it on Appleseed Radio.  At this time, it’s tentatively scheduled for this coming Tuesday evening, February 16, at 7:00 PM Central Time. I understand that instructions on where to find it are at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/AppleseedRadio. Thanks to Mike Adam and Sam Damewood for making it happen. Don’t be surprised if you hear me ask Mike more questions than he asks me; I’m still learning about this way cool outfit. And if you’re free the evening of Sunday the 14th, nothing quite expresses Valentine’s Day sentiment like the true story of a citizen who drew his own gun and shot an armed robber who threatened him and the woman he loved. Mark Walters will host that brave individual to tell his story on Armed American Radio or at WGKA starting at 8 PM Eastern time. I might be on as one of the commentators there, if I can get home to a hard line phone to join in after attending a Glock match with my sweetie. (Nothing quite says “Valentine’s Day Romance” like disciplined gunfire, either.)

On each show, you might hear me sipping a Starbucks Frappucino in the background. It seems that in California, where some gun owners’ civil rights activists are demonstrating for freedom to get concealed carry permits by open-carrying unloaded handguns in public, a chain of upscale coffee shops called Peet’s banned the practice. The open carry advocates moved to a local Starbucks, which welcomed them and their guns, stating that their policy is that Starbucks coffee shops will cleave to the letter of the law. All RIGHT!

The Brady Bunch have a website where outraged anti-gunners can register mass protest against Starbucks’ policy, and implore them to ban guns in their shops. Might be a good idea for folks from our side to let Starbucks know that we appreciate their respect of American law and individual freedoms. The link for that is HERE.

Now, I’m not normally an habitué of Starbucks. I have an unhealthy fear of being called a Yuppie. (The last time someone called me a Yuppie, I was so shocked I spilled my Perrier on my Reeboks.) But ya just gotta support a company that supports gun owners’ rights, even though Paul Helmke and some of the rest of the gun-banning crowd seem to be wetting their panties over Starbucks’ policy.

So, what the heck, see if a nice latte from Starbucks goes down well with a discussion of why individual citizens’ access to firearms is a civil rights issue and a personal safety issue.

Besides, if you listen to me talk on either night, you’ll probably need some caffeine to stay awake, anyway.

Here, Mas open carries in a Starbucks in Arizona. Note that no one seems to care. Pistol is a SIG P226 9mm in an LFI Concealment Rig by Ted Blocker.


  1. Capt. Ayoob, First, I want to tell you that I follow and appreciate your work and look forward to any and all upcoming articles, books, videos or appearances. Although we enjoy a “shall carry” ordinance in North Carolina, open carry has yet to become the norm in our Starbucks. In fact, visiting Starbucks has yet to become the norm in North Carolina. Still, I am looking forward to the day when I will order my Primo Irish Cream Latte, from within my ghillie suit, replete with the uninhibited Glock of my choice mounted on my new (online ordered) 5.11 tactical trainer belt. My wife (who has a matching outfit) will be so proud.
    But seriously Mas, thanks for your wisdom and guidance.

  2. Mas,

    Here’s what I sent Starbucks. They may not agree, but I hope they get the message.

    Dear Starbucks,

    In the interest of social responsibility please continue to allow your patrons to carry lawfully worn arms in your establishments as a First Amendment statement in support of the Second Amendment. There is no greater social and corporate responsibility than support and defense of the Constitution of this great nation. It is the duty of every American to defend the precious document, even if they disagree with the expression of the ideal.

    Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.

  3. Mas, oc in California means all of the holstered handgun has to be showing. What about Arizona? You’re wearing your weapon halfe
    hidden. Is that ok for that state’s open carry policy? I thought maybe you can do it because you have an AZ CCW.
    Please let me know. Thank you

  4. Frankyboy, my understanding is that the IWB is fine, and that the criterion is simply whether the presence of the handgun is readily visible.

  5. Mas, next time you’re in the Phoenix area, drop by shooter’s world. If I’m there shooting, I’d like to hear some advice from an old hand to a young runt who is seriously desiring to enter the law enforcement profession.