With a Florida shooting this past February having become a cause célèbre that has triggered strident demands for more restrictive laws on guns and self-defense, it is a good time to review the history of the “gun control movement.”  The following comes to you from Ann Coulter.  As you read it, you might want to remember that Martin Luther King – a Republican gun owner – was denied the concealed carry permit he requested.


For more on this topic, read “Black Man With A Gun” by my old friend Kenn Blanchard.

Kenn Blanchard, left, with Mas (center) and Steve Denney (right) at SHOT Show.  Kenn’s book “Black Man With A Gun” details the racist beginnings of “gun control” in the US.


  1. This is the danger of allowing history to be rewritten or defined as not relevant. A few of the individuals I’ve been in discussion with regarding gun control and why it doesn’t work, always tell me to spare them the argument about the Jewish people and the Holocaust, and why that kind of thing can’t happen here. So I bring it closer to home highlighting the history of slavery here in the United States, and the results of denying people the right to self defense. They are equally shocked to learn that it was a very active Democratic Party that led that effort!

    Coulter’s article did inform me about Dr. King being denied a permit to carry, which I did not know. But I like the way she noted that Dr. King did in fact win a Nobel Peace Prize, proving the issue of suitability to be arbitrary and moot. There was also a history of the National Rifle Association that I did not know at all. I think I’ll send them some money because of it.

  2. Mas, I’ve recently read Robert Williams book “Negroes with Guns”. Very informative of events prior to me being born or when I was less than 5 years old. Pivotal events for this nation in fact.

    I highly suggest that one combine its reading with Orwells “1984”. The key concept in this book being that what is deemed inappropriate to the powers that be, is tossed down the “memory hole”.

    I have been raging for years against the current mentality that anything which occurred more than 10 or 15 years ago is irrelevant/not worth hearing or understanding/OR DIDN’T HAPPEN AND CAN BE DISMISSED AS NONSENSE. The under 25 age group is the most ignorant that this nation has ever produced. I suspect that this ignorance will catch up with them at some point and plunge this nation into a time of peril.

  3. That is correct, the democrats (most of whom were also KKK) designed the laws to keep Blacks from owning guns…

  4. This is also why the gun grabbers sought to demonize guns that poorer people could afford. A hand polished Colt with a blue as deep as the ocean and fitted by workers with decades of experience was one thing, an off-brand that cost 1/5 as much was another–why, anyone could afford one of those “Saturday Night Specials.”

    Some where along the line the gun grabbers suddenly dropped the contention that criminals wanted small, cheap, poorly made hand guns and instead wanted large, expensive, durable, well made military style rifles. Suddenly 32 caliber break top revolvers were replaced by FN FAL rifles as the weapon of choice. Never could figure out that shift in direction by the gun grabbers other than that the rifles were easily mistaken for machine guns and they just wanted to ban something.

    Masters never want the subjects armed, whether they be masters whipping, Klansman intimidating, or nanny state politicians molding a just society.

    Funny, too, when efforts to help women with training and weapon selection (or by gun makers to make guns more suitable for women) is somehow just male chauvinism at work according to the media. Just letting them be raped then strangled in their own home is the feminist thing to do.

  5. What worst some Dem down in Florida black and white politician where calling for restrictive laws work against stand your ground castle law even pvt handgun concealed handgun license. Say that all these laws caused what happen down in Florida before facts to case where investgate. Than the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence jump in long with some Obama people try make case that happen down there was falt of the gun laws down there than made issue race sell there agrument. What sad people pushing control are use Florida case bully other states drop castle law stop issue pvt handgun concealed care permits make stand ground go way in states that have it. Alot Black Folks I know say well bad what happen in Florida they say not give up there gun right becuase few politician say they well be safer if there unarmed not allowed defend them self. Remind me they do not call 911 when there in trouble expect Al Sharpton or Mike Bloomberg come save them from people try harm them. They do realize that there gone need stop some one with gun becuase they have seen lots people kill with out one wait for police show up.

  6. I look forward to reading Mr. Blanchard’s book but Ms. Coulter…not a good representative of civility and someone I don’t read. William F. Buckley espoused conservative ideas without being a vile individual.

  7. The ‘Saturday Night Special’ mention reminded me of the absolute howling hell the ‘Civil Rights Leadership’ and the Left in general raised several years ago when the NRA tried to promote self-defence among minorities in the inner cities. Like they had any better ideas.

  8. Liberals and Black Nationalists don’t want racial unity because it gets in the way of their agenda, which is to keep our nation racially divided so they can stay in power and get more money.

    Obama bin Barack and others of his ilk want to demonize well to do people and redistribute their wealth because the folks they give IRS extorted money to are the ones who will vote to keep them in power. This is the same tactic that Vladimir Lenin used in his bloody climb to power, by pitting the rich few against the many poor. Lenin promised his “useful idiots” a “chicken in every pot” and millions of ignorant Russian peasants believed him and revolted against old Nick Romanov and his cronies. Nowadays, our Dear Leader promises his devoted masses, his own “useful idiots” welfare checks, extended unemployment benefits, and free health care in lieu of a “chicken in every pot”. The more well informed among us know how well the poor fared in the Communist USSR and the ignorant in our country will find out to their dismay how their Messiah will treat them if he gets four or more years in the White House.

    Liberals have been brainwashing blacks in this country into thinking they are victims and needs Big Brother/Uncle Sam to watch over and protect them against whites and other races who are ‘out to get them’. These tactics have kept Democrats and RINOs in power for decades and have wasted trillions of tax dollars in failed social programs. The trouble facing our nation now is weaning those people off the “free lunch” they have been getting for so many years. Black people aren’t the only ones living off welfare and other giveaway programs, so everyone has to pitch in and pull ourselves out of the very deep hole we’ll all dug for ourselves by failing to keep sleazy, power hungry liberals out of office.

    However, I don’t see this happening, at least not in my lifetime. The lazy bunch have been enjoying their benefits too long and passed their attitudes to several generations of impressionable children who see how easy it is to get free money and stuff from Uncle Sam. Why should they vote for someone who wants to take the good life from them?

    But back to the gun issue. Good people of all colors need firearms to defend themselves and protect their families from violent goblins who wants to take their property instead of working and earning money to buy those things. Folks living in bad neighborhoods especially needs guns to survive. Maybe some stimulus funds should be used to provide those people with inexpensive guns aka the infamous Saturday Night Specials.

    As a wise man once said, “An armed society is a polite society”.

  9. If there is anything I have learned, as a Canadian, where our gun laws are extremely restrictive is this. Never give up the fight. We have recently had our long gun registry destroyed. We continue to pressure and lobby to have ATT (authorization to transport, only granted to restricted firearms owners to transport to the range) overturned and removed from regulations.

    Mas’s newsletter and website has provided me with lots of useful info to use to further the cause of legal gun ownership. As the US and CDN governments work together to create “security perimeters” we gun owners should get together, USA and Canadian to work together to protect our mutual rights.

  10. After yesterday’s range trip, I only have the energy to make one observation regarding Ann Coulter’s article. One sentence represents everything for which we fight and in which we believe…”As the Klan found out, it’s not so much fun when the rabbit’s got the gun.”

  11. My friends and I became extinct because we had no way to defend ourselves against a rogue asteroid. Now a rogue asteroid is something that we should have expected as there had been several hitting the earth before we reached our ascendance but…. Well, we just weren’t prepared to defend ourselves.

    Today we know that our Supreme Court (the one here in the USA, not the SUPREME court in heaven) has ruled that it is not the duty of the police to protect us, it is our duty to protect ourselves.

    Whether it is an asteroid, street violence, home break-ins or even government intrusion into our lives it is our duty to protect ourselves.

    Being a T-Rex ( http://www.dinosaur-toys-collectors-guide.com/Rexford-Dinosaur-2010.html ) I have teeth and claws but you little humans need all the help you can get. My suggestion is to buy a gun, get one of those annoying CCW permits and use your vote to get good guys into office.

    Remember. Most of those bums whose votes the politicians are constantly trying to buy… they don’t/rarely vote anyway. Don’t join them and help this country go from the frying pan into the fire. Vote smart and vote often.

  12. “The under 25 age group is the most ignorant that this nation has ever produced. I suspect that this ignorance will catch up with them at some point and plunge this nation into a time of peril.”

    Uh, looks to me like this already happened back in November of 2008……

  13. I’ve said foerver that the most complete and pernicious way to enslave a population is to provide the basic needs of existence, disarm them and provide their security. They will become your subjects and behave like sheep. Give them the freedom to control their life and they will be productive citizens.

    To the topic of minorities needing the means for immediate self-defense; I pesent the following: Here in the Buffalo, NY area, one of the largest gun shops is about 1 mile east of the City line. It is not unusual to see many Blacks and now Aisians purchasing firearms there. What they are purchasing is not target pistols and blue steel & walnut hunting guns. I truly feel bad for them; where I live, carrying could be optional. 1 mile to the west of that gunshop, you will quickly understand what Clint Smith means about “carrying a gun should be comforting, not comfortable”. No one in the USA should have to live in a community where the predators rule.

    So much for New York State gun control laws. Rooted in racism (The Sullivan Act, NYCPL 400, was originally enacted to deny Italians the right to purchase handguns to defend themselves against Irish gangs; God forbid should an Irish member of the NYPD get shot while extorting money from an Italian merchant!), it has ensured that all NYS residents have had to beg for our rights for 100+ years. At least licenses issued by Upstate courts are all concealed carry (NYS does not recognize open carry) and are “good until revoked”.

  14. The history of gun control is complex and worth a look by everyone no matter your political preference. I do find Ms. Coulter’s language unnecessearally provocative. The history is interesting, but not every democrat is against the second amendment or a member of the clan. The cause of personal protection should be used to unite us and not as a club to enforce political devisions. Still worth a read.

  15. Gun Owners and good Americans must take control of the U.S. Senate in November while keeping the House, regardless of who gets in or stays in the White House. The president can nominate Supreme Court Justices, but the Senate has to confirm them, so if we demote Prince Harry to minority leader, anti-gun candidates can be blocked from sitting on the high bench. Don’t forget we also need to get rid of the RINOs like McCain, Lugar, Snowe, Collins, Graham, etc. who often side with the Democrats and replace them with truly conservative senators and representatives.

  16. Mas, as you have admonished your readers to do, I have followed your advice on the Zimmerman/Martin shooting case. Wait until the facts come out. Well they are starting to. I just read and watched two wildly different reports from the early hysteria and race baiting. I would like to just calmly point out these two links to you and your readers. Just put them in the hopper and digest them. I am sure that more will be forthcoming.

    The first link is of all things a Reuters story just put up on Drudge. It presents a picture of Zimmerman’s background that heretofore (I love that word) you haven’t heard.


    The second link is of Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz from this afternoon on Fox. He ain’t no stumble bum lawyer. He pretty much said that the Special Prosecutor should be indicted. Wow. When Dershowitz calls you a criminal, I think that is not a good thing. It is an incredible interview.


  17. Following up on the drive to change the “stand your ground laws”, the Florida legislature should introduce a “laying on your back while being beaten law”, to confirm that a person laying on the ground being beaten does not have a duty to retreat, as they lack the ability to retreat. I think that could be a tautology, but maybe it would get the point across. Is Sharpton, et al, going to oppose that?

    One wonders how many people realize, unless I’m mistaken, Zimmerman could have been a fleeing felon and Martin his initial victim, or even a police officer, and Zimmerman could have gotten off with justifiable homicide. Anyone beaten when they are down can use what level of force needed to prevent their own death or serious injury, if they can’t defend themselves, who can?

    The Reuters article quoted a black neighbor of Zimmerman saying the “elephant in the room” was that black teens had been burglarizing homes, and in one case there had been a home invasion. That isn’t to legitimize vigilantisim (which this appears not to have been the case) but rather to point out that the rank and file racial minorities would rather be armed than not and worry more about a strung out kid kicking in their door and killing them for drug money than they do about Zimmerman shooting them if they somehow come to be standing above him beating him. The liberal’s on the other side of the tracks are the one’s preaching telling people they don’t need guns.

  18. Since I don’t necessarily subscribe to Ann Coulter’s assertions that the KKK and the ACLU are basically the same thing, and to avoid turning off the very people I am trying to convince (Democrats and other liberals) the URL that I post everywhere regarding the racist roots of gun control is this one:


    I LOVE that you brought it up, however. This is something that needs to be shouted and re-printed over and over until the message gets through…

  19. George Zimmerman’s attorneys said in a press conference Tuesday afternoon that they will no longer be representing him. The attorneys claim that Zimmerman repeatedly rebuffed their legal advice, and that they have now lost contact with him.”As of now we are withdrawing as counsel for Mr. Zimmerman,”. See the whole thing http://youtu.be/EpsuFkWZkss