We are suffering an epidemic of early retirements and pre-retirement departures from law enforcement. “Woke” mayors and city councils employing “woke” police chiefs who abandon police stations to rioting mobs. “Woke” prosecutors who campaign on a promise to empty prisons and screw cops.  No wonder so many good cops are leaving the profession, and we are getting so few good candidates to replace them on America’s streets.

And now we see things like this:

Or watch video here.

Your thoughts?


  1. That a medical retirement benefit didn’t exist is REALLY poor planning. Or, lack of tribal resources, which might also have kept them from joining the state system. Still, poor planning and sends a message to those who might consider the tribal force. They don’t have a desk type job slot they could place him in? That’s despicable. The precedent they’ve set is far worse than what they’d have for finding him a job within his abilities.

    Anyone watching the body cam footage of the guy behind the injured officer is likely going to make sure that guy is in front of them in any similar situation. I’ve got no real experience with body cams, but the lack of gunfire recording seems odd. Unless the radio traffic is spliced in from another source.

  2. This is outrageous but seems the leftist liberals are currently the “hogs at the trough” unfortunately. The longer this goes unchecked, the worse it will get. We truly need new leadership and along with that, term limits. If these bureaucrats knew they have a limited time to serve, maybe theywould listen to the citizens rather than being enriched by the lobbyist’s and their backers.

    • You are correct, we need term limits. But, good politicians should be re-elected by knowledgeable voters, and bad politicians should lose elections. Too many citizens have failed to educate themselves about politics, economics, and the issues. We need term limits only because those voters are not holding the politicians responsible. Ideally, term limits should be imposed by votes, not laws.

  3. Couple questions. Was this policy in place when he got hired and did he read it? Honestly, this is nothing to do while officers are leaving the police forces either. I’d say lack of support from the administration is 99% of the reason why.

  4. Man, have the radical Left, Liberal, Progressive, delusional, illogical, disfunctional, deviate Democrats taken over the soverereign Native American nations too?

  5. It is very difficult to get the best & the brightest young men and women to go into the military or law enforcement. They realize that command’s priorities are DEI and political pandering and not high quality training and equipment and definitely not supporting police officers and military members. How much money is given away to illegal aliens vs how much is spent providing decent military housing and police force on force training?

  6. With many jurisdictions finding it hard to fill police ranks, it would be a smart move for officers to resign in mass from the more egregious cities and fill those slots in more welcoming cities. I wish no ill on any American city; but, sometimes, everyone can learn from a bad example. Those places that vilify their police and elect public prosecutors that refuse to fully prosecute criminals may need to suffer mass exits of their guardians before they learn the lesson.
    It is sometimes said that every democracy gets the government it deserves.
    And, like the “demotivational poster” says: “Everyone serves a purpose. Yours may be to serve as a warning to others.”

  7. Completely outrageous. One of the reasons I retired early was because of this sort of thing and all the reasons you stated above. For me the job was no longer worth doing. I’m so much happier now and so is my family.

  8. If there are no cops to protect law abiding citizens, there also will be no cops to protect evil law breakers. I pray we never reach that point.

    • True. If the bands of vigilantes are powerful enough, and treat criminals harshly enough, we might one day witness the odd sight of criminals wishing for the old days when they were humanely treated by police. I have a pretty active imagination, so what I imagine will probably never come to pass, but it is possible in theory. Cops are pretty darn nice to crooks. Too nice, and the cops show way too much self-restraint and patience when dealing with evil doers.

  9. The people behind his firing are terrible and should be removed from their positions. This man and his family worked to protect them and the Nation has turned their backs on them. Shame on them all. I hope he gets a great lawyer and a large settlement to protect him and his family from financial ruin.

  10. Happens all the time to DoD (military) employees as well. Don’t get me started on the circus that is the VA, either.

    Anyway, that’s not to say that I don’t sympathize with the guy in question- I definitely do. However I’d like to know more about the other side before I make a full decision. I will say that I suspect the Yavapai nation makes an ABSURD amount of money via all of its *four* casino locations, so I would immediately reject claims of “we can’t afford to offer him a medical retirement” as an excuse for terminating him the way they did.

    • Andy, the amount of responsibility avoidance in parts of military and VA medical care is bewildering. After over 50 years of military injury issues, I am now very cautious to go near a VA institution at all. I found the Trump administration to be very competent, helpful, and efficient, and I was getting some real help. Lately the system is increasingly the circus to which you refer. If we continue to neglect caring competently for our so essential military and LEOs, we are doomed to slide as a society into worse morale, and ultimate disaster.

  11. Colorado, Connecticut, New Mexico, and New York City have either ended qualified immunity altogether or limited its application in court cases involving state law claims. Bail reform is another issue. Chauvin effect?

    Municipalities may have to raise the starting pay to $250,000, improve the pension protections to O.J. levels and abandon the anti-law enforcement narrative.

    My concern is the only thing that will change it is losing votes and we’re in an environment where we know with certainty that all our institutions are compromised and corrupt. But we do have 50 completely independent election systems with no ability to be audited. Fortunately those are all top notch. (Insert eye-roll here)

  12. This is disgusting. I had the honor of wearing a badge for a full 10 year career as a Reserve Officer in Portland, Oregon ( yes it was different then ), and something like this would never have happened, even in that liberal city. It reminds me of how service members were treated in the 60’s. As much as I loved it, I would not put on a badge again until things changed.

  13. Roger Foszcz,

    Natives have been slurping at the democrat trough since they formed reservations.

    As for cops leaving the job I say, “Good riddance.” For too long we the people have allowed our rights to be trampled by government goons. Ending qualified immunity is just a start on the road to fixing what ails this nation. If it can even be fixed.

    Personally I prefer a system that allows the victim to exact their own justice. It’s a little messier than what we have now but it’s also better than what we have now. I have no problem with returning to an old west form of justice. Just don’t begrudge me the manner in which I exact my punishment.

    Part of the problem is social norms have changed and not in a good way. In the movie, “A Few Good Men” the actor Tom Cruise is portrayed as the hero. In my world Jack Nicholson is the hero. So as society breaks down don’t hold me to the standards of a peaceful society when society is anything but.

  14. These guys get up, every morning, ready to put their lives on the line to protect us, and this is how their superiors treat them?


    Personally, I think it’s part of the plan to undermine and destroy the judicial system and military, as one step toward an elite-led, World Economic Forum-type revolution.

  15. Qualified immunity isn’t the all powerful blanket protection it’s often portrayed to be. Note the word “Qualified”.

    The purpose is to shield those who act within the law and policy (incudes training and has the force of statute law for sworn officers/agents) from nuisance lawsuits. Nor is it automatically applied. Trial judges can and have waived it. There have been significant changes in training as a result.

  16. The perfidy of administrators and managers is always there. Rarely do we ever see an honest, courageous person who will stand up for what is right, even from behind a desk. Failing to risk anything, their inaction contrasts remarkably with this brave officer who risked everything for the public safety.


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