The same President who wants to take your AR15 presided over the American withdrawal from Afghanistan.  What weapons did that put in the hands of our enemies? Radio Free Europe has the story, here.


  1. All the weapons left in Afghanistan along with the weapons sent to Ukraine with no accountability will arm our enemies for years to come. Combine that with all the advanced technology stolen by China. The investment of a few million dollars in the Biden crime family by China & Ukraine will likely prove to be the best cost/benefit investment in history.

  2. Once the Afghan army fell apart, the stockpiled equipment and arms should have been bombed before it was disbursed.

  3. Howdy Doody has historically been a wooden puppet & a kind of lapdog for a congenial-appearing Buffalo Bob, who begins to look more & more like Fu Manchu in disguise. We recently had a President free of mysterious puppet strings who was expert at economics & correctly handled all kinds of crazy foreign political thugs. The now-proliferating $100 million-odd dollars-worth of US military small arms left behind in the hands of an unfriendly Taliban in Afghanistan by our new President are a strange way of showing “gun control.” If it looks, walks, & quacks like a duck, it is probably not an eagle, you know? Was it FDR who said that nothing happens “by accident” in politics?

    • One of the best memes I’ve seen on this says because Biden caused billions of dollars of military hardware and weapons to fall into the hands of America’s enemies — to be used against our service members for decades to come — he does NOT get to lecture us on “gun control” or “gun safety” or whatever PC term they’re using these days.

      Whatever moral high ground he might have had on this issue is gone. (Which was not much, considering his position that it’s better a woman be raped and strangled with her own pantyhose then have to explain to officers how her attacker got that bullet wound.)

      • Archer,

        You say Biden allowed our weapons to fall into the hands of our enemies? Hmm. That reminds me of a phrase I once heard. I think it was something about ” . . . giving aid and comfort to the enemy . . . ” Oh, yes. Now I remember, with the help of Google. That phrase is from the Federal Constitution, Article III, Section 3, Clause 1. It is from the definition of treason.

        Oh, well. Joe Biden is a Democrat. You can’t expect charges of treason to be brought against Democrats.

    • “… expert at economics”? Are we talking about the President who filed for bankruptcy protection ten or twelve times? And who had to use a German bank because the big American banks wouldn’t touch him with a ten foot pole? And who’s long time accounting firm had to disavow all the reports they prepared for him, saying they could no longer stand behind their accuracy?

      As for “free of mysterious puppet strings” wasn’t he also trying to build big projects in Moscow and China?

      • John Perz,

        Trump was, and is, a risk taker. If you start many businesses, it is likely that some will succeed, and some will fail. Donald Trump is amazingly successful. Doors open for him. The fact that the enemy, the Democrats, have to bring false charges against him shows that he is very good at staying out of legal trouble.

        He has been a public figure since 1974, when he and his dad appeared in a magazine article. He knows his every micro-step is being watched, so he is careful.

        There are things about Donald Trump that I don’t like, but I basically like him for the same reason Lincoln like Grant. Because he fights. Trump could live a peaceful life, but instead, he is fighting for America. He is the Patriot’s champion.

  4. Of all the mistakes, intentional or not, I cannot forgive Biden for this one. We spent a trillion dollars and lost so many of our sons and daughters to remove the Taliban from Afghanistan only to give it back to the Taliban 20 years later with a fresh supply of real “weapons of war”. If that were not enough, he emboldened Russia and other despots to do whatever they want whenever they want. With presidents like that, who needs enemies?

  5. The west spent 20 years training the Afghan army. Then found 45 million of the people that defeated the red army, let 70,000 lightly armed taliban take them over.
    Most of that training was under a republican president. i’d be grateful for your strategy describing how Biden was going to win with an army that wouldn”t fight.

    Agree with you completely on ‘We recently had a President free of mysterious puppet strings who was expert at economics & correctly handled all kinds of crazy foreign political thugs.’

    Sadly men like Obama are hard to find.

    • Yes, Mr.Kane, Mr. Biden abandoned the stockpile and blamed Mr. Trump for it, using typical backward leftist logic to justify pleasing our sworn adversaries in order to apparently continue to collect illicit rewards from under the table. Mr. Trump applied an unprecedentedly successful policy combining economic, political, and military action to practically eliminate friendly casualties, while training the Taliban to behave. Mr. Obama was always a step behind in controlling the situation, reactive rather than proactive. Mr. Biden was essentially inactive, except for cowardly deferring his many mistakes upon the usual scapegoat of the Democrats, Mr. Trump.

    • which is a GOOD thing, that “men like him” are so hard to find.

      No foregn strings? Hah!!! What rock has been your roof of late? It was during the minyun’s reigh that “relations” with China went so far south.. largely under the tender loving care of the current head honcho in chief and his sprog. Ican’t quite bring myself to refer to him as “commander” in chief because he is NOT in actual fact)
      Matter of fact I’ve been convinced for two years and more now that the present fixture in the White House has been a puppet of the kinyun for at least a decade or two, likely more.

    • Surely you jest.

      Obama was the mastermind of the most mass shootings in an American Presidency, using the for the incessant pushing of gun control and UN Arms Treaty. Sent US Uranium to Russia and Millions to the Iranians, while also funding ISIS in Syria but pretending to be fighting them.

      But I get it, it’s much more popular to scream “Orangeman Bad!” than live in reality.

  6. Combine a dissolved southern border with the arms provided to the Taliban (Chinese, Iranians, etc.) and you have what might be called a nightmare scenario.

    Oh, add in uncounted schools are “gun-free zones” (aka target-rich shooting galleries as Mas has observed). What could go wrong with that?

    • The Anti-American Media knows nothing about weapons. As a result, just about any media story about military weapons or, even, civilian firearms, is typically full of errors. That was not the only error in the linked news story. Consider this line:

      “Experts say armed groups have obtained advanced U.S. weapons and equipment like M16 machine guns and M4 assault rifles….”

      Clearly the author does not understand anything about these weapons. Both the M16 and the M4 are assault rifles (defined as select-fire small-arms chambered for an intermediate power cartridge). The M16 and M4 are from the same family of weapons. The M16 simply varies from the M4 in feature set (it has a longer barrel than the M4, for example).

      Properly, a “machine gun” is a crew served weapon that fires ether a full power rifle cartridge or, in the case of a heavy machine gun, a powerful anti-vehicle, anti-material cartridge (such a the Browning .50 caliber cartridge). A M16 is definitely not a “machine gun”.

      The media do not understand weapons at all. They routinely conflate the terms machine gun, sub-machine gun, assault rifle, assault weapon, semi-automatic modern sporting rifle, etc. with each other. Often, no doubt, this is done through simple ignorance. In other cases, I suspect it is done deceitfully so as to confuse the reader and to push the left-wing firearm-prohibition narrative.

      In this case, I would judge it to be simple ignorance on the part of the article author.

    • nicholas kane,

      No, neither Trump nor Biden could win in Afghanistan with an army unwilling to fight.

      Any sixth-grader, presented with facts, would withdraw from Afghanistan. But the sixth-grader would first withdraw the Afghans who helped us. Then he or she would withdraw ALL of our military hardware and supplies, as Trump said, “Every screw, every bolt.” And the military would cautiously withdraw last. In fact, I’m sure the Taliban would have been happy to just allow us infidels to leave, and may even let us do it without harassment. After all, Trump had the Taliban leader’s house targeted with a missile.

      Our withdrawal from Saigon (now called Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam) in 1975 was more successful than Biden’s withdrawal. To top off the gross negligence, a sniper is reported to say he had the kamikaze bomber in his sights, but was not given clearance to pull the trigger. That’s why we lost 13 servicemen and had many wounded.

      Fighting for so many years in the Middle East was wrong for us, but that disastrous pull-out from Afghanistan was avoidable. The one thing our military did accomplish by being in Iraq and Afghanistan was, they kept us safe at home. The last time a terrorist organization attacked our homeland was September 11th, 2001. And six months after Trump became President, I stopped hearing about even lone wolf jihadists in America.

  7. The investment of a few million dollars in the Biden crime family by China & Ukraine’

    And yet not a single republican and none of you, will call the cops…..

    It’s getting repetetive this. i have to keep asking why we have never had a single conviction from all the crimes the dems are supposed to have committed.
    Why did Trump, in 4 years, never lift a finger to ‘Lock her up’? Or in the months left of his presidency try and do anything to Hunter or Joe?

    • Republicans value their image too much to prosecute their political opponents. That’s something that happens in third-world “banana republics”.

      But as we see here, Democrats have no such compunctions. They welcome “banana republic” tactics if it means they stay in power.

      Republicans need to get over it. If actual crimes have been committed, those crimes need to be prosecuted. The Left isn’t holding back; the Right shouldn’t either.

      (RE: Trump’s indictment: The charges seem to be that hush-money payments — which are NOT illegal — were classified as business and/or campaign expenses and not personal ones. If that’s the case, the accountants and maybe Trump himself should be fined, not prosecuted for felonies. [sarcasm]I’m sure Hillary’s and Biden’s expense reports have zero errors, and the fines Hillary’s campaigns paid for the “Steele dossier” were different from Trump’s misreported expenses, right?[/sarcasm])

  8. Dan S wrote
    Obama was the mastermind of the most mass shootings in an American Presidency, using the for the incessant pushing of gun control and UN Arms Treaty. Sent US Uranium to Russia and Millions to the Iranians, while also funding ISIS in Syria but pretending to be fighting them.’

    Those are crimes. What happened when you called the cops?

    • “Those are crimes. What happened when you called the cops?”

      Nothing. Unfortunately, we are saddled with a “Two-Tiered Justice System” which works, in lawfare mode, to attack the political enemies of the current corrupt regime (the indictment of Donald Trump and the storm-trooper raid on his home are prima facie evidence of this corrupt system) while shielding regime members (the passes, given to Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden (for mishandling of classified information), and Hunter Biden (for his numerous criminal activities), are prima facie evidence of this aspect of the corrupt system).

      To pretend that the regime is not self-protected (because they control the media, the Department of Justice, and most of the big-city prosecutors) from legal accountability while proclaiming that, if they escape punishment for their crimes, it MUST BE because they are lily-white innocent, is the height of being disingenuous.

      • Here is an opinion piece that is very much related to the point that I made above:

        Mr. Kane implies that times are still normal and that that the American Justice System still demands respect. Therefore, the failure of the Justice System to act against regime members or protected members of the American Left must be respected and honored. This is a point he repeatedly makes.

        However, no respect or honor is due a corrupt system. As pointed out in this opinion piece, when a once respected system has been invaded, killed, gutted, skinned, and is now being worn as a camouflage cloak, no respect is due to honor such a deception.

        A Wolf in sheep’s clothing is still a Wolf. It is the mark of a fool to be deceived by the sheep skin and stand around with your hands in your pockets expecting the Wolf to Baaa!

        Yet, Mr. Kane seems to expect that we be totally fooled by the camouflage. He demands that we shut our eyes and pretend that the Wolf is not there under the wool cloak. I, for one, am not capable of that degree of “double-think”. Yet, many on the Left are capable of it. They can blindly accept all kinds of fantasies, such as people switching genders at the drop-of-a-hat, men having periods, and the Earth turning into toast within the next decade.

        I guess it is the ultimate demand of any totalitarian regime. To be loyal to the regime, one must be able to reject reality and “double-think” their way to believing whatever narrative that the regime seeks to impose.

        George Orwell really knew what he was writing about, didn’t he? He really “hand the number” for the totalitarian mindset. His only mistake was in timing. He should have entitled his novel “2024” instead of “1984”. He was about 40 years too early! 🙂

      • @TN_MAN: RE: George Orwell:

        1984 was originally released in 1949 and told the story of a nation 35 years in the future if Socialism won.

        I credit Mr. Orwell’s timely warning with delaying that future for the 40 extra years it took to get to where we are now. That we got here anyway is simply evidence that the enemies of freedom never sleep, never stop, and never cease finding avenues to corrupt civilization from the inside.

  9. Republicans value their image too much to prosecute their political opponents. That’s something that happens in third-world “banana republics”.’

    So you are saying Trump was lying when he said he was going to ‘lock her up!’?

    What you say makes no sense. The republicans keep alleging heinous crimes but think it would make them look bad to do anything about it? Upholding the law is one of a governments main responsibilities.
    And they DO go to court against democrats. Look at attempts to overturn the 2020 election. All of which have failed. Because it didn’t happen.

    • Trump was speaking to his base, telling them what they wanted to hear. Did he ever direct his AG to open a serious criminal investigation into the Clintons’ business and “charitable” practices?

      Does that mean he was lying? Only if he said those things and never intended to follow through. (He might have and then been talked out of it later.)

      And yes, the Republicans keep alleging heinous crimes … but only on the election trail and in media interviews, and only when they’re the minority party and can’t really do anything about it. When they take the majority and/or the Oval Office and have the power and authority to really push it? Crickets.

      Republicans control the House for now. They have a committee investigating the weaponization of federal agencies … which will produce zero real results with a Dem-controlled Senate and executive branch. But are they using any of their resources or subpoena powers to look into the 2020 election “discrepancies” or the rights-violating treatment of the J6 protesters, if for no other purpose than to get facts and sworn testimony on the Congressional record? Nope. (I believe this is why the 2020 election lawsuits went nowhere: the GOP showed up with anomalies and allegations but no clear, convincing evidence of tampering or wrongdoing.)

      It’s no different from the ACA/Obamacare promises. They introduced dozens of repeal bills into a Democrat-controlled Congress — where they had zero chance of passing — but when the GOP took over and held the Presidency … nothing. Not. One. Bill.

      Sorry, but all I’m seeing are half-a$$ efforts doomed to fail from the start, and they know it. I don’t know why they can’t seem to get it together when they could really get s#!+ done — it’s like they’re afraid to act like a majority party and exercise the full authority duly vested in them under the Constitution — but they need to figure that out. Chuckie Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have it figured out and they don’t hesitate.

      • More on the Republicans’ inaction RE: J6 protesters:

        The J6 issue is just one example, but the pattern has been going on for quite a while. Promises to:
        – Investigate the DOJ and FBI for their attempted coup against the Trump administration
        – Criminally investigate the Clintons’ (and later, the Bidens’) shady business dealings
        – Investigate the Afghanistan withdrawal bumble-f@#$
        – Introduce and pass national CCW reciprocity legislation
        – Repeal Obamacare
        – Investigate the FBI and ATF over “Operation Fast & Furious” and “Project Gunrunner” (look them up) and prosecute those involved
        – Hold the IRS accountable for delaying or denying conservative non-profits’ 501(c)(3) tax status applications, sometimes for years (see: Lois Lerner)

        … the list goes on.

        All things they’ve whined about while they’re the minority party and promised they’d do if given the majority. And all things they somehow still couldn’t get done as the majority party.

  10. Leaving American weapons in Afghanistan was a disaster. Another disaster was trying to become friends with China. We, including me, thought trading with them would soften their government’s Communist ways. Capitalism lifts citizens out of poverty, and makes them more interested in making money than in making war. Or, that is the theory.

    As we know, China embraced capitalism in order to get rich, so they could build up their military. By helping China get rich, we empowered our enemy. We didn’t empower Kim Jung Un, but he uses what little wealth he has to purchase weapons, not to feed North Koreans.

    Oil was first discovered in Saudi Arabia in 1938. Western nations built their oil industry. Without it, the Middle East would be very poor. Some of that oil money falls into hands which donate it to terrorists. So, that wealth supports terrorism. Without oil, the terrorists would have a hard time arming themselves.

    Wealth is often used to purchase weapon systems which are increasingly lethal. Maybe poverty is actually better for peace, I don’t know. Poor people can fight, but their weapons are not as destructive as the weapons of rich people.

  11. ‘Any sixth-grader, presented with facts, would withdraw from Afghanistan. But the sixth-grader would first withdraw the Afghans who helped us. Then he or she would withdraw ALL of our military hardware and supplies, as Trump said, “Every screw, every bolt.” And the military would cautiously withdraw last. In fact, I’m sure the Taliban would have been happy to just allow us infidels to leave, and may even let us do it without harassment.’

    All the presidents were badly let down by the US miliary and intelligence. They must have been assured the Afghan army would fight so there was no need to leave quickly.

    You aren’t safe from terrorist attack. I could point out 911 happened under a republican president and not under Obama. But it’s irrelevant. Dubya was just unlucky it happened on his watch.
    “I won’t carry out a suicide attack because I’m worried about what the US will do back”. You really think anyones going to reason like that?

    • nicholas kane,

      About the reason jihadist terrorism seems to have stopped in the USA for now. The best explanation I have heard was told to me by a commenter on this blog. He said President Trump increased sanctions against Iran. This caused Iran to lose money, and do less funding of terrorism. He said they used to pay the families of the kamikazes, but they stopped paying them for now. So, apparently, there is less jihadist terrorism because the money has dried up.

      The old phrase applies, “Follow the money.” I thought jihadists killed infidels because of their religious beliefs. It appears to be that money has a lot to do with it, also.

  12. Oil was first discovered in Saudi Arabia in 1938. Western nations built their oil industry. Without it, the Middle East would be very poor. Some of that oil money falls into hands which donate it to terrorists. So, that wealth supports terrorism. Without oil, the terrorists would have a hard time arming themselves.’

    When the king of bahrain was told in the 30s that oil had been discovered there.
    He replied; “I wish you’d discovered water. Water makes men work. Oil sends them mad”.

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