If you follow the battle over gun owners’ civil rights, you are familiar with the landmark US Supreme Court case of Otis McDonald, et. al. v. City of Chicago in 2010, which ended the longstanding ban on handgun ownership in that city and paved the way for Illinois to become the last state to get concealed carry for ordinary private citizens.  Among the other named plaintiffs in the “et. al.” part of that were Colleen and David Lawson.  They went through a lot for all of us.

A few days ago, a terrible fire killed David’s brother and niece, and destroyed the entire place with virtually all the family’s belongings.  David and his mother barely escaped with their lives. I call your attention to their Go Fund Me page, here: https://www.gofundme.com/colvillefiresurvivors.


  1. Thanks for letting us know. Sorry to hear two people and at least three dogs perished in this tragic incident, and right before Christmas too. I just finished making a small donation, but every bit helps. Please pitch in everyone.

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