Yours truly is one of several content providers on the Wilson Combat channel on YouTube.  I recently learned that one of mine there had surpassed a million views:

or watch the video here.

The same is true of one I did earlier with Bill Wilson himself, here:

Or watch the video here.

The Wilson Combat channel includes great material from Bill and from other legends in the business: Ken Hackathorn, Larry Vickers, Mike Seeklander and more.


  1. I watch nearly all of them. Great information from Bill, Ken, Mike, and Mas of course. New drills to break the monotony

  2. The problem I have is I cast the videos from my phone to TV screen, and binge watch for hours sometimes. It is a lot better to watch than most of the crap that’s on today. I always learn something, and frequently will watch the same videos several times. Thanks for putting this content out there Mas.

  3. Make it a million and one. I just watched the answering to door at 3 am video for the 3rd time. I remember getting and installing a RING doorbell with a camera after listening the first time. The bedside nightstand gun is always in a Sticky or Keeper holster which can go in a waistband safely, quickly. This time I picked up on calling the dispatcher to confirm that police were sent to my home. Great stuff Mas.

  4. Needing a “barn gun” that could stand up to animals, wet, mud, and crud, I stopped carrying my .45 combat commander, and switched to an M&P 2.0 compact in 9. The Colt would rust if I looked at it wrong.

    For the life of me, I could not conceal the M&P. It was thick, boxy, blocky, and seemed to print under everything I wore.

    For Christmas, I bought a Ruger 1911 lightweight commander, and it was like reconnecting with an old friend. Thin, fits my hand like a glove, points like a dream, and fed everything I gave it, including a box of old, flying ashtrays. It also concealed in a bikini.

    The M&P is now relegated to practice with the local TAG group, and the Ruger is my new carry gun. The recoil is much snappier than the M&P, and my steel Colt, but it’s controllable. The 7 shot magazine? No big deal as my liberal state limits me to 10 round magazines.

    If that makes me a dinosaur, a relic, and an old geezette, then so be it. There’s a reason why this design has lasted more than 100 years.

  5. Congrats on the million views. Nice to know that other people are awakening to the need for training, and competence when acquiring a firearm.

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