A safe and happy Independence Day to you all, as we celebrate the countless American patriots of past and present who put their lives on the line to assure the freedoms we enjoy today.

Given that it was a ragtag band of Americans who brought their own guns to Lexington and Concord, and got this whole ball rolling when the British came to confiscate their hardware, the gun has long been a part of Fourth of July celebration, whether it’s hand thrown clay birds behind the farmhouse, or plinking some tin cans off the back fence with a .22.

Personally, I spent the weekend shooting a couple of pistol matches with good friends.  It’s hard to think of a better way to celebrate what the Fourth of July is all about. (In my case, I also celebrated my recently discovered freedom to get slower as I get older…but, I digress…)

Will spend part of July 4 recording a talk show for the ProArms Podcast that will touch, among other things, on how far American gun owners’ freedoms have advanced over the years. The recent passage of shall-issue concealed carry legislation in Wisconsin leaves but one state, Illinois, where there is no provision for the private citizen to legally carry concealed handguns in public to protect themselves and their loved ones. A short quarter century ago, there were seven such states.

Responsible gunfire is the sound of freedom. If it was part of your Fourth of July weekend, share it here!

Retired USAF pilot Dave “the Blaze” Blazek at a holiday-themed stage at First Coast IDPA Club, Jacksonville, FL on July 2. Safety officer Chris Christian is about to start the electronic timer, as Blazek stands at a “cookout grill” …

…at start signal, he has to dump the cooking utensils…

…and take cover and get to shooting with his 9mm Glock 34.




  1. Mas, I will give you a quote from your book in the gravest extreme: “What frightens me the most about civilians with guns is that so many of them are incredibly rotten pistol shots”(page 86 paragraph two). I believe this is still true today. This problem is obviously going to be made worse under stress. This is the main reason I feel people should not get any permit until they are competent enough to carry a gun and use it in a life and death situation. All the more when there are innocent people around during a self defense shooting incident. I personally know people who I believe over estimate their abilities and do not train properly if at all. The culture of 1776 was different than today. I believe that the average citizen owned guns they were more competent to use than on average today. I know a gentleman that has a carry permit where he did not even have to fire a gun for the course. I maintain my guns mainly for a home defense situation where my state has a castle defense law in place. I plan on getting a permit in the future and I take it very seriously. The responsibility to be competent with a gun is put solely on the individual. Considering the expense of ammo today coupled with the economy it is made more difficult. Our culture is also farther removed from the second amendment than in 1776. Guns are viewed by the general public more negatively than in 1776. There is no real standardization for competency in this country, and this can only work against law abiding gun advocates.

  2. Nice to see you at Saturday’s match. I hope you took advantage of the Summer Rule of “concealment garment optional”, and shucked the shooting jacket before the temp hit 97 Farenheit. 🙂

  3. Mas,
    What sights is “the Blaze” running? ATS or Speedsights? Have you tried the Speed sights and do you have an opinion on them?
    Happy 4th of July!

  4. While I didn’t get to go shooting for the 4th, I did get to spend it with family and one of the topics was firearms. The grandparents are getting a new revolver for home defense. Before they pick up their revolver though, the Significant Other and I will be spending some time with them. Primarily focusing on safety. I’m not going to even touch self-defense until they have safety down.

    Which brings me to Mark’s comment. I completely agree there are some people with guns in their hands who shouldn’t have them. But there are a heck of a lot of people behind steering wheels who shouldn’t be driving. The otherside would be more than willing to pass more “regulation” so things aren’t exactly ideal. Best we can do educate and I intend to make the grandparents at least safe with a firearm and maybe even a decent shot.

    Hope everyone has a fun and safe 4th!

  5. Mas, what an appropriate challenge for Independence Day at the range. Drop your bun and grab your gun! OK, so I’m not a poet. I too spent this special day at the range, working on the basics. As I sneak up ever so clumsily on the big Seven-O, I find accuracy to be more essential (and achievable) than running while gunning. It was nice to see so many other like-minded people spending Independence Day at a place that reminds us all of those whose bravery and sacrifice allowed us to be here.

  6. My thoughts from Illinois, for what they’re worth: I am very pleased to hear of Wisconsin’s recent change, and have been aware of the laws’changing nationwide since the ’80’s BUT this being Independence Day i would be remiss if I didn’t point out that we are Endowed by Our Creator with certain Unalienable Rights…. With Life being among thm, it only follows that defending that Life is sacrosanct. This is guaranteed by the Second Amendment. To wrap it up, I know I’m preaching to the choir, but there is NO legal standing for any infringement on that Right. I pray for the day when the scales are lifted from all eyes.

  7. Ted, I am a gun rights advocate and own firearms myself. Do you believe Massad Ayoob is an anti-gunner? I was quoting him from his own book. I happen to agree with him on firearms competency. To cite another quote of mas from the same book (page 117 paragraph 2), “Certain gunowners who read this book will want to kick my ass because I suggest competency tests for people who wish to carry firearms”. Incompetent gun owners only makes the anti-gunner arguments stronger. Finally Tim, the fact that there are people who should not be driving actually proves my point. They should have some competency driving their vehicles before they end up killing someone with their car. That does not even include the fact that they may also kill themselves. Should it be any different with guns? l

  8. Arff, I checked with Blaze after your comment came in, and he says his Glock 34 was wearing Sevigny Competition sights (available, IIRC, from Scott Warren Tactical). Dave painted the front orange himself.

  9. @Mark- Yup, a lot of people out there shouldn’t be driving and some adults should be in the Eddie Eagle Program. I think another issue that goes hand-in-hand with firearm competency is understanding the laws governing self-defense.

    I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been told stuff like “Shoot. Shovel. Shut-up.” Which is terrible advice that should not be followed. At least with self-defense laws you can usually give someone some good info and they’ll read it.

    With safety, a lot of people get defensive about it. I guess it’s like driving, no one likes to be told they just cut someone off etc.

  10. No shooting on the 4th; however, my wife and I went to the range with my sister and her boyfriend on the 2nd. My sister’s boyfriend recently returned from his 4th tour in Afghanistan (He is Army SF). A great time was had by all, I learned a few things from him and we all taught my sister (new shooter) a few things. FYI… my wife worked on breaking in a new M&P 9c, my sister shot a Glock 23 (old duty gun of mine), sister’s boyfriend shot a Sig P220R (NICE!) and I settled for one of my all time favorites…my Sig P225! Living in America is such a blessing and spending America’s birthday with friends and family at the range…PRICELESS!!!

  11. Hi Mas, Unrelated to this thread, Drudge has linked a number of stories regarding “Urban” youths in what the media is calling flash mobs. What these really appear to be is flash point rioting. There have been stories recently in several citys such a Philly, PA, Peoria , Il, Boston, etc where large groups of “urban” youths meet up in a specific area and reak havoc and any inocent bystanders. Given this recent crime trend, would you revisit disparity of force issues relating specifically to finding one’s self in a large Mod of teenage kids who are hell bent on tearing up everthing in their path, including people? Thanks,

  12. Our fine governor said that not that many people in Illinois want to have a concealed carry law here so we will proudly remain the only state in the union that doesn’t believe a civilian has the right to protect him/herself or any other law abiding citizen around them. Not too many people in this state want to pay the incredibly oppressive taxes of this state either but I guess the governor’s logic only applies to gun rights.

    We also remain the only state in the union where people have honestly called for the National Guard to patrol the streets of a major city (Chicago) to help fight the crime that has gotten so far out of control.

    You have got to love Illinois, where the state retirement plan for governors is a federal prison. That’s where the last two governors are retiring…

    Happy 4th to all!

  13. The 4th weekend gave me an opportunity to run some experiments in my back yard; the “laboratory” so to speak. Cardboard, string, staples, rope and lath and I had reactive targets that moved in most unpredicatable manners with the wind. Also validated a scenario regarding speed vs. precision would work as long as the focus was accuracy not speed; I’m sure it will give my fellow shooters at the club fits of conniptions and plenty of penalty points (along with a lesson learned). A Kimber 1911 .22 conversion unit installed on a Kimber frame I’m working on customizing was the learning tool of choice. I have set all my 1911’s with the same controls to enable experience gained with one to translate across all.

    Evening fireworks gave sonic cover to low light experiments in the evening with my S&W M&P 15-22 and a Trijicon Reflex dot sight. I am just beginnig to appreciate the strength of this tool and explore limitations. So far, I have found the advantage of a red dot on a carbine to be incredible in terms of aiming speed compared to point shooting or iron sights.

    Also loaded some 32 H&R mag loads to gain some familiarity with a K frame 32 H&R mag I acquired. I still have a hard time warming up to it; but would like to shoot it in some scenarios to evaluate it further.

    When you take responsiblity for your own safety and security; practice is not optional. Neither is allowing your skills and knowledge to stagnate; you are obligated to acquire competency through training and a process of continuous learning. I am truly thankful that I live in the US and have that opportunity to practice skill at arms; like most Upstate New York firearms owners, I also realize that these rights come only through vigilance and perseverance.

  14. Thanks for the feedback Mas…. I should have know if it was blaze orange he had painted it himself… ;^)

  15. Spent the morning of the 4th at an IDPA practice shoot. Great fun and a great way to celebrate Independence Day.

    A couple weeks ago I had thought my Springfield XDm was shooting low and to the left. After reviewing notes from my class with Mas [ 1) strong stance, 2) crush grip, 3) front sight, 4) roll trigger ] I went to the range and took some slow deliberate shots. I found out that the problem wasn’t my gun. 😉

  16. This last week, the Second Amendment Foundation filed an injunction against the Illinois carry ban, following their victory against Chicago’s gun range ban in the 7th Circuit where they were represented by attorney Alan Gura. It’s only a matter of time…

    Full story: http://www.saf.org/viewpr-new.asp?id=365

  17. Independence….It may soon be taking another hit. I just read M. Bane’s fri. blog and he refers to a USA Today article about Obama getting ready to put out new gun regulations by E.O. God help the Republic.

  18. Yea they’re at it again. Hoping it’s just hot air like it has been but some gun rights groups are speculating it won’t be much if anything. I believe NRA said it will most likely be a “tweak” to the background check.

    Heh I’d love to see Congress pass Firearms Freedom Act at the National level under Obama’s term.