My, it has been an interesting last few days.  As we come down to the wire of the election, things aren’t looking good from the gun owners’ perspective.

The “L” party might have foreseen that this year would have been the best ever to really put a third party on the radar screen.  Instead, they dragged their feet and didn’t offer candidates to the public until late in the game.  Their Presidential candidate seems to think Aleppo is a brand of dog food, their Veep choice was a vehement anti-gunner when he occupied a Governor’s Mansion, and they really aren’t in position to do anything but suck votes away from the one person who can beat the candidate who has declared us to be an “enemy.”

The “R” party had four years to mentor a viable candidate, didn’t, and got what it got. Whether Donald Trump has been hoisted by his own petard in the last few days, or sandbagged by hostile media and political machines, or both, his candidacy has been badly hurt.

My own biggest concern is the House and Senate.  The next President will doubtless appoint multiple Supreme Court justices in a time when even the one due appointee will tip the balance of our highest Court.  That nominee will have to be confirmed by the Senate.  Now, I’m an Independent, not a Republican, but I’m one of the many other people Ronald Reagan was speaking for when he said “I didn’t abandon the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party abandoned me.” You have only to look at the Democrats’ own published platform to see how hostile the Ds are to law-abiding American gun owners.

I implore you, don’t give up and boycott the election. Vote for pro-gun candidates in the House and Senate.  Vote for pro-gun candidates within your own state legislatures, where the Bloomberg anti-gun forces will be pushing heavily for state-by-state restrictions in the coming years.

It matters.



  1. I’m hoping that the people who take the polls are still rigging the numbers, and
    there will be an upset in november . keeping the house and adding to the senate will at least give us a chance to keep fighting,a trump win would do wonders for the odds. ‘course I still buy lotto tickets (and ain’t no limos in my driveway yet!) but ya gotta hope!

  2. The ‘L’ Party was late to the game? Their slate was set in May, while the ‘R’ and ‘D’ parties didn’t set theirs until late July.

  3. Mas,

    Thanks for the reminders to pay attention to the less publicized local races for governor, house, senate, and state legislatures. I agree: they’re huge.


  4. Said restrictions happened in Oregon, last session, with a lot of help from Mr. Bloomberg. We now have “universal background checks” and absolutely no reduction in the crime rate. Stay vigilant, vote, and hold elected officials accountable.

  5. I share the concern about Congress. Based upon experience of what’s now called dignitary protection, I have great fears about the integrity of the voting process in certain areas. The legal reps for the parties are gonna make a fortune out of this election.

  6. The computer posted for me. I wanted to add that the USSC is my greatest fear. The current nominee appears to have never seen a government action he didn’t support.

  7. Words. I need lots of words. Too many words are needed to express what my heart and mind feel and know.

    It is getting ugly. But then, when has it not been so in the history of man?

  8. 30years later they decide they didn’t like it???? Wonder how much this is costing Soros? Not sure anymore it matters who wins, the elite powerbrokers can turn anyone. Just ask JFK or any of dozens in the wake of HRC. The right words can make a lapdog of just about anyone.

  9. Let’s make sure that we are registered to vote, that we identify the most pro-firearm choices (starting with Donald Trump), and that we get out and vote. Not so difficult. We have at least not yet reached the stage of third world countries where the winning candidates have gotten massacred wholesale. I keep expecting some of our politicians to wipe each other out, though.

    Went to the new “Magnificent Seven” movie last week. Usual extremely wolfish Hollywood misuse of firearms depicted. Little sign in the theater said: “No firearms please.” Without firearms to use against 200 hard-core villains from Sacramento (probably unemployed politicians), the seven heroes would be the “Seven Ridiculously Toothless Sheepdogs.” Ineffective sheepdogs in the moment means wolves rule, and no real peace obtains. Let’s act bravely, vote with our feet as well as at the polls, and make our position known.

  10. I don’t believe “R” Senators have enough backbone to stand up to HRC.
    In Illinois our districts have been so gerrymandered that having a choice has already been decided.

  11. There it is, in a nutshell: should Hi-liar-y be elected President, and Dems win majorities in both the House and Senate— she’ll get to pick Anton Scalia’s replacement on the Supreme Court. That is something that could indeed fundamentally alter the destiny of our Nation— for at least the next couple decades, and possibly forever.

    Once the RKBA is gone— and those who wanted it gone are in charge of the schools and the media, and thus able to mold public opinion of upcoming generations— it would be an uphill battle to ever get it back.

    In an unguarded moment in a recent interview, Liberal Justice Ruth Ginsburg let slip how eager she was to overturn the Heller case. In Heller, the majority of Justices affirmed that the Second Amendment applies to individual private citizens like you and me, and not just to an undefined ‘militia’.

    Should Heller be overturned, and the Second Amendment construed to only apply to militia, then— despite the continuing presence of the Second Amendment in the text of the Constitution— AMERICAN CITIZENS WILL NO LONGER HAVE ANY SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS. This would clear the way for any gun control measures the Dems were able to pass. All those ‘assault weapon’ bans, bans on hi-cap mags, concealed-carry restrictions, and restrictions on ammo that they’ve tried to enact over the years— will suddenly become possible.

    Even without a Dem majority in both Houses, if Hi-liar-y has a friendly Supreme Court to work with, she may decide to enact her “common-sense gun safety regulations” via Executive Order; confident that the liberal-majority Court will ‘discover’ a way to declare her actions Constitutional.

    So Mas is right: America is facing a Constitutional crossroads that could forever change our destiny as a Nation: we could forever lose one of the basic Freedoms our Nation was founded on: our right to own and carry guns.

    No matter what you might think of Trump: to vote for anyone else— or to not vote for anyone— is to make it more likely that Hi-liar-y will win, and our Second Amendment rights disappear, quite possibly to never return.

  12. By the way; I hear that WJC is laying in a supply of cigars to celebrate the inauguration!

  13. The mainstream media has failed to report and investigate events but rather has become in large part a campaign arm for Hillary and the Democrats. And then there is Wikileaks and their apparently accurate exposures of felony crimes by those same groups. The corruption in the FBI / DOJ on Hillary’s espionage violations from her e-mail server are a clear warning sign of what’s ahead. I’ve voted in every election since 1968 when I turned 21 and will again next month. But barring Wikileaks or Putin et al. releasing those missing 33,000 Hillary e-mails and a resulting late surge for the Republican Party and Trump / Pence, methinks Mas is again correct and we may have to ‘hold the line’ via the House and Senate for four years. The again, Obama might start WW III … Be safe.

  14. All well said and quite clear, of course. HRC=SCOTUS. It’s incumbent upon all of us to work to sway all those who say they won’t vote Trump or won’t vote at all. The “hold your nose and vote for Hillary” crowd is gone to us; it’s those who think they’re making a third-party statement or holier-than-thou statement by not voting for DJT that will sink the country. Make no mistake: There will be no turning back if HRC tips the scales of the Supreme Court. Colleges have turned out the next highly weaponized group of “educated” millennials, complete with PhDs in “culture” studies, to ensure they maintain the “intellectual high ground” against those flyover hicks and uncredentialed, knuckle-dragging clinging-to-guns types.

    Mas said to write to newspapers, etc. I want everyone here to start their own blog, their own Twitter account, their own Facebook page, and begin countering the daily poison spewed by the HRC propagandists. Post daily about the positive aspects of your shooting/2A activities. It has to be done. Even if Trump wins, it’s an uphill battle that we all have to engage in. He’ll face not only congressional pushback but outright war from the “legitimate” media and SJWs/BLM’ers. Trump can’t do it alone — we need to engage in the fight alongside him.

  15. If HRC wins I will skip my December mortgage payment and buy $1000+ worth of projectiles, powder and primers.

  16. No matter how you choose to vote next month, know that this matter is out of our hands. It has been legislated and bargained out of our hands by those on both sides of the aisle who have sold their souls for political power. Their country and everyone else but themselves mean less to them than their titles and their power over others. It is truly a sickness that humans can develop, and especially so when they put human power above the Divine.

    So, vote as you will…but never stop praying. On November 8th I will be on my knees and begging God to help us, though it may not seem that we as a country want His help or His guidance. And to all reading this: Thank you for letting this crazy guy in the corner speak his piece…and ask herein for His Peace as well.


  17. Fear not, Comrades! Have faith and maintain hope of salvation.

    The witch, while piloting her broom to the third debate, may be brought down by a long range thunderbolt hurled by Zeus from Mount Olympus.

    Or she may accidentally fly into a time warp, experience broom trouble and crash land in 1600’s Salem where she’ll be honored with a big barbecue.

    If the witch occupies the White House, then BOHICA and we’ll be FUBAR!

  18. Yes, the American People have been (and on November 8th) will again be sold out and betrayed. The Leftists have almost total control of the Mainstream Media (MSM) and the Education System. Their propaganda floods the airways 24/7/365 and the effect is to slowly but surely “brainwash” the youth of America. Soon, they will control the SCOTUS. With the gradual destruction of all opposing political parties, they are slowly steering the U.S.A into being a single-party State. They are crushing democracy under the false flag of preserving it.

    Nevertheless, a Day of Atonement is coming! It may still be years down the road but the social forces that they are manipulating to place themselves in eternal power will eventually turn and crush them. That is the pattern of History.

    Thomas Jefferson said: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

    It will soon be watering time!

  19. James O’Keefe just dropped a nuclear bomb on the Killery campaign, with more to come tomorrow.
    I won’t say this could be it, but….

  20. I consider myself a libertarian-leaning conservative evangelical independent, and I disagree with a majority of what Hillary Clinton says and does. I don’t think she is trustworthy, I think she is corrupt, I think she panders, I think she uses carefully-worded legalese that leaves promises full of loopholes, and I think she wants to significantly devalue the 2nd Amendment.

    However, Donald Trump is, to me, even less palatable. I’m not sure I have ever seen someone who personifies as many negative adjectives as he does. His record on virtually every issue of concern is marked with reversals, lies, and hate, and I cannot see a way to vote for him while retaining any shred of personal dignity and decency.

    I never thought I’d say this, but I would rather see a Clinton presidency than a Trump presidency. You can fight what you know; Hillary Clinton might be at the opposite end of your political spectrum, but at least she’s consistent. Trump is so unpredictable, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that he would take the Oath of Office and in the next moment sign an EO offering amnesty to illegal aliens, opening the borders, and requiring universal background checks and security clearances for ammunition purchases of more than 49 rounds. All while claiming he never said anything about building a wall or supporting the 2nd.

    I will be voting, but not for either of the major party candidates. If we want to fix a broken system, we can’t do it by continuing the status quo.

  21. There is a brand new weekly podcast from Bright that starts this October 18. I have read AWR Hawkins for several years and his attention to what is happening politically should be of great value to us as a pro gun rights group.

    From Brightbart:

    Breitbart’s Second Amendment and firearms reporter AWR Hawkins, who was awarded both “Journalist of the Year” and “Gun Rights Defender of the Year” at the Gun Rights Policy Conference last year, will bring on a host of guests every week, including firearm manufacturers, gun rights scholars, lawmakers, and leaders in the pro-gun movement.

  22. Well, we just voted Absentee, and are much relieved that the 2016 Campaign is behind us, and that Voting for Donald J. Trump, and other Republican’s, wasn’t so Bad, or Hard, after all!


  23. If Hillary wins, what State in the lower 48 would be the most likely to resist changes to the Second Amendment as it now stands!!

  24. Where is the “L” party getting all that money for Florida media buys? Yup, it is a front group by the democrat party to scuttle support for TRUMP. Gary Johnson is an open pot smoker, a prohibited person…

    Anyone who sits out the election or votes third party to stroke their moralistic ego, is a collaborator with Crooked Hillary.

    Donald Trump is the man with the stature and independence to take on the establishment and drain the corrupt swamp of Washington DC.

    It is that simple.

    TRUMP 1776 V Socialism 1984 – Americanism NOT Globalism Will Be Our Credo!

  25. Methinks the liberal media had scored a major victory for the HillBilly campaign when they boosted Donald Trump in the primaries to help him defeat the other 16 Republican candidates. Trump, other than Chris Christie and Lindsey Graham was the one person HillBilly had the best chance of beating so ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and other liberal spewers of yellow journalism did their best to boost up Trump so their diabolical broom riding candidate can beat him later.

    Of course, Trump being the egotistical and narcissistic dude that he is, really thought he was tremendously popular and underestimated his sneaky, win-at-any cost competition, thinking just his name would propel him into the White House, never realizing that the scheming media, in close coordination with HillBilly’s henchpersons, will later turn on him with never ending vicious personal attacks. Even if Trump has enough voters to help him win, the Democrats have enough dead voters, people not eligible to vote, and numerous liberal mercenaries to help them commit massive fraud to put HillBilly back into the White House to finish destroying our nation, and depending on what could happen internationally, maybe even destroy the world. We live in very dangerous times.

    Take care brothers and sisters. We are in for a rough and wild ride!

  26. As anyone paying attention to the electoral standings of the presidential campaign is aware, this one is already decided against us barring a historical event that brings Clinton’s world crashing down around her.

    Fun to fantasize about, but not likely, shes been playing this game of skeletons and spin for decades.

    So at best, voting for Trump is a protest vote as there is no historical precedence for a comeback this late in the game, especially since Trump likely isn’t done sabotaging himself yet, and Clinton is still massively outspending and out campaigning him.

    (What happened to all that talk of self financing from his “billions” for his own campaign? Perhaps his business sense of backing a sinking boat has gotten the better of him?)

    While I have no reservations about voting for Johnson and not voting for Trump just to make a political statement, I do hold the same dislike of those who will sit out the entire election in disillusionment. There is no law saying you HAVE to tick every box, but for Gods sake, at least tick the boxes that have a chance to make a difference! Even if its just a vote to make a statement, vote!

    As Mas states, holding the line with the Senate is an absolute must, and is indeed possible because the individual vote still counts at that level, every single one. The supreme court is indeed where the 2nd Amendment will be strengthened or broken, so the Senate is the key.

    Its going to be interesting to see how badly the living blunder that is Trump will hurt us all in the House and Senate, not to mention the local races. Lets hope people realize that Trump is no representative of the republican party as a whole, but as a failed experiment and a poor character choice for a anti-establishment middle ground.

  27. I will vote across the board for Republicans including Donald Trump. Our gun rights, as well as many other rights and the economy of our nation are completely at stake. To abstain from voting on the Presidential Ticket is illogical, even if neither of the two (major) candidates are whom you wish to be President. ONE OF THEM WILL BE. Make a decision which one you’d rather see in the White House and ACT. Vote for that one. To not vote for one of them is to leave that decision in the hands of other people, at least half of whom are by definition, not as intelligent as you are.

  28. If Clinton wins, and fills Scalia’s seat, the Supreme Court will have a majority of Democrat appointees for the first time since 1969.

    In 1858, when Lincoln ran against. Douglas for U.S. Senator from Illinois, the election was actually for the state legislature, which would elect the Senator. But the Senate election was considered so important that the legislative election became a proxy for it. State issues were ignored.

    It is arguable that the Supreme Court seat is to this election what the Senate seat was in 1858. Cruz endorsed Trump, despite Trump’s vicious personal attacks on him and his family. There are those who think a deal was made – that Trump promised Cruz the vacant seat if elected. I’d take that deal.

    The Court is important enough today that it is justifiable to treat the Presidency as a proxy for it.

  29. Trump is about as good a candidate as the American people could get. For one thing he isn’t a politician mired in the eternal corruption of washington. We couldn’t get a “poor” man, a little guy so to speak, because such a person could never self-finance his own campaign. besides which Trump has received more “small” donations than any previous republican showing a high degree of popularity with real people.
    We cannot know what he will do if elected, we only know what he says he’ll do. We know what Clinton will do and we also know it won’t be what she says. Just like every other politician we know she’s lying to us. We also have a very good idea of her draconian view of the Bill of Rights/Constitution and her belief that it is in need of a complete rewrite/reinterpretation. We cannot allow her to be in the position to appoint new justices.
    As for the senate and the house. We see today how utterly ineffective they are in actively protecting the Constitution and standing up to an overreaching president. Do we really think they’ll do better against hillary?
    Left wingers, socialists, do-gooders start wars by first demonizing their opponents. Then they make war on their de-humanized enemies. This what hillary is doing in her campaign.

    “Human rights” supporters begin by stripping the humanity from their opponents, then strip them of their rights as well.

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