What does Shannon Watts, mouthpiece for the Bloomberg anti-gun front group Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, have in common with the New York Daily News?  They both recently told the world that the National Rifle Association is a bunch of hypocrites because they want their members to be able to carry on the streets, but won’t let them pack heat at their own annual conference later this week in Nashville, TN.

Uh…wrong.  One venue for some of the festivities is posted against concealed carry – the venue’s choice, not NRA’s – but the main convention will find attendees welcome to carry if they may legally do so.  Details here, from the ever diligent Dave Workman: http://www.examiner.com/article/press-social-media-blows-it-reporting-on-nra-working-gun-ban .

Speaking of Ms. Watts, last year she held a tiny “counter-demonstration” to oppose the NRA being in her home town, which in 2014 was Indianapolis.  Significant Other and I went over to see it, and found that the Bloomberg folks had had to bus in people.  They also had Ms. Watts surrounded with armed bodyguards of Men In Black motif.  We outed them here and elsewhere.

Ms. Watts has announced that she’ll have another counter-demo in Nashville this weekend, but the location has not yet been announced. Perhaps it’s “by invitation to bused-in Bloomberg minions only.”  Or maybe they’re wondering whether or not to have it in a gun-free park…and how it will affect their armed bodyguards if they do.

And they call us hypocrites…



  1. The Moms will look for a place with good visuals. They may repeat a park and that gives two choices: Victory Park located north of the convention center and with the Capitol as background, but may be too close to the action.
    The other one is Centennial Park, about 2 miles west and with the full size replica of Parthenon as background. Carrying a firearm is not allowed in Centennial Park or in any place under the control of Metro Parks and Recreation Department. Victory park does not appear on the list.

  2. She has not always gone by the name Shannon Watts. She has been a very highly paid poltical activist in the Democrate circles. Her property tax card is a matter of public record in Boone Co. Indiana. Not the “average” mom she tries to play.

  3. Typical of all these Anti-Gun Liberals.

    They either are armed, themselves, or surround themselves with Government Armed Agents, or Armed Private Security.

    Their real message to us, and the rest of the world, is: “We are better, and more Important, than You ARE, so only WE can be ARMED, YOU can’t”.

  4. Someone who lives in the area needs to call the police and report Shannon Watts bodyguards are carrying guns in a “Gun free zone”
    Should make interesting headlines.
    Paul in Texas

  5. I read the whole anti gun article yesterday. I’m not exaggerating one bit when I say just about every sentence is a lie. The blame the NRA for following federal, state and local laws to make the NRA look like hypocrites. What a hatchet job.

  6. How do the organized anti-gun groups, homosexual anti-Christian groups and atheist groups mesh together?
    Are we seeing the big picture or are we having a case of target fixation caused by attacks on the 2nd Amendment?
    If they are not orchestrated it’s an amazingly efficient coincidence.

  7. @Lew: It’s not really a coincidence, but neither is it the conspiracy you imply that it is. And, indeed, what it really is also includes the Second Amendment rights you refer to.

    It’s the result of the maturing of Constitutional law through clarification by the Supreme Court which took place during the second half of the 20th Century and which is still continuing today. To a lesser extent, it’s also the result of the increasing secularization of United States society, though it’s an interesting question whether that is a cause or a result of the maturing of Constitutional law or some of both. http://www.pewforum.org/2012/10/09/nones-on-the-rise/

    The recent Supreme Court cases defining an individual right under the Second Amendment are part of that maturation, though we’re still waiting to see just how far the Supremes believe that right to extend and, as a result, things are still unsettled, with opposing parties still testing the waters in both directions. Gay rights are also part of it, but with even less resolution at this point.

    It’s not that we’re so coordinated, it’s more that we’re all just playing out of the same constitutional playbook.


    Agent 678375: Set out above is the approved text for your posting at the Massad Ayoob gun blog. BE SURE TO REMOVE THIS TEXT BEFORE CUTTING AND PASTING IT TO THE SUBMISSION BLANK. Also find attached the revised maps showing the new extensions to the tunnels, and I hope to see you at Jim and Fred’s wedding next month (don’t forget to bring your robes and regalia, you know how bad the loaners are).

    Response Coordinator
    (Deep Web Email Service only)

  8. Hey Lew:

    It is possible to be LGBT, pro-gun, and more economically conservative than Attila the Hun.

    Just sayin’.

  9. Armed people are free. Disarmed people are slaves, or they can be enslaved very easily. THEY want to control us. I think the only way to defeat our armed citizenry would be to turn off all electricity for one year. Perhaps 90% of our population would be dead after a year without power. I might be able to last three months. The liberals can only dream, lie, and try to coerse us with laws and the media. They don’t have real power to turn their dreams into reality. Where in the world have any of their ideas worked; Russia, China, Vietnam, North Korea, East Germany, Cuba, Venezuela, California?

  10. Sir:
    It was a pleasure seeing you at the NRA legal seminar today. I enjoyed your lecture. I thought it was a well organizationed and interesting presentation. I hope they have you back again next year. If you do come back, please bring some books and do a book signing. Thank you.

  11. Lew, I gotta tell ya, I have a lot of LGBT friends and students who are on our side in this fight.

    Lawrence, many thanks. I’ll be at the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network booth with copies of my book Deadly Force, tomorrow and Sunday. (Noon-2PM and 2-4PM respectively, I believe.) Get there early, the books tend to go quick.

  12. Hey Lew,

    Suppose you tell us how those groups mesh together. The way I see it is who needs guns more than the LGBT community, who have a history of violence inflicted upon them and atheists, the one last group that is socially accepted to bash?
    Tell us how they mesh together with the anti-gun groups.

    The Evil Princess

  13. Lew,

    I will attempt to answer your question, but I’m sure others on this site can do a better job. You asked, “How do the organized anti-gun groups, homosexual anti-Christian groups and atheist groups mesh together?” The answer has to do with ALLEGIANCE TO THE STATE (or government). Marx taught that citizen’s allegiance must not be to any thing other than the state. Allegiance to family, or religion, or anything other than the state would weaken the power, unity and authority of the state. If a country has these other allegiances, it must be weakened before transforming to communism. Anything which strengthens the power of individuals (like weapons), or commands their loyalty, (like family ties or religious beliefs and organizations) must be weakened and destroyed before the transition to the worker’s paradise can succeed.

    Didn’t Kruschev say America would be defeated from within, during that speech before the United Nations where he pounded his shoe on the podium? He was right, that is what has been going on in America for at least fifty years. {Some might say America was weakened by President Wilson, or Teddy Roosevelt. Southerners might say the federal government has been growing since Lincoln. The anti-Federalists didn’t like the Constitution.} So, any group which seeks to destroy allegiance to the state could be part of that meshing you mentioned. Of course, life is complicated, so you can have all kinds of varieties of groups. Individuals can transcend categories.

    I am not a monarchist, but I suppose if a monarch believed the same things I believe, and he or she gave me a good government job, well then I just might become a monarchist. Ha Ha. The problem is that human beings are so easily corruptible. Otherwise, we could trust them with government power. But most human beings can’t be trusted with power. Monarchies have been disposed of because most monarchs became corrupt. Our system is “government of the people, by the people and for the people.” But what will happen if “the people” become corrupt?

  14. Mas, a serious question. The issue of illegal immigrants being given ” become a citizen free” cards, getting a vote, and giving our lib-progressive enemies who they’ll be beholden to a super majority that will doom such freedoms as the 2nd Amendment forever.
    May I ask you to please talk to Mike Vanderbaugh of Sipsey Street Irregulars? He will be at the Annual Meetings.
    These questions need to be asked, not ignored, either by the NRA, or the politicians who curry our favor.

  15. JohninMd, I’ll keep an eye out for Mike, though with 70,000 folks milling about out here, not all paths will cross.

  16. Blooper alert! In my long post above, one sentence reads, “So, any group which seeks to destroy allegiance to the state could be part of that meshing you mentioned.”

    It should read, “…..destroy allegiance to anything other than the state…….”

    Eeesh. I’m beginning to sound like the legalese I despise. Gotta keep it simple.

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