As the most bizarre Presidential campaign of my relatively long life continues, I find myself longing for the elusive Ideal Candidate.

If you’ve been reading this blog for enough years, you know my ideal candidate is Condi Rice. She was a vastly better Secretary of State than Hillary Clinton.  Dr. Rice is a self-made success: brilliant, indomitable in debate, respected throughout the world, embodies gravitas, and not incidentally is a strong supporter of individual Second Amendment rights.

I’m not the only one who thinks so.  See this, from Michael Gerson in the Washington Post.

Who thinks it’s time for a Draft Condi movement?


  1. Liberal Dave,

    Me thinks you are being facetious by declaring your faith in the “Flying Spaghetti Monster”, but on the outside chance you are being serious, you are most probably a follower of, and maybe even a disciple of his only begotten son, Charles Darwin. If so, your holy book would, quite naturally, be “The Origin of Species”. In his book, the author espoused, as his over-riding law, the “survival of the fittest”, as being a “natural law”. In order for the “fittest” to survive, it would, quite naturally, follow that each specie be able to defend itself against any and all aggressors, lest it become extinct. Thus, self defense is not a creation of U.S. culture, rather, it pre-dates your religion’s story of creation, when we crawled, or wiggled out of the primordial slime. Seemingly, your chosen deity chose to endorse self defense.

    Still friends.

  2. Nice to know that you believe in things, that people see during a Hallucinogenic Acid Trip Dream!

    At least I believe in the same things as our Constitutional Republic’s Founding Fathers did, and which they thoughtfully included in our Republic’s most sacred Governing Document.

    These far sighted, and God Fearing men, admitted that America’s Constitution, and Bill of Rights, although not totally inclusive, pretty much Codified the Bibles Ten Commandments, as an example of how a “Free People” could, and should, live their lives in accordance with the Principal’s of their Maker’s tenants!

  3. I apologize Mas. I started this discourse quite innocently. It took on a life of it’s own. (really it was Liberal Dave’s fault, but I’m not a snitch)-(a little cop lingo there)

    Laughing out loud, as they say.

    God, I love these guys!! (oops!)

  4. Dennis, the holy books of Pastafarianism are “The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster” and “The Loose Canon”. And, yes, still friends.

    Don, please understand that I don’t oppose self-defense nor do I believe it should be restricted beyond its ordinary limits. I only brought it up because of the very odd way the HuffPost writer mentioned by Dennis used it.

  5. I am really late to the tread.

    I’m older than Mas. The only President I ever wanted to vote for was Ike. Nixon was OK and all the rest left a bitter taste in my mouth. I’m a Democrat that’s been registered as a Republican for 30 years. I always voted for a GOP President.

    In 2008 the Democrats outnumber GOP 2 to 1. This year we have more Republicans than Democrats.

    I’ll bite my toung and vote for Trump

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