Is there a possibility that we have been misled about the inevitability of a Hillary Clinton Presidency? One dares to hope.  Am I the only one who has noticed we’re seeing far fewer “X For President” signs on homeowners’ lawns than we have in past elections?  It would be in keeping with the general lack of enthusiasm we’re seeing for either candidate. That said, though, most places I go when I do see those lawn signs, there are a lot more for Trump than for Clinton.

Can we have – gasp – been misinformed? Well, here’s what they have to say about it over at The Conservative Treehouse.

And of course, she has declared the NRA to be the “enemy,” and by extension, all of us five million or so members. Her animosity toward gun-owning citizens is not by any means limited to the National Rifle Association. It extends, apparently, to any and all who keep firearms for self-defense. The woman is pretty cavalier about whom she antagonizes.

Including cops. Hillary Clinton proclaimed no interest in an endorsement by a major police union; it’s not every Democrat who turns down union endorsements.   Mrs. Clinton, by all accounts, has small love for law enforcement including those who protect her. Her disdain for her Secret Service bodyguards is legend.  Apparently the FBI agents assigned as her executive security when she was Secretary of State also found it to be true.

Spread the word. Time is short.


  1. Driving through three states over two weeks I’ve been actively looking – 0 signs for HC. 2-3 for DT. Dozens for Gary Johnson — All while there are signs everywhere for down-ticket races. Candidates are just not associating themselves with the presidential race. I don’t know if this means everyone is disgusted, disengaged, or what – but it is interesting.

  2. This election news cycle reminds me of the run up to the Brexit referendum. Turns out the liberal aristocracy did not have the control they thought they did. One can only hope that our outcome will be the same.

  3. I here ‘ya, Mas. I haven’t seen any HRC signs in front yards, either, but I have seen ONE HRC bumper sticker on the road. Trump signs and bumper stickers, on the other hand, have been countless.

    Just who am I to believe?

    HRC’s supportive and complicit MSM, or my lyin’ eyes?

  4. My wife and I have also noticed few bumper stickers. We have seen only 1 yard sign and it was a Trump sign!

  5. Kind of off topic but when it comes to abortion, it is inherently racist, as far more black babies are aborted than whites.

  6. Everyone in my small town of some 20,000 residents is voting for Trump. Everyone but me. I’m the only one who does not have a Trump sticker on my truck or a sign in my yard. I just put up my Gary Johnson sign. I fully expect to be egged.

  7. The terrible choices we have for president in 2016 cause me wish for a new Constitutional Convention to drastically overhaul our outdated and corrupt political system. Presently it is almost impossible for decent, thoughtful and competent candidates to have a realistic shot at high political office in America. Term limitations, outlawing big donor campaign contributions, long prison sentences for political corruption, anyone?

  8. Fox News’ most recent poll, hardly from the “liberal mainstream media” has Clinton ahead by 5-6 points.

  9. Here in Southern Illinois I have yet to see one yard sign for Clinton. I’ve seen numerous ones for Trump; more so in the last three or so weeks it seems. Have to agree with Mas about there being fewer signs this election year at first.

  10. My one hope is that Clinton is believing her own hype so much that she’ll never see the defeat until it bites her on the butt.

  11. Spencer,

    The system may be corrupt, but the Constitution is just fine, battered and beaten maybe, but still the finest of its kind ever conceived. I can’t imagine a Constitutional Convention that would not end up controlled by the same type of corrupt people as those who have abused the one we have.

    Have you ever noticed that the Oath of Office for politicians, military personnel, and police officers doesn’t include swearing to protect the people or the real estate inside the borders of their jurisdiction? Rather, the oath requires them to promise to uphold, defend, protect, support the Constitution of The United States of America. Why is this? I submit that the Constitution is intended to protect the people, and the people are meant to hold the oath takers accountable through the election process, hopefully.

    The founders provided for other remedies, if needed. I pray for good people to replace the corrupt by the election process, making other actions unnecessary.

  12. I believe that the louder, the more shrill and the more far fetched the accusations coming from Mrs. Clinton the better Mr. Trump must be positioned with the voters.
    I’m waiting for the poll results that matter, election day

  13. I see Trump signs & sticker and hear most everyone I know saying Trump. No hrc signs, stickers. I mostly avoid the big cities and liberal states.

    Sadly, I visit Cambridge MA regularly now. My son moved from a beautiful post & beam on 10+ acres with turkey, woodcock, deer, trout, beaver and bear in rural ME to a 2 bedroom apartment and a high 6 figure job in Cambridge/Boston. Recently while visiting I ran into a neighbor. She was organizing at the rather substantial complex for a hrc rally and social. These people are so dense. Pun intended: the nest in dense populations in cities. I think it causes brain damage being so closely packed. I fear for my family being in that environment.

    The densely populated areas of big cities and suburbs is where all the densely cognitive elete hrc supporters hang out (for the most part anyway).


  14. Yes, it is hard to believe anything that the mainstream media says. They have lobbied so hard for the democrats and Hillary all along that they cannot be considered to provide accurate and unbiased information.

    Just this morning I turned on NPR radio in the car on the way to work. NPR is so left-wing that they are always good for a laugh.

    So, it proved this morning. The first thing that came on was a story that carefully explained that anyone voting for Trump was a sexist pig! Think I exaggerate? Well, read it for yourself:

    It made me laugh, of course. I can always use a good laugh on a Monday morning. The disconnect of the media types is amazing. Don’t they realize that anyone who would be swayed by such PC B.S. is already in Hillary’s pocket? Anyone who hates this leftist PC crap is just going to laugh about it like I did.

    I suppose that this was just a “feel-good” story for the so called “journalist” who wrote it. She got her plug in for Hillary today! She struck her blow for “The Cause”! However, such stories damage any credibility that NPR could claim to be unbiased and true journalists.

  15. Eddie for Gary Johnson: Please let us know if you really get egged. Meanwhile, let’s remember that Hillary might be putting some Gary Johnson signs out surreptitiously in Republican areas.

  16. We see many Trump/Pence signs, but have only seen a couple of H signs in our small island community. Interestingly, the H signs are split between old, rundown houses and middle income types, but Trump/Pence signs are on most of the high-priced spread homes. Apparently the higher earners think little of the clinton promises and are more than willing to take their chances with Trump.

  17. I believe that even if Trump wins the election, the administration will declare the election invalid. They will claim that the Russians have hacked the polls and a win for Trump couldn’t be valid. They will point to all the polls and the MSM that overwhelmingly predicted a Hillary win as reason why a Trump win couldn’t be valid. The Republicans will stand down since they don’t want a Trump win either. This is why Obama is blaming the Russians for the DNC email hack. It gets everyone use to the idea that our elections are no longer safe from intervention. I would also expect them to produce some phony-baloney evidence of the hacking for the unthinking masses.

    If we get an ensuing social unrest, then Obama will simply declare martial law. This all sounds extreme and I hope it doesn’t happen, but after the FBI gave Hillary a clean bill of health, I assume the system is so corrupt at this point that democracy will no longer have a fair arena.

    BTW, about the Fox news poll. Fox news supports the Republican party, but they don’t support Trump. They are very much part of the MSM. They are not part of the alternative media.

  18. Hillary Clinton proclaimed no interest in an endorsement by a major police union … Her disdain for her Secret Service bodyguards is legend. … FBI agents assigned as her executive security … also found it to be true.

    Head of State Rule One: Never, ever, piss off your praetorians.

  19. This is the craziest & most unpredictable presidential election that I have ever witnessed, so I don’t think anyone really knows what will happen. Here are some possibilities, though, based on my observations.

    Back in 1968, Sen. Eugene McCarthy ran against incumbent president LBJ in the Democratic primaries & did much better than expected in the New Hampshire primary, which caused LBJ to decide not to run for re-election. McCarthy ran on a very liberal anti-Vietnam War platform & had a huge following of young supporters much like Bernie Sanders had this year. After LBJ withdrew, VP Hubert Humphrey & Sen. Bobby Kennedy jumped into the race & ran against McCarthy. RFK was assassinated & became a non-factor in the outcome. Humphrey was backed by the Democratic party establishment, which was controlled by LBJ, & he won the nomination. McCarthy’s supporters, of whom I personally knew dozens, felt that he had been cheated out of the nomination by Humphrey & the Democratic party establishment. On election day in November, the ones I knew all either stayed home & did not vote, or voted for McCarthy as a write-in candidate. None of the ones I knew voted for Humphrey, even though he ran against Nixon, whom they all despised. Nixon won, despite the fact that Gov. George Wallace, who ran as a third party candidate (American Independent Party), probably took more votes away from him than from Humphrey. Will the Bernie Sanders supporters sit this one out as many of the McCarthy ones did in 1968? It’s possible, because they aren’t as enthusiastic about Clinton as they are about Sanders. Furthermore, it’s obvious that Clinton stole the nomination from their hero through rigged primaries, & they may also feel that there is no point in making the effort to vote for her since she has the victory locked up anyway, as the polls indicate.

    In 1980, when Ronald Reagan ran against Jimmy Carter for president, all of the polls leading up to election day predicted that it would be a very, very close race. When the votes were counted, however, Reagan won in a landslide. What happened? Perhaps the liberals believed their own propaganda, or maybe the Reagan supporters were reluctant to tell anyone who they were really going to vote for. It’s very possible that many people who will eventually vote for Trump are equally reluctant to admit who they are voting for because they fear that they, too, will be demonized or perhaps even physically assaulted, as many already have been.

    I also see Trump as a populist candidate who, like Andrew Jackson, could do surprisingly well on election day, despite opposition from the leaders of both major political parties. However, even though there are some similarities between this year’s election & the ones in previous years, it’s still extremely difficult to predict anything because the circumstances, the issues, & the candidates of this election are so different from those of previous presidential elections. In addition, there is the possibility of voter fraud which could be extensive enough in some places to invalidate any polling data & to affect the outcome of the election. Although the media discounts the possibility of widespread voter fraud in the same way that they have provided cover for Clinton’s deficiencies, I have seen enough evidence of it in recent elections where I live to convince me that it is one of the primary reasons that Virginia has turned into a swing state.

    As gun owners, the only thing we can do to defeat Clinton is to vote for Trump & to encourage everyone we know to do the same. No one else has any chance of beating her & preventing her from appointing a liberal supreme court, along with countless federal judges, who will destroy everything that most of you believe in FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES!!! If you don’t do that, as some of you have indicated that you will not, I will personally remind you here with my comments every time that you complain about what President Clinton & her cronies are doing, that you have nothing to complain about because YOU ALLOWED IT TO HAPPEN.

  20. I live in one of the worst places for people who aren’t insane: San Francisco. In the beginning there were signs everywhere for Bernie, none for Trump and I only saw one or two for Hillary. As soon as Bernie abandoned his followers, almost all Bernie signs came down (driving around, I’ve still seen about four of them still up). The interesting part is that although all of the Bernie signs came down, none have been replaced by Hillary signs. This makes me think that most Bernie followers feel betrayed and aren’t too excited at the thought of voting for Hillary. So now, there are no bumper stickers for anyone (previous election, Obama stickers and signs were everywhere), a couple Bernie signs and virtually no Hillary signs. Who knows how many Trump voters aren’t coming out of the closet. A Trump sign or bumper sticker would be an absolute guarantee of a broken window, keyed car, nobody will talk to you anymore (so what, who needs friends or family like that), job loss, etc., very quickly. Perhaps SF is more accurate than the polls: Little for Hillary and unknown secret numbers for Trump. I hope so.

  21. After the Constitution was written, Benjamin Franklin was asked if we had a republic or a monarchy. He replied, “A republic if you can keep it”.
    Looks like this election will decide that!

  22. Yes, EXACTLY!!! I live in the Beverly Hills Neighborhood on the South Side of Chicago, a bastion of Democrats. In all elections past, at least one in five houses had Democratic candidate signs for the presidency displayed by this point in the election. I walk my dog for several miles each day in the neighborhood. On my route there is currently one Trump sign(!) and no Hillary signs.

  23. Dave/liberal and Dave Va. – others – a refresher is in order here. In the days before the Carter-Reagan election, it was not a close race according to the almighty polls – Carter had a lead of 9 points. Every single “news” source was on cruise control. I was a volunteer for Reagan and just had a deep mistrust of the polls, even then. On Election Night, the margin was so big and so obvious for Reagan that Carter conceded at 10:00!! I’ll never forget the talking heads that night – they were crushed! When polls began, they were valuable but have sadly become yet another tool of the so-called “news” community. They are now used as a way to convince people their thinking is flawed and the masses should trust them to tell them the truth. The polls are but one source of information and in my very honest opinion, should be ignored. This is America, folks – think for yourself! What, exactly is it that you value and want for your children and their children? Please quit listening to the media and think deeply about this. And by all means – VOTE!

  24. A vote for Johnson is a wasted vote there is no way he could win. We all need to vote Trump or we have her and I think she will keep Obama in government somewhere. They are so cozy now and it looks like they will keep all his orders in tack. Even Bernie supports are turning toward Trump knowing their vote for anyone else will give the win to Hillary Vote Trump to safe our country the evil that may be coming.

  25. Sorry to hear that some folks on here are voting for Hillary. Not directly but by wasting (yes WASTING) your vote on Johnson you are, in effect voting FOR Hillary. Johnson had a zero chance of being elected and by voting on principle you are wasting a vote AGAINST Hillary. If enough people do this we will have the greater of two evils and can kiss our gun rights goodbye, all thanks to people who will vote for Johnson or Mickey Mouse or… Wake up and smell the roses! Either Hillary or Trump will be the next POTUS and will be appointing several SCOTUS justices. We MUST vote AGAINST Hillary by voting for the only person who has a chance of beating her.

  26. Dennis:

    You have a lot more faith in the American people than I do to oust corrupt politicians via the election process, but admittedly I’m quite jaded.

  27. Spencer,

    You want a new Constitutional Convention. Mark Levin has been trying to convene a Convention of the States, in order to roll back what the Feds have been doing. A bunch of states were interested, but the movement seems to have stalled.

    I think it was Benjamin Franklin who said, the Republic would last until people recognized that they could vote themselves money out of the treasury. From then on, people would vote for whoever will give them the most goodies. Our Constitution is fine, but it is not followed. Words on paper can’t make people do things. Roe vs. Wade in 1973 was horribly bad law, no matter which side of the abortion debate you are on. The question should have gone to the states. The Supreme Court didn’t want a patchwork of laws, like we have today with concealed carry. The other way to nationalize abortion would have been to submit an amendment, but they didn’t do that. Probably didn’t have the votes to pass it. So the Supreme Court re-interpreted the Constitution, and created a law. The creation of laws is supposed to be up to the Congress, not the Supreme Court. (I am not a lawyer, so some of my statements here may be a bit fuzzy).

    I used to hope the governors of the states would stand up against the federal government. They don’t, except when it comes to leftist causes. Governors will disobey federal rules when it comes to sanctuary cities and marijuana laws. I would like to see the border states patrol their own borders. Thankfully some governors have told the President they don’t want his Syrian refugees (I call them “terrorists”). If I was a governor I would make sure there was no election fraud in my state. I would not use computer voting machines. I would make people show government photo IDs. I think any governor who did this would be loved by the voters. The Feds would snicker at him/her, but I don’t think they would really take any action against that governor.

    Basically any system you set up will only be as good as the people in that system. What you need are virtuous people. If voters were virtuous and informed, and the politicians actually followed the rules in the Constitution, everything would be fine, and things would work more smoothly than they do now. {And of course, a philosopher will look at my statement about having virtuous people, and ask, “Who is to say what is virtuous and what is not?”}

    How can you keep corrupt people from ruining whichever type of government you set up? I was taught in school, that monarchies are bad. However, if all monarchs were virtuous, then monarchies would not be bad, would they? In fact, monarchs can get things done much more quickly than our system allows.

    Just want to end with this; George Santayana said, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” We think that is a true saying, because it is true among human beings. But it is not true among angels. If God gives power to an angel, the angel will not be corrupted by it. So, if Satayana’s saying is true, it is only true because mankind is corrupt.

  28. The last yard sign I had put on my lawn was a Bush/Cheney 2004. I dare not display a McCain or Romney sign and have my house vandalized or worse for being a ‘racist’. Besides, I hated McCain and disliked Romney even though I voted with nose held tightly for both of them over our Dear Leader. The much lesser of two evils, you know.

    I have not seen a Clinton/Kaine yard sign yet, but have noticed several Trump/Pence signs, but only in rural areas, especially near the gun range I practice at. Bumper stickers run about even for both candidates, but only white folks have Trump/Pence ones, while Clinton/Kaine stickers are mostly displayed by black people, with maybe 25% by whites, mainly college aged or older drivers. I don’t want to be a victim of road rage or have my property damaged as Clinton supporters are the ones who are prone to violence and criminal activities, so my old car and little house in a lower middle class neighborhood are free of signs and stickers.

  29. While I don’t believe the left leaning MSM is in some kind of organized conspiracy, there is no doubt that bias colors the context of reporting.

    While it has always been that way left or right, the supply and demand of media coverage continues to dangerously follow the dollars of that demand down a liberal rabbit hole.

    Thought many of you may like this article on that concept.

  30. Some are probably holding off on putting the bumper stickers on the cars until after the election—then the winner’s bumper stickers will be all over the place. Just to tick people off even more. I hope we take seriously the House and Senate races as well as state elections. That might be the only place conservatives can get some representation.

  31. Maybe someone should come out with a Rodham/Kaine bumper sticker or yard sign to better represent Hillary’s true agenda. I wonder what would be Bill’s life expectancy if his wife’s gets into the Oval Office. He’s definitely a loose end which needs tying up. No one close to Hillary now should feel safe if she gets into the White House. Remember how good buddies of Stalin thought they had it made when Uncle Joe became the Commie leader? Look what happened to most of them. Maybe after Bill’s untimely departure, Hillary will rename their criminal organization the Rodham Foundation.

  32. I live in the state capitol of a blue state, and in a definitely blue part of town. In ’08 and ’12, I saw O signs and bumper stickers everywhere.

    I have seen almost no yard signs for H, and very few stickers this year.

    Well, on our street there is one sign – for Trump.

    Our blue folks are keeping quiet this time…..

    Maybe they wonder that H has gone too far in apparent corruption. Maybe they’ve heard T question if folks are better off after all these years….

  33. 1) I believe that we have plenty of good evidence that the polls, even when rigged in Atillary-the-Hen’s favor (WaPo/ABC had a democrat 8-point edge in those polls, still came up with only +2 for the hen) come out pretty close.
    2) She has been inciting her followers to violence against those who support Trump. Here in North Carolina we see the firebombing of the Orange County republican hq and the stealing of hundreds of Trump signs. Smart people simply avoid inviting theft and violence into their lives.
    3) For a lot of people the demonization of Trump (“racist,” “nazi”, etc) has simply moved them into the closet so when asked, “who ya gonna vote for?” They lie and say “hillary” to get the annoying questioner out of their face.
    4) Recent survey says that 91% of the media presentations (NOT news stories, they don’t do “news” much anymore) about Trump are negative. How bad he is. How much he’ll lose by. How he alienates anyone with even “a shred of decency in their soul.”

    All of the above coagulates into Trump must lose. That is the message. I deeply hope and actually expect (election rigging not accounted for) he will.

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