It looks as if some will be experiencing rough weather on Thanksgiving…for some folks, in more ways than one.

We’ll all be giving thanks for different things.  A couple of weeks ago, my good friend Dan was stricken with a massive heart attack that almost killed him.  Great docs brought him back, and he’s now at home recovering from a quad bypass.  Best of luck, bro.

The grieving of others makes our own thanks more solemn.  Yesterday, a good friend buried his wife of many, many years.  He nursed her to the end while pancreatic cancer ravaged her.  Shortly before that, another old friend lost his only son at age 40 in a tragic car crash.

Like anyone else, I’m grateful for my loved ones, my friends, and my colleagues.  I’m grateful also to the readers here, for their spirited discussions. And I’m grateful to the extended families of my three friends mentioned above, who gave them support in a time when they needed it most.

We could all do worse than aspire to be the people for whom others give thanks on Thanksgiving.

I wish a safe, pleasant and meaningful Thanksgiving to you all.


  1. I, like many others have expressed, am sometimes depressed at the direction our country seems to be taking. But, as I tell anyone who will listen, I sincerely thank God every day to have been born, raised ,and lived in the most blessed nation in the history of man.

    We are still, despite the desires of some, able to discuss issues and debate on blog sites such as your’s without fear of retaliation. For this I am thankful.

    I am thankful for you Mas, for sharing your wisdom, knowledge, and experience with us, while being abused verbally by those without those attributes, who choose to follow blindly the ideology of others and not be willing to consider other points of view.

    I lift praise to God and ask His blessings on you Mas, my country, your blog followers, and ask forgiveness from any I may have offended with my comments.

    Have a happy and blessed “Thanksgiving” everyone !

  2. I’m thankful for my family, for without them my life would be empty.

    Mas, YOU are one of those people for whom others give thanks. Through your patient and thorough teaching I’m better able to protect the lives of my fore mentioned family. You can typically tell the quality of a person’s character by the type of people they surround themselves with and, I must say, the company you keep in Live Oak is some of the best there is. To you and your “clan” I wish a very happy Thanksgiving.

  3. I am grateful that I invested in Bitcoin back in its early years! Maybe I can buy some “good” health insurance now, after many years without it…

    Happy Holidays!

  4. I am sorry to hear about all the tragedy and loss of life for your friends. I too wish you and everyone else reading here a blessed and thanks filled holiday tomorrow.

  5. On this Thanksgiving, I just have to (finally) send you my sincere thanks for all the ways you have benefited my life over the past many years. From the first book of yours I read so long ago (In the Gravest Extreme) to the countless magazine articles, to the stacks of your quality books on my shelves, you’ve been a virtual mentor to me for self defense and preparedness. Your words have helped me in several dangerous encounters. My dream is to one day take one of your LFI courses. But please know, Mas, that you are immensely appreciated. Have a blessed and peace-filled Thanksgiving!

  6. I would like to thank Mas and all the other fine firearms instructors I have had over the years. My training has enabled me to live my life with just enough fear to keep me alert, the confidence to travel for my professional life. and the wonderful fly fishing I have been able to enjoy.

  7. I wish a Happy Thanksgiving for all good Americans. The bad ones who supports our Dear Leader, and you know who you are, can have a very crappy holiday. Those I have offended can go jump in a big shark tank.

    Hopefully, depending on how the 2014 congressional elections go, our next Thanksgiving will be much better. Bless those delicious turkeys and other unfortunate, tasty animals who have given up their short lives to feed us.

  8. Like many in this country, I am constantly aware of the many blessings — home, family, friends — that I have to be grateful for. Another blessing has been the things I have learned from the writings of people like Jeff Cooper, Massad Ayoob, Skeeter Skelton, Ross Seyfried and others, and from instructors, starting with the great Jack Duncan (Master Chief Gunner’s Mate). Not only have I been able to protect my family thanks to the things I’ve learned, but I’m able to introduce others to the shooting sports.

    Thank you so much, Mas, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  9. Hi Mas:
    I’ll agree with what the previous people have already said. Mas, you’re a rare bird in this day and age. I love ya like the brother I never had.

    As I write this my wife is bustling around the kitchen making pies and cheesecake with a 21# turkey in the oven. I love the smell of the turkey as it cooks.
    Unfortunately, my brother-in –law was just diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s-lymphoma and is in the hospital now for chemo.
    My uncle (87) will be over today for the feast as will my son. My uncle put the first real gun into my hands when I was a youngster, so I have a special fondness towards him.
    My brother-in –law is scheduled for release from the hospital tomorrow and we will take over a packaged feast for him and my sister that they can eat as soon as he can keep it down.
    My brother-in –law is anti-gun and anti-hunting so we don’t see things the same way and we get together only around the holidays. I’ll never forget; many years ago my parents were having kind of a backyard barbecue and they had a noisy crow or starling. After hearing my mother complain about it I went home (I lived nearby and got my Crossman co2 pellet pistol and came back and settled that noisy birds hash. My brother-in-law had to go inside because he felt so ill. The bird didn’t go to waste as the neighbor’s cat came over and had a feast. I will be praying for his recovery. My brother-in-law, not the bird.
    Well, my wife is singing along with the Pandora feed (Love potion Number nine) I had better go do something.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving everyone !!!!

    May God continue to bless all of us, and bless this great nation we live in. I am thankful for many things this year, my health, my career, family and friends and people such as the ones on these pages whom have helped me along the way.

    I am very thankful to all the people who made CCW in Illinois possible, it has been a long time coming !!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am thankful to my very first instructor Charles Sykes, he spoke very highly of you Mas and after my first class I started to find out who you where. I am glad I did and have followed you on these pages ever since.

    I am happy to say that I am a MAG 40 graduate, it has changed my life for the better.

    Mas, a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours and I look forward to helping you next June at MTG for Mag 40.

  11. “We could all do worse than aspire to be the people for whom others give thanks on Thanksgiving.”

    That is a beautiful thought Mas, and one I will try to live up to.

    Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.

  12. My thoughts for this thanksgiving are in line with those above. However, my brother-In-law was just diagnosed with non-hodgkin-lymphoma and is getting chemo. Won’t be home until Friday. We will be taking food packages over tomorrow so he can enjoy when he is able. Your prayers would be appreciated.