Shutdown of conservative voices in the various media is, if anything, scarier than the way a pro-Trump protest went downhill in the Capitol the other day.

We learned yesterday that GoDaddy had shut down the popular gun forum, citing advocacy for violence.

Regular visitors here know that in the many years this blog has existed, I have welcomed dissenting voices and very rarely deleted comments or banned commentators.  It is likewise extremely rare for me to close comments.

I have had to close comments, proactively, on the blog post immediately preceding this one.

Yes, the incoming administration has promised Draconian laws that will severely and outrageously impact the law-abiding gun owners w ho come here. I can say with some authority that gun owners’ civil rights forces with a long history of success in the legal arena will challenge such legislation in court.

The muffling of conservative voices will likewise be challenged in court.

I am going to ask our readers to avoid any commentary – here, or in any other form of media – advocating violence, shooting authorities or hanging elected officials, or anything else of the kind.  Having carried a badge for 43 years I can assure you that technology developed for catching white collar criminals, child pornographers, etc. will be applied to forum posts, Twitter tweets, and the like.  Your mom was right: anything you post on the Internet or in the Twitterverse – or here – may as well have been put on a billboard on the highway. It can and will be used against you to “make an example of you.”

All y’all are guests here, and all of us including me are guests of the Duffy family and the Backwoods Home group. As our history here shows, they and I support free speech. That said, I am not going to see them shut down because some drooling, bloodthirsty troglodyte posted advocacy of murder or any other form of non-self-defense violence here. 

So, please, think before you post here, or anywhere else.  The Capitol incident did no good whatsoever in my opinion for the credibility of the gun owners’ civil rights movement.  The FBI is now warning us of violent, armed demonstrations scheduled at the Capitol again, and at State Houses around the nation. I don’t give legal advice, just practical advice, but I’ll tell you this.

Violence is almost certain to erupt at such gatherings, and whichever side starts it someone will blame the law-abiding gun owners. There are prosecutors elected with money from the left who will seek to make examples of law abiding people with guns who get caught up in such.

Going to such an event voluntarily, knowing it could erupt in lethal violence, could shred the “mantle of innocence” that is essential to a successful self-defense plea.  Going to such a demonstration at all strikes me as being stupid. Going armed seems even more stupid, and going visibly armed would be more stupid yet.


  1. Thanks Mas. The voice of reason. We’re going to need it because the anti-2A side is holding a strong hand right now.

  2. The Bill of Rights is being torn to shreds. It use to be that only the Second Amendment was routinely disrespected and violated. Now I would have a hard time saying whether it is the Second or the First Amendment that gets violated the most. With the continuing Leftist crackdown on “Thought Crimes”, I believe that it is the First Amendment that is being trample the most at the moment. Soon the Second will catch up again, I have no doubt.

    Not to mention the violations of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments that are also happening routinely now. If the Courts do not step in, soon, to strike down HARD on these violations, then it will be the worst mistake that they have ever made. It will make the “Dred Scott” decision look trivial in comparison. Future Historians will mark it as a critical downhill turning point for America.

    It is the ultimate irony that one could take the famous speech of Patrick Henry, make minor edits to aim it at the current Democrat Regime, and the Tech Censors would pounce immediate and ban it as “hate speech” and as “advocating violence”.

    I don’t think that the Founding Fathers are “turning over in their graves”. Rather, I expect that they are looking down from Heaven and weeping.

    • RE: Second Amendment violations vs. First Amendment violations–

      I started long ago referring to “anti-gun” people as “anti-freedom” instead. Yes, they are vocally against private gun ownership, but if you drill down you nearly always find they hold similar views on the rest of the Bill of Rights…

      … which is (also nearly always), “Good for me, not for thee.”

      Where a person stands on the Second Amendment is usually a very good indicator of where they stand on the other nine, and the Constitution at large.

      • I agree with ‘anti-freedom’, but would consider taking it a bit further and just refer to them as anti-constitutional government.

        The anti-constitution crowd in both parties has worked wonders designing end runs around it. Get municipalities addicted to federal money for schools, then them make them dance to the fed’s tune on who must be allowed to use the girls’ lockeroom. Don’t want to submit? Fine: you don’t have to, but you shall lose the money you’ve become addicted to.

        Sector after sector after sector has leapt at the chance to become addicted to federal money. So far as I can see most of those payments aren’t authorized by the Constitution in the first place, but whole fleets can sail through the ‘general welfare’ loophole.

  3. Excellent advice, Mas. Here’s a thought; I suppose someone from one of the big tech companies which are banning Parler, could pretend to be one of us. He could post a violent, threatening rant here, then tell his bosses that this is a blog that needs to be shut down because people on it are threatening violence.

    • I grew up among the Leftist Machine, and this is EXACTLY the kind of dirty pool they taught as far back as 30 years ago. Not so much the technology side yet, but “infiltrate and False Flag” are very well within their bag of dirty tricks.

      I mod over at RedState, and we’re having to nuke a dozen posts a day just like this and boot their posters–what’s worse is their latest trick is to barf something up just long enough to get a screengrab, then try to delete it before anybody sees it. (Doesn’t work, on our Mod Dashboard backend we see everything.)

      • Addendum to prior, Antifa publishes exactly that kind of tactics in their handbook, out-and-proud which anybody can buy off Amazon.

      • they’ve all read Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. I believe it is their Operator’s Manual. I KNOW the former kinuyun cheef didgustative knows that book.. ol Solly was one of his “mentors”.
        All of this orwellian newspeak going down is also from that crowd…. take anyting good, call it by some bad name, and use the rebranding to oust it from the marketplace of ideas. Take someting evil, give it a “good” name, same thing. Up is down, right is lef,t good is bad, straight is crooked, yes is no…..

        Evil will always eventually out. And be defeated.

  4. Mas,
    I love in Michigan,and we were a state that was early to the party as armed protesters went to Lansing and tried to confront the Governor over shutdowns did to the Coronavirus. I was against it, and never considered attending.
    Anyone who does not vigorously condemn violence of ANY kind, but especially political violence, is going against the concept of liberty that America stands for.
    Knowing that the anti gun crowd is poised to impose their draconian laws on gun owners, it is more important now than ever that we as gun owners and freedom lovers stand united both against violence, and for unity within our own community of patriots.
    And Mas, I wish to say that you are always welcome in Michigan, at the many wonders of nature and great people who make up the real Midwe

    • Pigpen51,

      You wrote we should condemn violence of ANY kind. I disagree. Self-defense violence is justified, and even righteous, in my opinion. To fail to confront violence, in my view, is to co-operate with it. It’s like being an accessory to a crime.

      When Jesus visited the earth the first time, He came as a peacenik hippy. When he visits the second time, He will be “a mean motor scooter and a bad go-getter.” (Alley Oop). But, He will still be righteous when He rules the nations with a rod of iron, riding on a white horse to conquer.

      • well, He wasn’t exactly Mr. Peacenik as He took up his scourge of cords and ran the greedy ripoff moneychangers out of the Temple reminding them WHOSE house it is. NOr was he all sweetness and roses as He lit into the corrupt filthy religious poohbahs of His day, calling them out on their corrupton. Calling their hearts as full of dead men’s bones was a VERY harsh call. He simply always and everywhere called thins as they were, beneath the veneer of false righteousness and pretty packaging. Remember, He who commanded that the tares (poisoin weeds) be left to grow up along with the grain, and be separated after harvest to be burned, is also the One who WILL see to the burning of the weeds.

  5. The “riot” in our Nation’s Capital came in at about the same magnitude as a High School Cafeteria food fight, a gruesome bloody mess until details emerged

  6. The Democratic POTUS-and-VP fraudulent-elects and their next-in-succession remind me of the Three Stooges on steroids. IMHO, Joe Biden implies Alzheimer’s dementia, Kamala Harris has demonstrated a death-threat impulse, and face-making Nancy Pelosi can’t wait to move up. Incredulity doesn’t describe the feeling of doubt regarding this iffy trio NOT missing Inauguration via providential obstacles like fire from heaven, a military coup, multiple brain strokes, disease from Antifa bites, etc. Or swing State legislators insisting on electoral corrections based on undeniable proof of decisive voter fraud. LAWMAKER groups in recovery from the 2020 voter swindle need to contact Sidney Powell and Mike Flynn ASAP.

  7. Sir:

    Thank you for posting this.

    While the core ideals of this nation may have been sullied, and their very existence threatened by the actions of the Democratic Party in the last election those ideals remain the “best hope” as a form of government for all of us. Those ideals remain and we, on the right, should work hard within the constitutional framework to preserve those rights. We are no where near the exhaustion of peaceful and honorable means to act.

    • Very nice comments. Peaceful means have not been exhausted. We should continue to fight whatever draconian laws are passed these next two years, and then, in overwhelming numbers, change the face of the legislature in 2022.

  8. I do not believe that the Founding Fathers foresaw today’s situation. They envisioned a one-dimensional threat whereby the People were directly oppressed by a tyrannical government. We are facing a multi-dimensional threat.

    The Leftists are very clever. They know that, if they use the Federal Government to directly tear down the Bill of Rights, the People (and the Courts) will clearly see it and object. So, the Leftists have built a Federal/State/Private coalition to do the job. This multi-dimension effort is very well coordinated but because the attack is coming from multiple directions, the response of the People and the Courts is not.

    For example, the Federal Government is limiting itself to rather subtle violations of the Bill of Rights. The Fed’s violate the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment by means of selective prosecutions. They will target their political enemies, like General Flynn or Roger Stone, with manufactured charges but let their political friends, like Hillary Clinton or Hunter Biden, walk on actual crimes. They can get away with this since the Executive Branch has discretion on who they want to prosecute.

    We also see selective application of the 1st Amendment Right to assemble and petition Government for grievances. Left-wing groups can protest at will. They can even riot, loot and burn for days and weeks on end. Meanwhile, a Right-wing protest, that had a few “bad actors” who managed to riot for a few hours, gets the heavy hand of suppression and prosecution brought down upon it. Again, we see violations of the Equal Protection Clause as well as unequal application of the 1st Amendment Right to Petition.

    They let the big Communication Companies collect data on the People’s communications. Thus, the violations of the 4th Amendment are being done by a private partner. Yet, this data is then transmitted to the Federal Government for processing and analysis. So, the Government gets the benefits of violating the 4th Amendment while using a technicality to evade punishment.

    Similarly, suppression of organized religions, like Christianity, is farmed out to the Blue State Governors. They are doing it by using their emergency powers with Covid-19 as the excuse.

    Suppression of Freedom of Speech is being handed out to the Giant Tech Companies and to the Global Corporations. The Tech Companies are suppressing Conservative speech, on the internet, directly while the Global Corporations are using “cancel culture” techniques and the threat of loss of employment to aid the Tech Giants in speech suppression. Since these violations of the 1st Amendment are being done by their private partners, the Courts and the People have a tougher case to make on the violations. However, the Leftists continue to benefit from it.

    The States are also being used to violate the 1st Amendment’s protection of the Rights of assembly and association. Again, Covid-19 is being used to justify the “lock down” rules.
    The violations of the 2nd Amendment are also being farmed out. For the moment to State Governments and local prosecutors but that may soon change. The 2nd Amendment Right of Self-Defense is being suppressed by the same tool of selective prosecutions. Due to changes in bail law and, with Covid-19 again as a handy excuse, violent felons are being released by the thousands. However, citizens who try to defend themselves, like the McCloskeys or Kyle Rittenhouse find themselves charged for crimes. Kyle Rittenhouse was hit with a $2 million dollar bail fee. Meanwhile, bail is abolished for violent criminals in New York City. Again, we see the enormous double standard at work.

    So far, this multi-dimensional attack on The U.S. Bill of Rights is working. Neither the People nor the Courts seem able to decide how to meet it.

    It reminds me, in some ways, of the situation in 1920’s-1930’s Germany as the Nazis rose to power. The German People did not know how to respond then either. Some of the People were dedicated Nazis. They totally believed in the Nazi program. We have people like that supporting the Leftists today. Other’s were “Fellow Travelers”. They did not strongly support the Nazi Party, in their heart, but it was the easy path to just “go with the flow”. We also have People like that in America today.

    Then there were People who deeply doubted the platform of the Nazi Party. However, they were afraid of the Power of the Nazis and remained silent out of fear. Maybe they also felt that they had a duty to be “Good Germans” and to not “rock the boat”. I think we have tens of millions of People like that in America today.

    Finally, there were a few people who had the courage to directly challenge the Nazi ideology. People like the members of the White Rose. See this link:

    However, the Nazis also had a harsh version of “Cancel Culture” as the White Rose quickly discovered.

    Which brings me to the topic of this blog. Mas is telling us to be careful. To be cautious. To be prudent and circumspect. To not “Rock the Boat” too much.

    He is telling us to be “Good Germans”.

    Will you publish this comment, Mas? Or delete it like my last one?

    • In war, time and time again it has proven to be poor tactics to climb to a highly visual position, drop your drawers and wiggle your bare butt at the enemy.
      I don’t need you wiggling yours on my behalf , thanks

      • Friend Lew, effective diversions are vitally important in any existential struggle. The Weaponized Left use diversions all the time. The Covid-19 crisis might be the biggest diversion of the past year. What the radicals (hard leftists) seem to fail to realized is that ultimately they are often being fatally exploited by ruthless, professional foreign organizations with sinister designs. We can use diversions to good effect, too, but morally and ethically.

      • @ Lew,
        You do not address a single point that I made in my comment, above. All you do is engage in an ad hominem attack. Pitiful.

        I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you simply did not understand the key point that I was making in my comment above. Therefore, I will make it again in plain language.

        My comment above was not about me nor was it about creating any kind of diversion (where on Earth did THAT come from?) nor was it even about Mas really. Instead, it is about the insanity of doing the same thing over and over and over again while expecting a different result next time. I also pointed out just how radical and totalitarian the Democrat Party has become.

        For about fifty (50) years now, the Republican Party has taken the “Reasonable Man” approach when dealing with the Democrat Party. The Republicans constantly urge their members to be calm. To be reasonable. To be levelheaded. To not respond to provocations. To “play by the rules” even when the other side breaks them daily.

        The Republicans wish for a version of Obama’s old campaign message. They want “Hope and Change”. However, in the case of the Republicans, they “Hope” that the Democrats will “Change”. They want things to go back to the way they were before the 1960’s when the Democrat Party began to be radicalized. They hope that the Democrat Party will finally “come back down to Earth”.

        Therefore, they follow Neville Chamberlain’s idea of “appeasement”. The Republicans have been accommodating and appeasing the Democrat Party for decades now. As a result, the Democrat Party has grown stronger and more radical with each passing year.

        So, while Mas IS BEING reasonable with everything that he says, I have concluded that the OFFICAL REPUBLICAN POLICY of “APPEASEMENT” toward the Democrat Party is an ABJECT and TOTAL FAILURE.

        I, for one, would like some FRESH IDEAS, please. An earnest recommendation to continue to follow the failed “Appeasement Policy” does not sit well with me any longer.

        Is my point now clear?

    • Friend TN_Man, How to be ein guter Nazi Deutschmann: say nichts. On the subject of White Rose, one is reminded of Martin Bormann, Nazi money man and spy, probably the founder of the modern Deep State. See the article on Bormann from Lawrence De Mello via linkedin. One also recalls Bormann reportedly involved with White Rose (as a ruse). Much present Deep State financing so likely originated with huge Nazi funds coming from Bormann, who was reported to actually be alive after WWII by Reinhard Gehlen, long-time German intel chief. Bormann is certainly long dead now, but: guess which “socialist” European we know with big money who is old enough to be from Nazi Europe, and is publicly, deliberately killing our Republic? Sorry, but one must talk turkey, for real progress.

  9. So what are we supposed to do? Sit back and let the left have its fraudulent election win and destroy the country? What is your answer Mas???

    • My answer is not to break into secure places illegally, make death threats, crap in offices, and smash police officers in the head…

      • I offer John Wayne’s speech at Jimmy Carter’s Inaugural Gala, January 1977 as solution of what to do:

        “I have come here tonight to pay my respects to our 39th President, our new Commander-in-Chief and to wish you, Godspeed, sir, in the uncharted waters ahead. Starting tomorrow at high noon, all of our hopes and dreams go into that great house with you. For you have become our transition into the unknown tomorrows. And everyone is with you.

        “I am privileged to be present and accounted for in this capitol of freedom to witness history as it happens — to watch a common man accept uncommon responsibilities he won ‘fair and square’ by stating his case to the American people — not by bloodshed, beheadings and riots at the palace gates.

        “I know I am considered a member of the opposition — the Loyal Opposition — accent on Loyal. I’d have it no other way.

        “In conclusion, may I add my voice to the millions of others all over the world who wish you well, Mr. President.

        “All we ask is that you preserve this — one Nation under God — with liberty and justice for all.

        “And we have no doubt you will, sir.”

      • @ Richard Boll

        And what did good, old, “common man” Jimmy Carter do with his time in Office? Well, let’s see:

        1) He plunged the U.S. into economic stagnation which also include ultra-high inflation rates. Thus the term “Stagflation” was born.
        2) He allowed Iran to totally humiliate the United States.
        3) He allowed the Soviet Union to invade Afghanistan. Thus setting the stage for decades of war which still continues today.
        4) He signed the bill creating the Federal Department of Education. Thus setting the stage to turn our Nation’s schools into Left-Wing Indoctrination Centers.

        Boy, the Duke sure “screwed the pooch” with that speech, don’t ya think?

        This Nation is currently like a steam boiler. The Democrat Party is constantly stoking the fire under the boiler so as to build maximum pressure and temperature. The Republican Party is scared of being scalded if any steam gets let out. So they spend their time using a wrench to constantly tighten down the safety release valve. They don’t want no nasty, unpleasant steam to escape.

        Can you guess how the efforts of both Parties will end? I can.

  10. 2nd Amendment court challenges will be a hard row to hoe. How long has it been since the Supreme Court ruled on a 2nd Amendment case or even agreed to hear a 2nd Amendment case?

    • I think the gun rights friendly Justices have avoided taking 2A cases because they didn’t know which side the squish John Roberts might come down, as in it’s better to pass on a case than take it and lose it. Now with Amy Coney Barrett on the bench hopefully that will change.

    • SCOTUS I think has shown us its true colors by using “discretion” to not hear the Texas case concerning election fraud. I suspect it will do the same for Second Amendment cases. It will simply not hear those cases letting blue states and cities go back to enacting anti-2A laws. It appears to me that the left has successfully co-opted Chief Justice Roberts.

  11. My question to those thinking of armed protest is this: what’s the end game? I pose that question to protestors who are NOT Leftist infiltrators.

    What is the strategic objective here?

    This behavior might be cathartic for some, but it is self-defeating. The talk of armed protest plays right in to the hands of the Left, as does any speech with direct or implied threats of violence. It will simply hasten efforts to further restrict or altogether remove our Second Amendment rights, not to mention our First Amendment rights.

    We law-abiding citizens own and carry guns to defend ourselves and our loved ones against the kind of anger-fueled violent or potentially violent behavior that might soon be on exhibit at these protests.

    Have some forgotten their training? We are defenders- not offenders- at least the vast majority of us.

    This will be (and has been) a long battle to preserve our liberty and no one yet has a solution; however, I think it is clear that armed protest and threatening speech are NOT part of the solution.

  12. Good advice, and I thank you for sending it out as “PLEASE READ.” We get so much noise these days that it’s difficult to figure out what to read. Everyone should stay away from any “protest” that they didn’t personally organize and coordinate.

  13. I agree wholeheartedly, with the only exception being that the eventualities in all our minds…and recorded history…would advise that last ditch contingencies still remain on the table. Like other things we speak highly of, not as another option, ie, “storming the palace”, but as a last resort. Question is, what does that dark day look like? We certainly aren’t at that point now, so what happened at the Capitol was grotesque to any thinking person. Just understand vigilance and knowledge will go a long way to preventing that from becoming a justification for any pending infringements. The rest is up to them. My response to it is up to me. Never forget other options exist and seek them out. Stay safe.

  14. Thanks Much Sir:
    Your first sentence is sobering, if not frightening.
    My other screen has the email link to this blog. Scrolling down I see the Backwoods Library offering “Can America be Saved from Stupid People”. Interesting question. It seems that for months, intelligent people have been able to manipulate their less so allies, to riot in the streets. I believe they are now trying to manipulate their enemies to do the same. Violence will give cover to those who wish to restrict us further. Don’t give them the satisfaction.

  15. My question of more knowledgeable legal minds than mine (my legal training consisting of the ~14 hours of law I had to take for my Criminal Justice degree, + MAG40) is: At what point does the suppression of a viewpoint by a block of technocratic monopolies begin to open the oligarchs responsible for same to RICO charges?

  16. Thanks, Mas. May God help us preserve our country and the freedoms we have enjoyed all our lives.

  17. I believe that what Mas is saying is that everyone needs to watch what they say and do. The time for rebelling against the government is not to conduct a preemptive strike so to say. Look at what our founding fathers did. In a nutshell, they peacefully rebelled until they other side fired the first shot. I am not proliferating violence, but give the leftists side enough rope and they will hang themselves (as the old saying goes).
    Now if President-elect and VP-elect go further to stack the SCOTUS, is that unconstitutional? My quandary is at what point do patriots have a duty defend the constitution per their oath (as a great deal of us have sworn) without actually being treasonous. I suppose to the left patriots who disagree with them will always be considered treasonous.
    Thanks Mas for also heading up the 2nd Amendment Foundation!!!
    It is the great leaders like yourself to whom many of us look up to for undiluted information, your vast years of experience and wisdom and someone who has a very level head during these situations

  18. The present situation we find ourselves facing has been approaching for a very long time. In the end, there is only one reason that our elected officials are so determined to remove the 2nd Amendment. It is tyranny. Consider the following from another era.
    “The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms; history shows all conquerors who have allowed the subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.” Adolf Hitler

    Then there are other clues such as the following; “When we get ready to take the United States, we will not take it under the label of communism. We will not take it under the label socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people, and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable; we will take it under liberalism, under progressivism, under democracy. But, take it we will.” –Alexander Trachtenberg at the National Convention of Communist Parties, Madison Square Garden, 1944
    You may have noticed over the past year or so that our system of government is often being referred to as “our democracy” even by our elected officials. It is not a democracy. It is a Constitutional Republic founded on democratic principles. Plato wrote in ‘The Republic’, ”And so tyranny naturally arises out of democracy.” (Book VIII, page 264.)
    The gradual destruction of our educational systems and our history at all levels is the foundational move by those who would oppress us
    “The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother’s care, shall be in state institutions at state expense.” Karl Marx
    “I believe the primary role of the state is to teach, train and raise children. Parents have a secondary role.” Hillary Clinton
    So, we have been warned time and again and now we are face to face with the choice of America or Tyranny.
    Which will we choose?

    • A close look at a bit of Nancy Pelosi’s youth background ‘way back in the day included in the FBI report on her brother’s rape charge shows her very likely exposed to quite a bit of Soviet Russian attitudes through her father’s liaison role with certain USSR delegates. Thus what seems poisonous to us may seem sweet to her. Little doubt that the Pelosi gang moving into control again in D.C. operates in a separate bubble, and doesn’t really care how dangerously arrogant it appears. Such aloofness is bound to backfire on the gang. Eventually the criminals will find themselves cut off the same way they mistreated others. Even trying like thugs to impeach the excellent Mr. Trump today could cause a political earthquake.

  19. Did you notice that the tech lockout happened as soon as it was known that Trump had no way of overturning the election, and it was a coordinated lockout ? Until then, he was still in control, and trying to impose restrictions on them for their bias.

    If you have a Twitter account – delete it – as they make money from just your presence on their site.

    MAS – Curious what your thoughts are on what the position should be WHEN they impose restrictions on ALL law abiding owners after the next incident.
    It will happen in the very near future…….

  20. The Trump protest rally didn’t so much go “downhill” as it was ambushed and dragged into the gutter.
    But that doesn’t really matter as the left will use anything as an excuse for their pre-planned violence and unConstitutional repression.
    The “excuse” is because they still believe that the need one.
    It is not a reason.
    The repression isn’t a response, it’s the agenda.

  21. If you remember, back in the 70s the FBI was warning of armed insurrection – violent right wing militias.

  22. Mr. Ayoob I am in total agreement we need to keep a calm head. No mater what the reason a snap judgment to use violence rarely serves its intended purpose.

  23. Don’t get to use the words bloodthirsty troglodyte very often. Seems appropriate in this case. I cannot see any reason for people to fan the fire in the coming days. We’ll get our day is court and the various bodies of government. Let’s just take a step back and organize our approach to the measures that are introduced. Tearing up the capitol is not going to be a step in the right direction. Chaos at the swearing in is not going to do a darn thing to further the 2nd amendment cause. Let things develop at their own pace. We’ll deal with it as it comes.

  24. Mas,
    As always, thank you for your words of reason and caution. You help shed a beam of light when it seems that darkness will overtake us. Retired LEO Jon

  25. Within the workings of Congress, I’m most disturbed by the attempt to punish those members of the House and Senate who followed the rules and expressed their questions in the proper way. Some speak of the Capitol building as being a sacred house of democracy but turn around and want to punish or remove those who simply disagreed and triggered debate and a vote – as should be the case in a democracy.

  26. Mas – Good luck to you and your fellow Americans in the near and subsequent future.

    God bless you all and may reason, and the rule of law, prevail.

  27. John Adam’s letter to the Massachusett’s Militia of 11 October 1798 “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” It is evident that we are no longer a “…moral and religious people.” Prayer has been banned in our schools, “…one nation under God..” was deleted from the DNC allegence to the flag, our flag is no longer a symbol to be revered (how much blood has been shed for this old girl), there is talk of removing “In God We Trust” from our money, and just lately I understand that the Dems in the House want to use the 14th to oust all of the members of both houses who opposed the results of the Electoral College because they led to the “riot” by not going along with them. I do not advocate riot, distruction of poroperty,or attacts on any person. That is NOT who we are. This is NOT how I or any of my neighbors behave even though we have been labeled as “deplorables” from fly-over country. This country was founded on liberty and freedom not what Antifa/BLm advocate.

  28. Hear hear Mas… keep telling them!
    If it walks like an idiot, talks like an idiot, ACTS like an idiot is there really a difference!?!
    Not long ago I did some legal trading and one of the choices I had was a very old but serviceable pump .12 ga. riot gun and another black folding stock .12 with funky attachments. I took the old pump.
    Knowing a bit about the law having spent my life in its avoidance, usually legally, when the guy was surprised I didn’t take the new one my reply was to hold it up high and say, “Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury!” and mutter that I might actually have to shoot somebody someday, and didn’t want to deal with that.
    Keep telling them! ALSO if the right politicians can’t stop stupidity what good are they?

  29. I was in DC on the 6th with a charter bus group of about 150. What you are seeing on TV underlined with claims of terroristic Trump supporters is not true. Initially the crowds were old, including me, young and parents with children. Chants of USA, and singing of the National Anthem and America The Beautiful, with an occasional chant of Stop The Cheat. The doors of the Capital Bld were opened to allow entry of about 150 people. Appeared to be just regular folks. The crowd was fenced of from the building with 2ft high, what some called, bike racks, which is accurate. We all noted that numbers of security police seemed very low for the expected crowd size. I walked to the back of the building where the crowd was smaller. Suddenly, people in the crown began pushing down the “fences” and a small contingent of police ran to that section of fence. At the same time several hundred people who has been widely dispersed across the lawn/park area charged that opening. The police immediately retreated to the steps and formed a wall about midway up the steps. As this suddenly much larger crowd ran to the steps, the police broke ranks and ran up the steps into the bld and slammed the doors behind them. The step and balconies filled with people. There were still some police at ground level along the periphery of the bld preventing a few people trying to break windows from doing so. About 10 minutes later a crowd of about 30-40 people ran in from my right. I was back away from the bld on the grass. I watched these people who were dressed in black with covered faces, knit watch caps, and hooded shirts push their way into the existing crowd. Very few in the existing crowd were wearing masks. Suddenly about half the “dressed in black” whom I speculated were Antifa, removed their watch caps and donned red MAGA ball caps.

    This is long, so I won’t continue, but I am attempting to inform that Trump supporters are law-abiding, but there were people throughout the swarm of people who had nothing bad intent in their mind!

  30. Agree with your remarks, Mas, and applaud the measured precautions you are taking to protect your site and reputation.

    Today I saw someone characterizing internet censorship as “Pixelnaught”. I think that is a good term to use (wish I were clever enough to have thought of it myself).

    I wonder if Pixelnaught/1A is the “flag” a supermajority of Americans could rally around. If 40% of the population is pro-2A while 60% is pro-1A, then it may be more profitable to promote the 1A. If we can’t win with 60% of popular support we won’t win with 40%.

    We ought to also look to the techy community to see what we can do to harden our digital defenses. E.g., move our internet presence (e-mail accounts, web sites) to hosts who will defend our 1A freedoms. E.g., maybe to Iceland.

    What are the tools and techniques that will harden our defenses? E.g., if we all use a VPN it will be hard for our home ISPs to monitor our visits to blacklisted sites. How to protect ourselves from DOXing?

    Most of all, Mas, we have to follow your advice: Learn to NOT do stupid things. The invasion of the Capital was the most stupid move for anyone who really wanted to support Trump or oppose Biden could have chosen to do. Everyone there could have figured out that nothing good could possibly come from ascending the first step of the Capital stairway. Various bad things that might have resulted were obvious and should have been anticipated.

    The Trump supporters in that invasion let themselves be used as tools of the Left in the same way as “mostly peaceful” protesters in Portland shielded the looters and rioters.

    • It was not Trump supporters supporting the invasion of the Capital Building! On the 5th the FBI notified all security organization of what they knew, from intercepted communications, what was coming on the 6th. Before the it all began on the 6th they were stashes of explosives, firebombs, and ammunition found around the Capital buildings.

  31. “friend”, strategic Steve, I’m in the hospital with the democrats big diversions, probably won’t leave under my own power.
    Good strategy, don’t give the enemy any more ammunition

  32. Thank you, good sir, for this sage advice. This is just the sort of message that true patriots need to be hearing and taking to heart right now. God bless you and yours, and may His wisdom prevail among our leaders.

  33. Was the American Revolution an armed insurrection of a legitimate government? Or the desperate action of people who were tired of tyranny? Would Mas’s “pamphlet” above be considered “loyalist”? Or would it be an homage to Thomas Payne? Don’t know, but it’s something to ponder.

    In the movie “Outpost” (I strongly suggest you watch it if possible), an alleged comment by one of the MOH winners during a radio check-in with his sergeant is worth strong consideration. Paraphrasing, the sergeant said the enemy believed God was on their side, but he knew God was on the American’s side. The MOH winner said “we could both be wrong.” Are we both wrong in this current situation? Are we in an “insurrection” as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Summer, and other Democrats say? Or are we fighting back against a tyranny with peaceful protests as Dr. King did?

    I pray for our Country and that pro-civil rights organizations like SAF, GOA and others have the fortitude and resources to protect us. I’m only a few years younger than Mas. I wasn’t introduced to the second amendment until I went in the Air Force as a dog handler in 1972, so I haven’t been in this fight as long. But I’ll keep swinging until the light is turned out.

  34. The incident in the Capital building reminds me of another incident in a legislature right after a new chancellor came to power: the Reichstag fire. Look it up if you are not familiar with it. I agree that any large-crowd protest is pointless, as two or three ANTIFA brown shirts will show up and give the media exactly what they want.

    But look at it this way, if the Democrats had to cheat to win, and have been cheating for decades, then they are not the majority. Is it red rural areas and blue big cities, or a red country with blue political machines running the poles in big cities? Despite all the gas lighting the media does 24/7 to make good hardworking patriotic Americans think they are hopelessly out numbered, we are not. When you have to cheat to win at poles, you are not the majority.

    At the same time, Biden is completely ineffectual. I would expect a lot of really stupid things to come out of his mouth, but master manipulator or strategist he is not. The biggest risk is a so-called moderate who would do the slow boil thing. Biden is not smart enough for that. He thinks he is God’s gift to the world and will overstep badly and deliver little and his base will hate him in short order.

    The thing to do is to de-fund the mainsteam media and big tech. Just do not use them. Do not buy from Amazon again–look around, they often do not have the best prices. Stop using Google. Switch to non-tech giant email like ProtonMail, and search engines like DuckDuckGo or SwissCows. If you must have social media, find alternates to FaceBook and Twitter. Why not write letters to friends and have phone calls as in the old days? I have started a print subscription to the Epoch Times and quite enjoy it–get the news once a week instead of a constant bombardment.

    And if you are retired, how about getting involved in the local election process where you are? Keep the heat on your representatives to push for election reform. For crying out loud, Mexico has a tremendously more secure election process than we do (hint: it involves ink on one’s finger, only on one day, voting is in person, and there is a photo ID card). Can we allow the Mexicans who set up the system there to immigrate to the US? They are more than welcome to come in and take the jobs of the so-called Americans running the poles. Those are some Mexican immigrants the Democrats would build a wall fifty feet high to keep out.

  35. Mas, I absolutely support your urging of prudence, caution and loyal opposition. Our first President, George Washington won the respect of the world when he turned down a third term and retired to his farm. That was completely new for that era and set the norms that have served us well since them.
    Last year, I went to Richmond with a group of like-minded citizens to talk to our elected representatives about protecting our basic rights shortly after the VCDL lobby day and needed to talk down many of our elected representatives who were scared and ready to enact the strictest gun control laws they possibly could. Dressing for the occasion, having done our research, and approaching them as warmly and kindly as possible we made friends and broke many of the stereotypes of gun owners. It was a challenge but worth it. I am joining the same group of friends this year to do it again.
    Get to know your representatives, assume good faith and be ready to know and speak their language. It makes a small but cumulative difference.

  36. I agree with your comments Mas, but how do you explain the unmitigated success of antifa and the BLM thugs using the very tactics you caution us against using to defeat President Trump and basically seize control of our Country? God Bless America.

    • Kenneth E. Wilkinson,

      The tactics of Antifa and some BLM members are wrong. They get away with it because the media and the city mayors help them avoid the consequences of their actions. The media paint them as some oppressed people lashing out at their oppressors. The anger of the oppressed is seen as justified. The mayors tell the cops to stand down and leave the thugs alone.

      In short, the Left is better at teamwork than the Right is. They are striving to change the system, and they can use destruction as a tool to do it. Destruction is a powerful tool, because it works so well in this world. It is much easier and quicker to tear something down than it is to build something. Time eventually tears everything down anyway, without man’s help.

      The Right is trying to hang on to the good things in America. Preservation is simply more difficult than destruction.

  37. As one of your many former students, I continue to appreciate your reasoned and seasoned advice, Mas. Law abiding gun owners must continue to be just that, law abiding.

  38. And now for something completely different:

    Does anyone have any experience with the Mossberg MC1sc? Looking for a deep concealment pistol, along the likes of Glock 42/43 & would spend about $150 on upgrades. Mossberg comes with flat trigger, night sights & extended magazine.

  39. My humble advice is, don’t make yourself a target. It may feel good to strut around at demonstrations like a heavily armed commando and pretending to be a mercenary or operator. All this will do is mark you as a potential target for the other side to make an example of later. Government alphabet agencies and local authorities have undercover agents lurking within those crowds recording and videotaping everyone secretly, especially anyone who’s armed and/or very vocal. On January 20th, I will no longer fly the Stars and Strips at my house as America will not be the same country I have known. I won’t be less patriotic, but do not wish to become a target for crazy and violent liberal fanatics.

    Take some good advice from Sun Tzu who advocates appearing weak when you are strong. Surprise/ambush is the key. When ravenous wolves are scoping out the sheep, guard dog wannabes strutting around proudly are not as effective as lions quietly wearing sheepskins.

  40. A close look at a bit of Nancy Pelosi’s youth background ‘way back in the day included in the FBI report on her brother’s rape charge shows her very likely exposed to quite a bit of Soviet Russian attitudes through her father’s liaison role with certain USSR delegates. Thus what seems poisonous to us may seem sweet to her. Little doubt that the Pelosi gang moving into control again in D.C. operates in a separate bubble, and doesn’t really care how dangerously arrogant it appears. Such aloofness is bound to backfire on the gang. Eventually the criminals will find themselves cut off the same way they mistreated others. Even trying like thugs to impeach the excellent Mr. Trump today could cause a political earthquake.

  41. This is why we have a republic with three branches of government. We win some elections, lose others, but as long as our form of government endures there is always a way to protect our rights. That’s why the current make up of our Supreme Court is so important. We’ve always had to fight for our liberties ( anyone ever hear of the Alien and Sedition Acts). Hopefully, two hundred years from now our descendants will be fighting for theirs. What’s important is that the system provides remedies short of guns. Sometimes violence is justified, but not here, not now, not in the United States of America.

  42. Mr. Ayoob…

    As one of your students at the LFI, I appreciate your perspective. As always, thanks for standing up, and speaking out, for common sense. Violence, while potentially necessary in the defense of ourselves and our loved ones, is rarely a solution to a larger issue. It has saddened me beyond measure to see politics divide our great country. I can only hope and pray that we find a way to heal ourselves.

    Looking forward…Chris

  43. Mas,

    Over the last few days, my computer has shown a tendency to “lock up” right in the middle of writing a post for this blog. It has happened with different browsers so it is not a problem that is related to a specific browser. This has happened to me at least half a dozen times.

    In each case, when the computer locks up, I have to re-boot and whatever I had written was lost. I have to start over from scratch.

    Now, this could just be a technical problem with my computer. Perhaps some automatic software upgrade has introduced a “bug” that causes a problem with browser operations. However, I find it “funny” that my computer only seems to want to lock when I am in the middle of writing a comment for this blog. I don’t see the problem when visiting other web sites.

    Being of a suspicious mind, it makes me wonder if, maybe, “Big Brother” Tech is “messing” with the people who post to your blog.

    I am curious. Has anyone else noticed this problem as they write comments for this blog?

    On the off-chance that it is the totalitarian minions of “Big Tech” at work here, I have upgraded my anti-virus, firewall and Internet Identity protection. This should make me a “hard target” to mess with.

    Anyway, I thought that I would report what I have been recently experiencing.

    • TN_MAN:

      Better watch out! Big Brother/Sister is gathering stuff on us and Aunt Kamala’s henchpersons are preparing a nice cozy private cell for you at one of their luxurious super max resorts. 🙂

    • You may have a bug, virus or other malware on your computer. Antivirus and firewall software aren’t impenetrable. You might want to take the machine to a professional. In the meantime, write offline into Notepad. When you are ready to post, start your browser, go to the Backwoods Home website, copy and paste from Notepad into the website’s text box and post your comment.

      • @ Kendahl

        In my younger days, I used to build my own personal computers. I worked for a State Government, before I retired, and my work was heavily computer-based. While I wrote some software, my work often involved working with professional software developers to build and roll out enterprise level software systems. My point is that I am not exactly a novice when it comes to computers.

        I have run antivirus and firewall software on my personal computer for years. I make sure that automatic updates is active so that my antivirus and operating systems stay up-to-date. I have scanned my computer with multiple anti-virus / malware programs. These were detailed, full scans. Every scan says that my system is clean.

        Besides, most malware will do something worse than merely locking the computer while writing to online blogs. Most malware, like ransom-ware, wants to extorting money from the victim in some fashion.

        No, this is not a malware problem. It could be that I have an older device driver, somewhere, that is incompatible with a recent system update. However, given the intermittent nature of the problem, it would be the devils own time to track down the specific cause. If this is the issue, I will just have to hope that another automatic update, in the future, will fix it.

        The other possibility is the one that I mentioned above. Websites that voice Conservative opinions, like this one, may be under surveillance as “Big Brother” tech works to “mess with” them and shut them down. We all know that the totalitarians hate free speech. They want their voice to be the only one spoken in all mass media and online.

        They have already attacked numerous Conservative websites such as the Conservative Treehouse and Parley. Why should we think that this blog would evade their notice?

      • I have now scanned my computer for out-of-date device drivers. I found about 10 drivers in need of updating to newer versions. These updates have been performed now.

        So, we will see if this fixes the problem.

  44. During the recent 2020 Presidential Election, Donald Trump received a minimum of over 74.2 million votes according to the “official” total. Given the charges of fraud and computer-based vote switching, the true total could have been much higher.

    However, even by the “official” number, this is more than any Republican candidate in American History. It is more than either of the Bushes received. In 1984, when Ronald Reagan took 49 of the 50 States, he did it with about 54.5 million votes. Almost 20 million less than Donald Trump received. The most votes that Democrat President Obama (The Leftist Messiah) ever received was 69.5 million. About 5 million less than President Trump.

    Yet today, barely two months later, the House of Representatives has voted to impeach Donald Trump again. During the first Democrat Impeachment effort, not one Republican in the House broke ranks to support it.

    However, today, at least 10 Republican quislings voted to support it. If the Republican Party had a spine, it would note the names of these quislings and then “primary” each one the next time they run for their House Seat or for any other office. Unfortunately, the Republican Party does not have a spine.

    These quislings ran in fear of the totalitarian Democrats. They would not resist this latest Impeachment effort and they will not lift a hand as the Democrats rip the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution, to tatters.

    Folks, we all need to “wrap our heads” around one clear fact. The Democrat Party has become a hive of pure evil.

    I know this is hard. We don’t really want to believe this about our fellow Americans. We like to think of ourselves as “The Good Guys”. We don’t want to believe the concept of “Evil Americans”.

    What you must understand is that the Democrat Party leaders are no longer Americans in their hearts. They are leftists. Their loyalty is not to America. It is to the global, left-wing movement and to filling their own pockets with taxpayer money and kickbacks. When Donald Trump spoke his theme of “Make America Great Again” they wailed and gnashed their teeth in disagreement. That tells you all you need to know about their loyalty.

    It is time for all true Americans to face the facts. You cannot deny that evil exists. You cannot put your head in the sand and hid from evil. You cannot run from evil. You cannot reason with evil. You cannot bargain with evil. You cannot appease evil. You cannot just wait for evil to go away on its own.

    If you do any of these things, evil will simply grow stronger. The history of the last 50 years has shown this to be true (beyond all doubt) because those have been the actions of the Republican Party.

    We must confront evil and fight it. That is the only way to defeat it.

    The entire course of human history shows this to be true. Do you want America to be better? To not be evil?

    If so, then you must be prepared to pay the price of confronting evil and to fight it. There is no other way forward to a better America.

    • TN_MAN,

      You and others have made excellent comments. I am sure many of us have thoughts and “what if” contingencies which will not be expressed because the NSA is storing our digital comments in those big server farm buildings in Utah. Just want to remind everyone to be careful when expressing our thoughts, because freedom of speech is dead. Everything we say, text or type will be used against us.

      I see the Left racking up victories, going from strength to strength. The Right may be able to separate itself, and have a parallel culture. The Amish have done that successfully. But, there are so many of us, I doubt the Left would leave us alone.

      It’s all well and good to fight for truth, justice and the American way, but what if God has turned against us? What if it is His plan for the Left to radically alter our country? To me, it looks as though what happened to the American Indians may be what will happen to the American Right. If things continue to go from bad to worse in the future, I may simply go local and go dark. I may attempt to disconnect from The Matrix, if I can.

      One ray of hope may be that if Biden/Harris ruin America like DeBlasio has ruined NYC, many on the Left may repent and come to our side. We know that Americans love prosperity, and will have a hard time living without it. The Left can only deliver prosperity to its leadership.

      • @ Roger Willco – “Just want to remind everyone to be careful when expressing our thoughts, because freedom of speech is dead. Everything we say, text or type will be used against us.”

        I will not surrender my 1st Amendment Right of Free Speech. I will not self-censor out of fear of the Totalitarian Left. Likewise, I will not surrender my 2nd Amendment Rights and meekly disarm out of fear of the Totalitarian Left.

        That is the way that totalitarian regimes work. A totalitarian cannot tolerate any level of defiance and will use fear to cowl the People into obedience. Note that well. A totalitarian regime will always be marked by the above characteristics.

        The ideologies pushed by Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot all differed in some important ways. They were all customized to fit the times and the country being targeted. However, all of the regimes, of the above tyrants, shared these characteristics:

        1) They tolerated no defiance of their rule and,

        2) They enforced their will by means of fear and intimidation.

        When you see a person or a political party, like the current Democrat Party, that demonstrates the above characteristics in abundance, then you know that you are confronting tyranny.

        Well, I am not going to volunteer and do the tyrant’s job for them.

      • Roger, the left will never learn their lesson(s) no matter how bad things get. Remember that Albert Einstein once said that insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different outcome. Liberals will make the same mistake over and over again thinking the next time they will succeed.

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