So far, the President’s nervously-awaited announcement on his executive orders relating to “gun control” shows little potential except for unmitigated cluelessness.

Here’s friend Andrew Branca’s take on it at the always-informative Legal Insurrection site.

Second Amendment stalwart Alan Korwin has some important observations, as well.

And Dave Workman of the Second Amendment Foundation has another cogent analysis.

Let us know what you think of it all.


  1. Legacy issue? What legacy. obama is playing with himself in full view of the entire world hopeful his little exhibition will earn some goodwill from his ‘base’. Good luck with that obama, the Supreme Court may tell you to pull up your pants and go home.
    Will ANYONE have the guts to tell him executive orders to modify current gun laws is not within his job description? Probably not, establishment Republicans will wait for someone else to tell him. Gun owners carry the load again.

  2. If our Dear Leader can dispose of the Second Amendment in 2016, he could make HillBilly irrelevant and like Napoleon, crown himself President-For-Life because without the 2A, all the others and even the U.S. Constitution cannot be defended. Sticks and stones in the hands of the population won’t do too well against government machine guns and grenades. I do believe many Americans, like myself and you guys/gals, will still fight against tyranny to the death, even with bare hands, but BHO can always depend on his Cuban and Iranian buddies to send troops to suppress his unruly subjects. Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and FDR would be so proud of the Anointed One.

  3. What is so ironic here is that I remember a period of time that the ATF did not want to issue an FFL to someone who did not sell enough guns. If you didn’t have a bricks and mortar store and wanted to be engaged in the business of selling guns (out of your garage, car, gun show, or whatever), the ATF didn’t want to issue a you a license.

    They felt that you were just using the FFL to buy wholesale and be able to receive a gun directly from out of state for personal inventory. They felt that it made it too convenient for a collector to buy and sell without going through an “unbiased” third party (an established FFL dealer). I suspect that the agency also did not want to increase its work load keeping up with and policing more FFL holders.

  4. Not to pee in the punch …but… a dystopian future has Barry appointed to SCOTUS. Alternate is elected to Gen Sec of the UN. Either nightmare screws generations coming out of gun rights.

  5. Mas,

    Of the three articles that were linked to this blog, I have to say that I agree most strongly with the view put forward by Andrew Branca.

    This is political theater pure and simple. The target audience was the left-wing base and the usual Obama sycophants in the left-wing media. Those folks ate it up, of course, just like it was golden honey on hot bread! They just don’t know any better! (LOL)

    In reality, it is “much ado about nothing”. These so-called “executive actions” do nothing to control or limit gun sales. Quite the opposite. Gun sales will surge even more, if possible.

    I am not surprised (at all) that the stock of Smith & Wesson and Ruger jumped today!

    Like I said in a previous post, these companies ought to get together and buy (as a Thank You Gift) Mr. Obama a golden SUV just as soon as he leaves office. I doubt that Bill Ruger or even old Sam Colt, himself, could reasonably be put forward as better gun salesmen that B.H. Obama!

  6. Goodness, I need to read some Tom Sowell or Milton Friedman, lest I suffer an aneurysm after today’s dog n’ pony show in DC.

  7. Ignoring all the other stuff, I believe there’s a very, very basic fact that I never hear mentioned…
    Prohibition: FAIL
    “War on Drugs”: Fail
    Keeping marijuana out: Fail massive
    Safe borders: fail

    How can anyone expect the “War on Guns” to be successful?
    They can pass all the laws they want, but if the.populace doesn’t support it, it cannot succeed. History is plain on this…

    So, IMHO, all we’re seeing is theater…and/or some delusional people.

  8. Dear King POTUS, I will get right to the point. I am a 61 year old 100% Disabled American Veteran who incurred traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the line of duty many decades ago.

    Many of my brave and courageous brother airmen, coast guardsmen, Marines, sailors and soldiers also incurred TBI in the line of duty in Afghanistan and Iraq

    Many of their TBIs were caused by IEDs designed and built by your kissy face patty cake playground friends in Iran.

    Yes, that Iran, the leading sponsor of terrorism in the world. The nation whose leaders constantly threaten to obliterate Jews and Israel, the closest ally of the USA.

    The same Iran that fired a missile near a USN naval vessel in or near the Straits of Hormuz.

    The same Iran on which Secretary Who’s Not Great Kerry and you have overt “man crushes.”

    Last but not least King POTUS. If you should dare to weaponize the Social Security Administration and the Department of Veterans Affairs to disarm hundreds of thousands of veterans of all eras with TBI who volunteered and “took one in their heads for the home team” in defense of the Constitution of the USA and its Bill of Rights, here is what will happen.

    The American Legion, the DAV, the PVA and the VFW, along with millions upon millions of patriotic citizens who love this country as much as you despise it will work with the U.S. Congress and Courts of Law at all levels to make every 24 hour long day until you leave office as close to a living Hell as possible.

    King POTUS, you started it. It will end only when you leave office, a date that cannot arrive soon enough. Have a stressful day.

    God bless America. ??

  9. I hate what Obama is trying to do… is not Constitutional!!!

    Now how do we get guns from the bad guys??
    How about stop and frisk!! That practice seemed to be effective in New York!

    Getting the guns from the bad guys NEEDS to be the focus!

  10. I once had an on air radio host try to belittle me for my stand on the 2a, when I stated that the 2a allows us to defend ourselves against a tyrannical government he laughed and asked what good my .30-.30 what be against a tank. I responded by saying that the crew will have to come out sometime or it will get a little smelly. Also, I related how well the VietCong stymied us to a standstill. And they didn’t even look like us. Where as when we look just like the stormtroopers we will face, infiltration will be a piece of cake.

  11. It’s not even remotely dystopian to think that the person who received a Nobel Peace Prize for what he WAS GOING TO DO (exact words, go look them up) would become UN SecGen and lead the body that allowed Yasser Arafat to address the “excellencies” of the UN Security Council with a loaded sidearm strapped to his hip. I don’t see him on SCOTUS because they are American and the crying man-child in the Oval Office doesn’t believe that this country is any better than anyone else…and far too many in this country feel exactly the same way.

    Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition. And in that order. Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin.

  12. @Randy-People’sRepublic of Illinois Says:

    If the Tanks turret hatch is open, you either shot the Tank commander, then drop grenades, or explosives, down the open hatch, and blow the Tank up!

    If he Tank’s Turret Hatch is closed, then you need to train an expendable dog, to run along side the tank, barking at it, until the explosives strapped to the dog blowup, and kill the Tank, just as the Russians did during WW-II!

    Just remember today’s Tanks are bigger, and better built, so it will require larger explosive charges to blow them up, to out them out of action!

  13. Randy-People’sRepublic of Illinois, it seems to me that a rag tag bunch of volunteer fighters who’s primary jobs were in no way related to war fighting defeated the mightiest military on earth. American colonists handed the British their asses, King George, who’s your daddy?

  14. The most troubling new part of Obama’s latest steps to me is the use of Veterans Administration, Social Security Administration, and Medicare to use as a weapon against gun owners that fall under those programs.

    Both my wife and I as part of our Medicare annual physical last year were asked from aq form questionnaire if we had smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and if we owned a gun. I’m sure there is now a NO COURT ORDER REQUIRED database registry of Medicare gun owners.

    Following that concept, if as reported the bunch of inability manage your finances, mental illness, other diseases, or other conditions now will preclude you from buying or maybe possessing a gun will be determined by a bureaucrats. Like the IRS you will be administratively guilty until if and when you can go through some yet to be determined process to prove you have the ability to have a gun.

    After my mother died I had a medical and financial power of attorney for my dad for almost 20 years in which he had semi automatics stage all around his house. It was not until his late eighties went into an assisted living that did not allow guns, that I took possession of his guns. I had the powers of attorney but he was totally capable.

    The open ended DISEASES and OTHER CONDITIONS bothers me a lot. Is an other condition a medication that the drug manufacture for liability reasons cautions not to drive or operate heavy machinery? I can see Obama pressing to add firearms to liability labels
    Think of Obama/Bloomberg minded Washington bureaucrats deciding what other conditions are. In short were are talking about administrative decisions with a lot of leeway to impose limitations

    Curtis is 100% right to assume that if they can find any excuse their mentality is take the guns away. They have immediate administrative control of the internal rules and regulations for the VA, Social Security and Medicare. I don’t know for sure but I would think it highly likely that this older group has a very high percentage of gun owners. Disparity of force reasons alone would require weapons for this older group against much younger criminals.

    It will take new targeted laws or lengthy court battles to undo the probable forth coming unforeseen slew of regulations the laws did not specifically anticipate or address.

  15. WOW, GREAT POSTS EVERYBODY! So I hear that Obama is coming for our guns, and then he gives a speech about background checks. Sounds very mild-mannered to me. As a New Jersey resident (yes, I know I’m stupid) I wouldn’t think of selling a gun to a family member or friend without going through someone who has a Federal Firearms License. I know gunsmiths who have them, and of course, gun stores have them. For $25 (or maybe it’s more now) they would run the NICS check, and fill out Form 4473. With that paperwork, I wouldn’t have to worry about the NJ government coming after me. It’s a slight administrative hassle, but I can live with it, and once I’ve gone through the process, I have peace-of-mind.

    Our guns have already saved us from a hard tyrannical government. Those in charge have to speak nicely to us, and try to take our guns a little at a time, using tricky laws and lies. They will not talk about confiscation because they are afraid of us, AND THAT IS A GOOD THING! The leaders of other countries were able to confiscate their guns because they were not afraid of the people.

    If the American government ever did try to confiscate all guns, some Americans would turn theirs in, and some wouldn’t. It would be a bloody mess.

    Imagine all the money gun and ammo manufacturers could make if other nations had the Second Amendment! Chairman Mao was right when he said, “Power comes out the barrel of a gun.”

  16. Ok, everyone – the correct “take” on this was articulated by TN_MAN. This was THEATER – a production meant to influence the American public, right down to the bogus tears. No more, no less. We, out of all Americans, shouldn’t need to be reminded of this – it is all barry ever does. BTW, I “lower-cased” barry on purpose – no respect is his well-earned personal due.

  17. @ Nevada Vin Says:

    Well, when I am as asked an illegal question, that is where I start exercising my God Given, and Constitutionally Protected, Rights, by telling whoever asked that question, that “It is none of their as to whether, or not, I choose to Exercise my “God Given”, and “Constitutionally Protected Second Amendment Rights, or Not”!

    If you won’t want to get into a Pissing Match as their Authority to know how you exercise those above Rights, then of course you lie to them, saying “Oh God, NO, those things are dangerous, and they can Kill People (All by themselves)!, and end the discussion right there.

  18. Of course, we are not in that data base. I’m sure I am in others but not that one.

    My gun owning doctor was apologizing that he had to ask the gun question. Then said most people are not answering that question.

  19. Call me getting paranoid in my old age, but I believe Obama’s executive orders could be more sinister than meets the eye.

    How do you get placed on the “no fly list”? How do you get your name off that list? How do you find out if your name is on that list?

    “Right wing-nut”, “left wing-nut”, who determines who is really a “nut”?

    Lately, we have seen some “celebrities” and other high profile people calling for violent intervention against folks whose politics differ from their’s. At what point do the “powers that be” use the ambiguity of these “enhanced” and “expanded” regulations as a tool to punish political dissent?

    Make no mistake, while a regulation is not a “law” in the sense of being “criminal”, it does limit freedoms, involve fines, and can be extremely costly financially to fight. (ever got a letter from the I.R.S saying you owed additional taxes and penalties, and had to decide whether to just pay it rather than go to the expense of challenging their ruling?)

    Consider the situation in Oregon. It appears this dispute started as a disagreement over “regulations”, that grew into criminal “terrorism” charges being filed by an activist federal prosecutor. This was with-in her discretion. Her “discretion” appears to have been directed purely by her political ideology.

    I asked earlier in this post how do you find out if you’re on the “no fly list”? The answer is you don’t, until you try to fly. Under the new rules, now you can when you try to buy a gun. I also asked how you get your name off this list. The answer is, you don’t, their is no “due process” provided for removal. Inclusion or removal is completely arbitrary and in the hands of bureaucrats (political appointees).

    I fear that when Obama makes reference to those “who cling to their guns and Bibles”, he truly believes they are suffering under a mental disorder and are delusional. Without due process, it is purely a judgement call on the part of the politicians in power.

    Pardon my ramblings, it comes with old age. Oops, did I just incriminate myself as being mentally unstable and not to be trusted with a gun?

  20. It was a Seinfied moment for Obama. That is, ‘all about nothing’. Lots of hype, lots of bluster, but in the end just another community organizer speech. He is going nowhere fast. Lamest duck in town.

    Happily this tu*d will flush in January 2017.

  21. Takes a hell of an actor to cry on cue. Amazing performance since he was never good at portraying a president.

  22. Well, here we go, down the ski slope to serfdom or slavery in a quasi-socialist state, just as I predicted.

    Many military veterans of all eras now being treated successfully for traumatic brain injury (TBI) and who receive both VA disability benefits and SSDI benefits from the SSA may soon be rejected by FBI NICS when they go to an FFL Dealer to buy a handgun, rifle or shotgun!

    My prediction? Holy political Hell will break loose!
    Veterans nationwide from 18 to 88 may end up marching on Washington, D.C. as did the Bonus Army back when Hoover was President.

    The U.S. Congress must act decisively and loudly right now to protect the Second Amendment rights of injured and wounded military veterans from the O-Man and his immature Millennials “playing government” in the WH.

    Please read the New York Times article link shown below, then contact your Congressman and two U.S. Senators to insist that they move with the speed of light to block proposed use of the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Social Security Administration as “courts of law” to strip proud military veterans who incurred traumatic brain injuries in the line of duty but who present zero threat to themselves or to the general public of their precious Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

    We are a nation of laws, not of executive orders. Be gone, King POTUS. Be gone ASAP. Enjoy an early retirement. Our Republic grows tired and weary of your Nero-like fiddling as the entire world burns while you do absolutely nothing to restore the USA to Super Power status.

  23. I am continually amazed at how slavishly obedient the left-wing media is to Obama. Ever notice that?

    All Obama has to do is put out the Party Line and his propaganda stooges in the media get to work. This latest example is a case-in-point. All Obama had to do was hold a press conference, put on a little political theater, shed a tear or two and (BAM!) the media is flooding the airways and the internet with anti-gun stories. I just did a google search for “Obama Tears Up” and got 37 million hits! Boy, that was fast propaganda work!

    The same thing happened after Sandy Hook. Also, it does not just apply to gun control. Anything Obama wants (on immigration, health care, whatever), he just puts out a press release and then they try to get it for him.

    While American Journalism has never been perfect (witness that the term “Yellow Journalism” is an old one), nevertheless, it used to be that a fair percentage of journalist took their role of “government watchdog” with some seriousness. Not anymore. Today, they are his obedient servants. Like Darth Vader, the kneel before him and ask “What is thy bidding, my Master?”

    This, of course, is destroying journalism in America. The American people are not fools. When they see that everything in the media is Obama “Party-Line” propaganda, then their respect for the media and for journalism drops lower than whale crap.

    Indeed, Obama is the “Anti-Matter” President. Whatever policy he tries to implement, he crashes and burns. His limp wrist foreign policies have brought us to the edge of the next world war in the Middle East and have North Korea setting off hydrogen bombs. His policies regarding race have re-opened (and then poured salt into) the racial wounds that this nation has always had. Although the points might be disputed by some, many feel that his economic and health care policies have been bad too. Don’t even get me started on his immigration policy or Gitmo!

    The only thing that he has strengthened is the American pro-gun position. He has deliberately tried to attack the 2nd Amendment, of course, but (being the Anti-Matter President) his policy failed there too. The result is a strengthened NRA, lower crime overall, record numbers of gun sales, and expansion of concealed carry across the land.

    Finally, Obama is destroying the Democratic Party. Witness that all the serious democratic candidates for the next POTUS are from the generation older than Obama. Obama has decimated the up and coming ranks of young democrats. What generation of young democrats will follow Obama?

    Yet, the left-wing media worship the very ground upon which Obama walks! They might as well worship nerve gas. It is less destructive.

  24. Dennis – I refuse to excuse any of your words as paranoid ramblings or failings of advanced age. They are instead, the words of wisdom from someone who understands how this nation came to be, how it became great, and sadly, how it came to be in the state of decline that we find ourselves in. You and I, being students of history, can see where this will lead. Because the past few generations have placed less and less emphasis on that same study of history, they do not see, nor believe us when we tell them – how it will end. No one wants to listen because they are so sure they already know! Dennis, that is the basis of our angst – the reason we worry so much is because we care so much. Having said that, I’m certain none of that angst will stop you, nor me – from “preaching the gospel (ALL kinds of Gospel!)” – will it? Keep the faith, my friend!

  25. TN_MAN, you wrote about how supportive the media are of Obama. I remember the 1980s, how they constantly attacked Ronald Reagan. Sam Donaldson made a career out of hound dogging the President, and the media constantly reminded us of all the “homeless” out there. Since the 1980s were good economic times, I’m sure today’s homeless problem is much worse than it was then. But today I only hear a few mentions of the homeless and food stamp problem on talk radio.

    I’m sure we all remember hearing about how many American service members died EVERY DAY during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The number of dead was on the news every day. Remember all the IEDs? As soon as Obama took office, I hardly ever heard about our deaths over there. The reporting on the subject almost stopped.

    Most of the media, and most politicians, are domestic enemies of the Constitution.

  26. Don-Pa, I’ve said before and repeat it again. I (and others in our age group) have been blessed with having lived the majority of our lives in the most God blessed, most free and most prosperous country in the recorded history of mankind (with the exception of Eden before sin entered this world).

    At the same time, one of the most brutal, oppressive, and insidious ideologies (communism) was spreading it’s repression. America expended much wealth trying to stop it’s freedom robbing expansion. We called it the “cold war”. Our economic might was such that the main exporter, the USSR, collapsed. We boasted that we had won that “cold war”, seemingly oblivious to the fact that they had methodically infected our institutions of higher learning with this destructive, freedom robbing ideology.

    I recall, as a child, watching Nikita Krushchev, pounding the podium with his shoe, in a speech before the U.N., telling the world that they would “bury” the United States without ever firing a shot. I believe the plan had already been set in motion.

    Suddenly, we wake up wondering how we have come to a point where we have a President who goes on the world stage, telling everyone that the U.S. isn’t exceptional, attacks our constitutional freedoms, and seemingly is hell-bent on diminishing us to “third world” status. The once proud democratic party has been reduced to leadership like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, and whose top candidates for president are an avowed socialist (Bernie Sanders) and Hillary Clinton who was unable to enunciate the difference between a socialist and a democrat when asked in an interview.(DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz refused to answer the same question)

    I have a profound sense of personal guilt that I did not do more to prevent what now appears to be Krushchev’s prophecy coming to fruition. Sadly, this virus (socialism) has become systemic and the patient will have to undergo intensive internal cleansing or it will surely die.

    I fervently pray this occurs “without ever firing a shot”.

  27. Actually, Khrushchev later clarified that statement to say our working class would bury us, but, like so many things Russian, this was incorrect. We’re not being buried by the working class, but by the elites. In my mind, they don’t represent us, the readers of folks such as Mas, John Farnam, Workman and many, many others who preach and teach 2A values.


  28. FYI: Here’s what a National Columnist has written about Donald J. Trump, that none of the other Main Stream Media has, or will ever, tell you.




    Peggy Noonan wrote about Trump this weekend in her Wall Street Journal – Trump, Things You Might Not Know About Him:

    Trump, hopefully, is waking some of the RINOs up. The criticisms of Trump are amazingly missing something.

    1. They are lacking in negative stories from those who work for him or have had business dealings with him.

    2. After all the employees he’s had and all the business deals he’s made there is a void of criticism. In fact, long term employees call him a strong and merciful leader and say he is far more righteous and of high integrity than people may think.

    3. And while it may surprise many, he’s actually humble when it comes to his generosity and kindness. A good example is a story that tells of his limo breaking down on a deserted highway outside of New York City. A middle-aged couple stopped to help him and as a thank you he paid off their mortgage, but he didn’t brag about that. Generous and good people rarely talk of charity they bestow on others.

    4. But as much as all this is interesting, the real thing that people want to know is what Donald Trump’s plan is for America. It’s funny how so many people say they don’t know what it is, or they act like Trump is hiding it. The information is readily available if people would just do a little homework. But, since most Americans won’t.

    1.) Trump believes that America should not intervene militarily in other country’s problems without being compensated for doing so. If America is going to risk the lives of our soldiers and incur the expense of going to war, then the nations we help must be willing to pay for our help. Using the Iraq War as an example, he cites the huge monetary expense to American taxpayers (over $1.5 trillion, and possibly much more depending on what sources are used to determine the cost) in addition to the cost in human life. He suggests that Iraq should have been required to give us enough of their oil to pay for the expenses we incurred. He includes in those expenses the medical costs for our military and $5 million for each family that lost a loved one in the war and $2 million for each family of soldiers who received severe injuries.

    2.) Trump wants America to have a strong military again. He believes the single most important function of the federal government is national defense. He has said he wants to find the General Patton or General MacArthur that could lead our military buildup back to the strength it needs to be. While he hasn’t said it directly that I know of, Trump’s attitude about America and about winning tells me he’d most likely be quick to eliminate rules of engagement that handicap our military in battle. Clearly Trump is a “win at all costs” kind of guy, and I’m sure that would apply to our national defense and security, too

    3.) Trump wants a strong foreign policy and believes that it must include 7 core principles American interests come first. Always. No apologies. Maximum firepower and military preparedness. Only go to war to win. Stay loyal to your friends and suspicious of your enemies. Keep the technological sword razor sharp. See the unseen, Prepare for threats before they materialize. Respect and support our present and past warriors.

    4.) Trump believes that terrorists who are captured should be treated as military combatants, not as criminals like the Obama Administration treats them.

    5.) Trump makes the point that China’s manipulation of their currency has given them unfair advantage in our trade dealings with them. He says we must tax their imports to offset their currency manipulation, which will cause American companies to be competitive again and drive manufacturing back to America and create jobs here. Although he sees China as the biggest offender, he believes that America should protect itself from all foreign efforts to take our jobs and manufacturing. For example, Ford is building a plant in Mexico and Trump suggests that every part or vehicle Ford makes in Mexico be taxed 35% if they want to bring it into the U. S., which would cause companies like Ford to no longer be competitive using their Mexican operations and move manufacturing back to the U.S., once again creating jobs here.

    6.) Trump wants passage of NOPEC legislation (No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels Act – NOPEC – S.394), which would allow the government to sue OPEC for violating antitrust laws. According to Trump, that would break up the cartel. He also wants to unleash our energy companies to drill domestically (sound like Sarah Palin’s drill baby, drill?) thereby increasing domestic production creating jobs and driving domestic costs of oil and gas down while reducing dependence on foreign oil.

    7.) Trump believes a secure border is critical for both security and prosperity in America. He wants to build a wall to stop illegals from entering and put controls on immigration. (And he says he’ll get Mexico to pay for the wall, which many have scoffed at, but given his business successes I wouldn’t put it past him.) He also wants to enforce our immigration laws and provide no path to citizenship for illegals.

    8.) Trump wants a radical change to the tax system to not only make it better for average Americans, but also to encourage businesses to stay here and foreign businesses to move here. The resulting influx of money to our nation would do wonders for our economy. He wants to make America the place to do business. He also wants to lower the death tax and the taxes on capital gains and dividends. This would put more than $1.6 trillion back into the economy and help rebuild the 1.5 million jobs we’ve lost to the current tax system. He also wants to charge companies who outsource jobs overseas a 20% tax, but for those willing to move jobs back to America they would not be taxed. And for citizens he has a tax plan that would allow Americans to keep more of what they earn and spark economic growth. He wants to change the personal income tax to: Up to $30,000 taxed at 1%. From $30,000 to $100,000 taxed at 5%. From $100,000 to $1,000,000 taxed at 10%. $1,000,000 and above taxed at 15%.

    9.) Trump wants Obamacare repealed. He says it’s a “job-killing, health care-destroying monstrosity” that “can’t be reformed, salvaged, or fixed.” He believes in allowing real competition in the health insurance marketplace to allow competition to drive prices down. He also believes in tort reform to get rid of defensive medicine and lower costs.

    10.) Trump wants spending reforms in Washington, acknowledging that America spends far more than it receives in revenue. He has said he believes that if we don’t stop increasing the national debt once it hits $24 trillion it will be impossible to save this country.

    11.) Even though he says we need to cut spending, he does not want to harm those on Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security. He believes that the citizens have faithfully paid in to the system to have these services available and that the American government has an obligation to fulfill its end of the bargain and provide those benefits. Therefore, he wants to build the economy up so that we have the revenue to pay those costs without cutting the benefits to the recipients. He disagrees with Democrats who think raising taxes is the answer and says that when you do that you stifle the economy. On the other hand, when you lower taxes and create an environment to help businesses they will grow, hire more workers, and those new workers will be paying taxes that become more tax revenue for the government.

    12.) Trump also wants reform of the welfare state saying that America needs “a safety net, not a hammock.” He believes in a welfare-to work program that would help reduce the welfare rolls and encourage people to get back to work. And he wants a crackdown on entitlement fraud.

    13.) Trump believes climate change is a hoax.

    14.) Trump opposes Common Core.

    15.) Trump is pro-life, although he allows for an exception due to rape, incest, or the life of the mother.

    16.) Trump is pro 2nd Amendment rights.

    17.) Trump’s view on same-sex marriage is that marriage is between a man and a woman, but he also believes that this is a state’s rights issue, not a federal issue.

    18.) Trump supports the death penalty. Trump believes that there is a lack of common sense, innovative thinking in Washington (Hmmm… looks like he believes in horse sense!).

    He says it’s about seeing the unseen and that’s the kind of thinking we need to turn this country around. He tells a personal story to illustrate the point: “When I opened Trump National Golf Club at Rancho Palos Verdes in Los Angeles, I was immediately told that I would need to build a new and costly ballroom. The current ballroom was gorgeous, but it only sat 200 people and we were losing business because people needed a larger space for their events. Building a new ballroom would take years to get approval and permits (since it’s on the Pacific Ocean), and cost about $5 million. I took one look at the ballroom and saw immediately what needed to be done. The problem wasn’t the size of the room, it was the size of the chairs. They were huge, heavy, and unwieldy. We didn’t need a bigger ballroom, we needed smaller chairs! So I had them replaced with high-end, smaller chairs. I then had our people sell the old chairs and got more money for them than the cost of the new chairs. In the end, the ballroom went from seating 200 people to seating 320 people. Our visitors got the space they desired, and I spared everyone the hassle of years of construction and $5 million of expense. It’s amazing what you can accomplish with a little common sense. On top of his saving years of construction and $5 million in expenses, he also was able to keep the ballroom open for business during the time it would have been under remodeling, which allowed him to continue to make money on the space instead of losing that revenue during construction time.

    19. Donald Trump’s entire life has been made up of success and winning. He’s been accused of bankruptcies, but that’s not true. He’s never filed personal bankruptcy. He’s bought companies and legally used bankruptcy laws to restructure their debt, just as businesses do all the time. But he’s never been bankrupt personally.

    20. He’s a fighter that clearly loves America and would fight for our nation. Earlier I quoted Trump saying, “I love America. And when you love something, you protect it passionately – fiercely, even.” We never hear that from Democrats or even most Republicans. Donald Trump is saying things that desperately need to be said but no other candidate has shown the fortitude to stand up and say them. Looking over this list of what he wants for America I see a very necessary set of goals that are long past due.

    Before we criticize someone because the media does, maybe we should seriously consider what he has to offer, as it is important to know what each of our candidates to replace a President who has ruined us globally, and who has put us on a path to disaster! This is not an appeal to vote for Trump, only to give some depth of comparison, before this week’s debate.

  29. @ Paul Edwards,

    In general, I am disappointed with all of the leading candidates for POTUS.

    A vote for Hillary would be a vote to continue with the same failed policies of the current Obama Administration. I think my post above clearly states what I think about Obama’s policies.

    Candidate Sanders clearly believes in his message and platform. However, it is one of socialism with a strong bias to the left. While I do believe that our economy needs better balance and that the middle class needs more support, I don’t (for one second) believe that socialist policies will get us there.

    On the republican side, we have Mr. Trump. Your post above was a well-written statement of the case for him. The problem is: I don’t believe it.

    When Obama first ran for POTUS, he was largely unknown. As a result, people hoped for the best out of him. I remember that one early Obama critic said: “Obama is a blank screen upon which people are projecting their hopes and aspirations”. I think that there was a lot of truth to that statement.

    A similar thing is happening with Trump. People are so hungry for someone, anyone to stand up against the overwhelming political correctness of the left that they are ready to seize upon anyone who shows some backbone. They are projecting Mr. Trump as their champion.

    However, he could easily turn out to be a disappointment like Obama is to his early, hopeful supporters. Frankly, all Mr. Trump has provided so far is bombast and showmanship. I don’t trust that and I don’t trust him.

    So, at this point, my enthusiasm for Trump is low too. However, it is not because the left-wing media bash him. I think my post above shows what I think of their propaganda.

    Rather, it is his missing specific policies and my general distrust of the man that makes me dubious.

  30. @ TN_MAN Says:

    Your mistrust seems to include everybody, and every thing, but Other people have come to the same opinion regarding Trump, as this columnist, so I tend to hope that Trump espouses at least enough of the things attributed to him, that he is worth giving a shot at trying to undo all that the Democratic Presidents have made us suffer with, in recent Administrations, at least in my book.

    If nothing more, we absolutely know that Hilary truly holds views as bad as, if not worse than BHO. So, the question becomes “Could any Republican be as bad for America, as we know another Democrat would be”?

    I know that Trump knows how to make money, in the business world, and how to “Fire” people that can’t do the same, while working for him. Can we say the same thing about any Democrat, or Republican, candidate for election in 2016?

    Hoping that you will change your mind, and at least decide to “Vote Against the Known Worst candidates”, if nothing else?


  31. TN_MAN, “Frankly, all Mr. Trump has provided so far is bombast and showmanship. I don’t trust that and I don’t trust him.”

    We have decades of Mr. Trump as a businessman. A successful track record. Mr. Trump has a history anyone and everyone can see if they open their eyes. Liberal Republicans have been harping the same vomitus about him being nothing but a loudmouth. They have a stake in the status quo as establishment career politicians.
    If you have anything tangible from Mr. Trump’s history that would alter people’s support for him please post it. I need to know so I can make an informed decision

  32. @ TN_MAN:

    Well, I found, and adapted, another person’s analogy, as to why we (Me, You, our Nation) needs Donald Trump, and must be smart enough to “Just take the Chance” that he can, and will, FIX IT?

    Trump, An Interesting Analogy.

    Situation: You’ve been on vacation for two weeks, you come home, and find your basement is infested with raccoons. Hundreds of rabid, messy, mean raccoons have overtaken your basement.

    What do You need: You want them gone immediately so you hire a guy. A pro. You don’t care if the guy smells, you need those raccoons gone pronto and he’s the guy to do it! You don’t care if the guy swears, you don’t care if he’s an alcoholic, you don’t care how many times he’s been married, you don’t care if he voted for Obama, you don’t care if he has plumber’s crack…you simply want those raccoons gone! You want your problem fixed! He’s the guy. He’s the best. Period.

    Solution: That’s why we need Trump. Yes he’s a bit of an ass, yes he’s an egomaniac, but you don’t care. The country is a mess because politicians suck, the Republican Party is two-faced & gutless, illegal’s are everywhere. You want it all fixed! You don’t care that Trump is crude, you don’t care that he insults people, you don’t care that he had been friendly with Hillary, you don’t care that he has changed positions, you don’t care that he’s been married 3 times, you don’t care that he fights with Megyn Kelly and Rosie O’Donnell, you don’t care that he doesn’t know the name of some Muslin terrorist,…this country is weak, bankrupt, our enemies are making fun of us, we are being invaded by illegal’s, we are becoming a nation of victims where every Tom, Ricardo and Hamid is a special group with special rights to a point where we don’t even recognize the country we were born and raised in; “AND WE JUST WANT IT FIXED” and Trump is the only guy who seems to understand what the people want.

    Yes, I am sick of politicians, sick of the Democratic Party, Republican Party, and sick of illegal’s on welfare. I just want this thing fixed.

    Yes, there is a lot more I’d like to know about Trump!

    Trump may not be a saint, but he doesn’t have lobbyist money beholding him to them, he doesn’t have political correctness restraining him, all I know is that he has been very successful, a good negotiator, he has built a lot of things, and he’s also not a politician, he’s not a cowardly politician.

    And he says he’ll fix it, so he’s my bet, and I’ll just have to take that chance, and support Trump for our next President, hoping he’ll be better than the last several incompetent, bought and paid for, Professional liar’s who have occupied the Oval Office?

  33. Dennis – don’t be so hard on all of us who grew up in the best of times and now understand what is truly happening. I’m sure you have lived your life pretty much as I did, trying to make things better for our kids and their kids. I never thought, for one moment, that the old Democratic Party you speak of (I call them the Roosevelt Democrats) would ever descend to the absolute pits as they have today – these “Democrats” are not Democrats – I don’t know what they are. I just got interrupted and must stop for now. Please stay safe, folks.

  34. @ Paul Edwards,

    You are right. I am distrustful or, perhaps, a better word would be pessimistic. I am in my fifties and I’ve seen Presidents come and go. Frankly, almost all of them (in my lifetime) have ranked somewhere between mediocre and outright bad in my book. The only one that I really liked was President Reagan (God bless him!) and even he slipped up once or twice.

    Selecting the next POTUS is an important decision. Being POTUS is truly a hard job. Arguably, the most difficult job in the world. So, it is maybe not surprising that most people don’t measure up to it.

    Fortunately, I still have some months to make up my mind.
    It looks like the Democratic nomination will come down to Hillary or Sanders. My distrust of Mr. Trump is a pale and weak thing compared with my distrust of Hillary. I would literally cut off my right hand before I used it to pull the lever for her!

    Sanders seems to be a sincere man but I cannot support his socialist agenda.

    So, we will just see who gets the Republican nomination. It might be Trump or it might still be Cruz or one of the others.

    If it is Trump, I will try to keep an open mind and give him the chance to prove to me that he has a real plan for our Nation and can do more than deliver a sharp come-back. My main concern, at this point, is that he makes big promises but has little specifics as to how to do it. For example, he says that he will fence the border with Mexico and get them to pay for it. That is easier said than done. My distrustful nature makes me fear that Trump is just telling people what they want to hear.

    Anyway, my mind is still far from made up concerning the next POTUS. But I have time. Still a while before I need to cast my vote.

  35. Just a few observations.
    A bit of Vick’s Vapo-Rub on the tip of a finger and then wiped under an eye in a innocuous hand movement will cause the eye to tear up a moment later. This is an old stage and screen trick.

    No tears were shed over the young lady in San Francisco who was killed by an illegal. Or any of hundreds of other victims who were assaulted by illegals.
    No tears were shed for the hundreds of those murdered in the Dear Leader’s hometown of Chicago.
    And so on and so forth…

    Killery Rotten Clinton has been revealed to have directed staff to remove the security header from e mails and then to transmit them via an unsecured server. This came out in last Friday’s document dump. There are those in positions to know about such things that think this may be the straw that breaks the camel’s back and forces prosecution. These folks also say there will be an open revolt among the leadership of the FBI if Hussein’s lap dog Loretta Lynch refuses to prosecute.

    We shall see.

    If that happens, the stuff will really have hit the fan and it should be very interesting. Hussein Obozo’s blathering will be forgotten in the resulting uproar.

  36. Leaving politics aide for the moment and getting back to the issue of gun control / firearm prohibition.

    I used to think that Jeff Cooper was entirely wrong about the mental state of gun-grabbers. He coined the term “Hoplophobia” to describe gun-grabbers as having an “irrational fear (or phobia) of firearms”. By doing so, he implied that gun-grabbers were suffering from a medical condition and were (to some extent) mentally insane.

    I doubted that this is true. It seemed to me that the left-wing ideology, whereby all the evils of the world were blamed on external social forces, was at fault. In other words, the gun-grabbers were not insane but were rational within the narrow context of their leftist worldview. They were simply using firearms as a “whipping boy” (politically) to reconcile mankind’s violence with their leftist worldview.

    However, after reading a recent article posted here:

    I feel compelled to change my views somewhat. While I still believe that the majority of gun-grabbers are responding to their left-wing ideology, I must concede that a small number of them are true “hoplophobes” and actually have an irrational fear of firearms. Clearly, the woman who wrote this article is one such person and is in need of psychological treatment (perhaps with medication) to help her overcome her irrational fears.

    She is so afraid of firearms that she wants to criminalize legal gun owners and post their names and addresses on-line as if the were the same as sex offenders!

    Jeff Cooper was right about people like her.

  37. After college, I served 4 years active duty during Viet Nam as a Marine Officer with a Top Secret Clearance. I lived, worked and voted in LIBERAL Massachusetts (only State to elect George McGovern) for 25 years. The last 18 years I have lived in Nevada which is a true swing State.

    The latest production of Hillary’s emails has her (in writing) instructing a staffer to delete the classification from a classified document and send it by unsecured fax. Removing a classification from a document is a Federal Crime no grey area for the FBI or Attorney General. Felons cannot be President. As a Marine if I did this a dishonorable discharge and, maybe a stay at a Naval Prison would result. Letting this go would set an unacceptable precedent for the security of classified document for the military and the intelligence community.

    The email also proves in black and white Hillary’s much repeated claim that there were no classified documents on her server as a documented lie. I can’t recall if she said also testified to this under oath be for congressional hearings.

    TN_MAN Says:

    In general, I am disappointed with all of the leading candidates for POTUS

    Voting for the better of two bad candidates but always voting was a way of life in liberal Massachusetts. Always Vote! Exit polls indicated that the lower turnout of religious right and working white voters from the Obama/Romney election gave us four more years of Obama. Even if you have to hold your nose – VOTE.

    Trump Bombast – Anyone who has read the “Art of the Deal” will tell you that Trumps first position (statement) is always totally far out and unacceptable because he expect to negotiate back but not as far if he starting position was more reasonable. Shaking up the Washington Political class is going to require a strong leader who won’t go along to get along. He will probably have to call out Members of Congressin public to get them to even pass a budget.

    We would not have immigration and admittance of radical terrorists imbedded with refugees front and center without Trump. Last year we had 103,000 college students from 19 countries with radical terrorist elements but there are only Standard Biographical Questionnaire no interviews and no screening for radical views. That, of course, would be discriminatory according to the State Department.

    Financial Factoid – The average immigrant is 35 and can receive $35,000 in benefits per year. The average couple that worked and paid taxes and Social Security all there life receive $24,000 when the start collecting Social Security at age 66. I don’t recall the exact % but it is in the 80% range imfor migrants are receiving taxpayer funded benefits. More troubling we are cutting benefits ($700 Billion Medicare Payments to Doctors and providers) for seniors while accelerating the number of immigrants who will require benefits.

    In order to shift the direction away from the liberal left European model we need Independent and democrats to cross over poles this week show 20% of Democrats crossing over for Trump. I have a Massachusetts Teamster son in law the teamsters he works with are fed up with Obama, Washington, PC and like Trump.

    Trump and Cruise are in the lead at this point. Both are strong 2A proponents. Looking at the polling, it would appear that Trump would attract more Independents and Democrats. I can live with either but deep down I think if Trump can survive the Republican establishment efforts to derail him, Trump will try to hold to his campaign promises. Trump unlike other candidates won’t need special interests money. I am very sure he wouldn’t sell the best interests of the U.S.A down the river for campaign contributions and personal millions like the others have done.

    I am still undecided but leaning Trump. I just changed from Independent to Republican so I can take part in the Nevada Republican Caucuses.

  38. I always vote. I know the Democrats cheat. They cheated in the election of 1960. I wonder if they cheat enough to turn the election over from the winner to the second placer. Did Romney really lose the election of 2012, with so many people upset with Obama and his policies? On election day Romney pulled into the lead, then towards the end Obama passed him smoothly. Hmmmm. I hear about votes being counted by a company in Spain. I wonder why. With the Democrats so close to realizing their dreams for this country, will they really allow a Republican to win, and slow down their march toward utopia? Would they make a RINO win, and then make him endorse their policies?

    All voters should have an interest in having fair elections. We should be required to show our voting registration cards and ID.

  39. It sounds to me as if some people here are planning on NOT VOTING for the Republican put up against Shrillary (assumed she is the candidate) if they are not righteous enough for you, or check enough of your boxes. Let me remind you that this kind of thinking is EXACTLY what resulted in 8 years of Obamanation. McCain(08) or Romney(12) didn’t excite many people enough, so they sat at home feeling all righteous over their choice to not vote. Yet now they think that they can bitch about what happened and those feelings carry weight. This kind of thinking is just crazy.

    The political process will result in two possible people that have any chance to win the presidency…sorry, but that IS the political process in this country. Pick the better of the two viable candidates and pull the damn lever. You have to pick the best of the two choices, or else you may just be stuck with the worst choice since you decided not to vote for the better choice.

    If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice.

  40. @ TN_MAN:

    TN_MAN, Here is a third Analogy of Trump, that may be more accurate that most would believe. I translate it as saying that all of the great silent Majority of American’s deeply believe in what Trump Publicly espouses, but Trump is the only American who will stand up to the PC Thought Police, and Publicly say what they think, and feel, deep in their Hearts, so no matter that they can’t speak these same thoughts Publicly, come election time, in the privacy of the “Voting Booth”, this Great Silent Majority, WILL VOTE FOR TRUMP!

    January 5, 2016

    What the cultural and political establishments can’t grasp about Donald Trump

    By Selwyn Duke

    Perhaps it’s not surprising that Time magazine named Angela Merkel its “Person of the Year.” With her flooding of Europe with Muslim migrants, the German chancellor may, after all, go down in history as a primary destroyer of Western civilization. Yet there’s no question in my mind who is Man of the Year: Donald Trump.

    After underestimating the businessman early on, some are starting to understand Trump’s ascendancy and staying power. Yet, even now, few truly appreciate what Trump represents: a political and cultural phenomenon heretofore unseen in America. His rise is historic, amounting to something even more astounding than the Reagan Revolution. This is true, and will be true, whether he ultimately wins or loses, whether you love him or hate him, or whether it turns out he’s driven by principle or personal ambition.

    There are the obvious factors here: how Trump has tapped into anger against the Establishment and over immigration, and how he’s a plain-spoken breath of fresh air. Then there’s the astute observation made by the Weekly Standard’s Julius Krein in September:

    “What differentiates Trump is not what he says, or how he says it, but why he says it. …He does not apologize for having interests as an American, and he does not apologize for demanding that the American government vigorously prosecute those interests.”

    In other words, Trump professes a palpable politically incorrect nationalism in a time of prostrate, politically correct treason — or, as some put it, “internationalism.” Yet even this is just the iceberg’s tip.

    Many have said that Trump is not a conservative — and they’re right. Nor is he a “liberal.” He is a populist. You only become a populist by exploiting what is popular, and in this the Trump phenomenon reveals a great truth about the great lie of our time:

    What’s popular isn’t political correctness.

    Why did politicians and pundits underestimate Trump? Why didn’t some other presidential aspirant beat him to the politically incorrect punch? A major reason is that they fell victim to the illusion that political correctness (PC) is far more popular than it is. They lost sight of what Reagan called the difference “between critics and box office.” And why? Because the academia/media/entertainment (AME) Axis — the Cultural Establishment — has us living in a Matrix-like faux reality in which elite swill masquerades as popular will. Agree with the idea or not, for example, relatively few Americans are actually “offended” by the proposal to halt Muslim immigration.

    But while PC isn’t popular, it is potent. It’s much like the state ideology in the old Soviet Union: few average people subscribe to it in doctrinaire fashion. But most everyone is afraid of the ideological machinery of the state (“thought police” in our time). And this brings us to perhaps the most significant factor in Trump’s popularity.
    Taking the Marxism analogy further, imagine it’s the old Soviet Union, and there’s a colorful dissident saying everything other citizens want to say but fear to. Now imagine the government sends its secret police to silence him, and they just get consumed. Bullets have no effect on him, and with every assault he simply becomes bigger. Imagine how frustrated and fearful the Kremlin commissars would become.

    And imagine how the people would be in his corner.

    (Oh, they might not always be willing to voice their support, but their hearts would be with him. And we see the same phenomenon today: a recent analysis indicated that Trump was under-polling because certain people, particularly the college-educated, were afraid to support him publicly due to social pressure — which, mind you, will be absent in the voting booth.)

    And Trump is that dissident. He’s the man saying things Americans want to say but fear to, stifled by the social code, PC, enforced by the AME Axis and elitist political establishment. Trump is their crusader against those hated oppressors. In fact, he is the first and only such champion they’ve ever had. The AME Axis destroyed Joe McCarthy. It pummeled Richard Nixon. It discredited Dan Quayle. (It didn’t destroy Reagan, but he never quite so brazenly bucked PC.) It guillotined all who dared oppose its diktats, boasting an unbeaten record.
    That is, until Trump came along.

    To understand why Trump is Superman and his adversaries Lex Luthor without Kryptonite, consider what typically happens when someone crosses the PC thought police. The media may demonize him, the elite political establishment may try to destroy him, and any high-profile position he has will be lost (e.g., ex-Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich, former Atlanta fire chief Kelvin Cochran). Obscure individuals also suffer at the hands of PC companies fearing bad press and lawsuits. And once cast to the winds, the victim can mount a soapbox and eloquently plead his case, but without media coverage he’ll be the tree falling in a forest with no one to hear it.
    Why is Trump immune? First, he’s mega-rich. And the main impact this has is not, as many think, that he can’t be bought (many billionaires, such as George Soros, seem like the sort who would sell their own mother for another billion).

    It’s that he can’t be bullied.

    Trump has lost business — notably a Macy’s contract — for opposing PC. But he has what I’ll refer to as, avoiding the vulgar descriptive, go-pound-sand money. But he’s not just any old billionaire (they’re a dime a dozen now, aren’t they?). Most of the mega-rich are somewhat PC themselves or aren’t interested in politics, and most of the rest couldn’t effectively wage a propaganda war against the Establishment. But Trump has transcended his profession and even his wealth; he has long been a member of the glitterati, a celebrity in a celebrity culture, a natural-born character, the man who can colorize a drab news day. He’s one of the people People can’t do without, and note: that magazine has greater circulation than any news publication.

    Thus, the media can’t wither Trump on the vine. Even if, let’s say, The New York Times aimed to and ignored him, it would simply wither its own exposure. So the media cover him big, and he uses it in a big way because he has a big personality; he likes the camera as much as it likes him. Yet there’s one more critical factor.

    Imagine you went to a John Wayne movie years ago and the Duke, instead of being an intrepid champion of good, sheepishly apologized to the villain. You might have wanted your money back. For a hero stands up for what’s right, against all odds and even in a hail of bullets. And were he to back down, he would relinquish hero status.

    Yet backing down is par for the course when confronted by the thought police. People will cower and apologize — thus relinquishing any support they might have had. Why would fellow citizens stand up for you if you won’t even stand up for yourself? And virtually everyone makes this mistake.

    Except Donald Trump. Not only doesn’t he apologize, but he gets in the thought police’s face, doubles down and may demand an apology from them.

    And his supporters go wild. Obama said in 2008 “We are the ones we have been waiting for.” But, no, the Trump phenomenon is what oh-so many have been waiting for: a crusader who takes on hated PC, can weather the storm and doesn’t back down. This is why people flock to Trump. He’s the one who’s got Mussolini hanging upside-down and is beating him like a piñata. And when you have a hero, leading the troops in the heat of battle against a despised oppressor, you don’t worry about his marriages, past ideological indiscretions or salty language. You charge right behind him.

    This is what the cultural and political establishments don’t fully grasp and why they’re apoplectic. Their PC weaponry, heretofore deployed to such devastating effect, is as nothing. Trump is like The Blob: the more trash the thought police throw at him, the bigger he gets. And this is because PC has always been trash, foisted on us by cultural illegal dumpers who, proceeding contrary to the people’s will, have acted as undemocratically as the KGB.

    Trump is taking out the trash. And the more it tries to burn him, the more people will want to see it burn.

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