It’s sad how many businesses support restriction of gun owners’ civil rights, but still want your money.

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a sister organization of the Second Amendment foundation has assembled a list of such companies.

We thought you should know.

Our friend Tam Keel over at her excellent blog View From the Porch, is someone I quote often on these matters. “I carry my wallet in the same pants as I carry my gun.”

Here is CCRKBA’s list.


  1. CCRKBA’s list is a good start, but as the always-informative David Codrea at the War on Guns blog points out in a recent post, the list is incomplete both in terms of context — What did they do to earn their place on the list, and can we get a link to check it out ourselves? — and in terms of other companies not on the list that have also demonstrated anti-gun stances and behaviors.

    For example, it’s known that Doordash, Postmates, Uber, and Lyft don’t allow their drivers to carry, and are on the list. But neither does Domino’s or Pizza Hut, and they are not on the list.

    And I’d like to know why eBay is on the list, but Facebook and Craigslist aren’t. Is it because eBay doesn’t allow gun listings (in which case, FB and CL should absolutely be on there, having similar guidelines), or because of a general anti-gun lean to “allowed” posts (in which case FB should be on there), or because someone in management said or posted something (FB, again, should be on there)? Context matters.

    Just my $0.02.

    • Also, it would be nice if the various subsidiary companies were on there and not just the parent companies (and vice versa, if applicable). For example, Google and YouTube have both developed an anti-gun lean, but they’re not there because their parent company, “Alphabet, Inc.”, is listed.

      But not everyone will know that “Alphabet, Inc.” is Google/YouTube/etc., and so would be misled by Google and YouTube (and others) not showing.

      Similarly, Venmo is a popular electronic person-to-person funds transfer service. It’s not on the list, but their ToS doesn’t allow firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition purchases…

      … just like their parent company, PayPal, which is on the list.

      And Twitter shows up under “Square and Twitter”, but not on its own. How many people know that they’re under the same umbrella?

      It’s not that I don’t appreciate CCRKBA putting up this list. It’s just that the list is missing a lot of easily-available and easy-to-include data points that would be extremely helpful in making informed purchasing decisions.

    • If you want to know how hard it is to decouple from the tech oligarchs, read this.

      Spoiler alert: it’s impossible. Note the specific reference to Duck Duck Go.

      Individual choice is not going to cut it. We need collective action to break the oligarchs.
      As for the other evil ones, we already have something called Public Accommodation Law. Think lunch counters in the South. That needs to be expanded to any place doing business with the public. It wouldn’t hurt to expand basic discrimination law to political opinion either. CA, of all places, already has this. Of course, it isn’t enforced to protect conservatives.

      This stuff sticks in the craw of conservatives, but we are in an existential struggle and we need to start acting like it.

  2. I’ve copied this list earlier and have estimated the eventual outcome of this trend. Spending more time lately polishing my advanced bushcraft skills which will become more and more necessary.

  3. Thank you for the updated list. In this day and age it is easier to drop insurance companies, internet & phone providers, banks, etc… that work against our rights. Be sure to let them know why you are leaving too. Also a good idea to take your business away from National chain stores and restaurants and shop/eat local with owners who share your values.

  4. I see Costco on the list. Here in Az., they used to have no weapons signs at the entrance. However, several years ago they removed the signs. I now OC and CC in there regularly. Never had an issue. I wonder how up to date this list is?
    Thanks for the info Mas.

    • Costco’s Member Privileges & Conditions page lists, under “General Policies”: Costco policy prohibits firearms to be brought into the warehouse, except in the case of authorized law enforcement officers.

      Individual stores may or may not call you on it, but as a corporation they do not allow private citizens to carry, open or concealed. Only LEOs.

      (Full disclosure: I carry concealed every time I go out, including to Costco. I haven’t had an issue, either.)

  5. When Levi’s supported the original “assault weapons” ban I wrote them a letter that I or my family would no longer purchase any more Levi products. I knew that it would not mean anything to them but it did to me. To this day we have yet to buy any of their clothes and it’s been how many years? If gun owners stuck together and did this and did not just deliver lip service some would take notice.

  6. Just the second entry on the list makes me wonder how accurate it is in total. A&M Records is listed but hasn’t existed for about 20 years.

    Here’s the thing, it would be extremely difficult to boycott all those companies. You would be denying yourself many goods and services. Furthermore, just because a CEO has made some sort of anti-gun ovation does that mean we should penalize their many employees? An unknown number whom I’m sure are gun owners?

  7. I agree with Archer’s comments above that the list needs more meat. At least a description of WHY the company is on the list, preferably with a link to a specific action or policy.

    I CC in Costco regularly. If they have a written policy that they don’t actually enforce, then I’d rather spend my boycott energy elsewhere.

      • Arizona law (ARS, etc.) has been stating that places of business must display a sign of a particular description unless one is told directly that no guns are allowed. Ignoring is a misdemeanor. I will check it all.

    • What Mas said. They do prohibit firearms in their warehouses, except for LEOs. Fine print here (check under “General Policies”).

      AFAIK, Costco doesn’t usually post a sign outside, which is required in some places to enforce that policy (Texas’ “30.06” statute comes to mind). And most of the time it’s a simple trespass issue; all they can do is ask you to leave and the police only get involved if you refuse. (I suppose they may also revoke your membership, but other than that….)

      So firearms, both open and concealed, are prohibited by policy. The individual Costco warehouses don’t do a great job enforcing it (which would require employees and managers to confront armed people and alienate customers), but it is corporate policy.

  8. Warning: This is off-topic.

    Scientific American magazine often complains about stupid Americans’ mistrust of the scientific community. In their March 2021 issue, in their Sociology section is an article “Justice Movements” that begins, “One evening nine years ago 17- year-old Trayvon Martin was walking through a Florida neighborhood with candy and iced tea when a vigilante pursued him and ultimately shot him dead.”

    No, the remainder of the article did not offer a more nuanced account but merely piled on higher and deeper.

    I would like to have written an electronic letter to the editor, saying they have no business expecting people to trust in science when the most prestigious publications in the lying media publishes misleading assertions like that. And I would have included a link to your twenty-part blog that covered the trial.

    Though I own a print of that blog as part of your book, _Deadly Force_, those blog entries of yours seem no longer to be freely available online. I understand your reasonable desire to monetize your hard labor, and I am grateful that you provide as much free material you do. But I sure would have liked to point the editor to such a comprehensive account that he could just link to, to back up my unstated implication that the editor is just a P.O.S.

  9. At least 50 percent of this country owns guns. Probably far more than that. The problem is, many of those people, including a several friends of mine, seem to have an attitude of “I’ve got my weapons, so I’m good to go – I’m fine with OTHER people’s rights being restricted.” (Hint: These friends of mine are falling lower and lower on my priority list).

    Reminds me of that saying about the Nazi’s. “When they came for the Jews, I did nothing. When they came for the Catholics I did nothing. When they came for the artists and intellects, I did nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to do anything.” Or words to that effect…

    I have never been more worried about our Country and our Society.

    And I’m going to miss Whoppers.

    • .45StayAlive,

      In my mind, being anti-gun is both anti-American and anti-business. I suppose it is also anti-liberty and anti-safety as well. There was a time when corporations did not want to be seen as anti-American. If they still feel that way, maybe they can be persuaded to give up their anti-gun policies. If they believe they are citizens of the world, then they will probably remain anti-gun.

      I’ve had it with the other side trying to force their values on me. United we argue, divided we live in peace. I want to shun and separate from the anti-Americans. They tread on me too much.

      • Roger Willco:

        Nowadays we have guns for the protection of ourselves and others but back in prehistoric times our cave dwelling ancestors had sticks and rocks for that purpose. Imagine some Neanderthals wanting to prevent some of their fellows from having those tools to defend themselves from animals and criminal minded cave persons? Now, instead of Neanderthals, we have similar creatures called liberals and Demoncrats who want to do the same thing to us peaceful Homo Sapiens aka patriotic conservatives.

      • Tom606,

        Yes, and before firearms were invented you could outlaw swords, or keep tools from being sharpened, or try to limit the supply of bronze, iron, steel or whatever weapons were made of.

        Humans were really good at killing animals and humans before firearms were invented. History doesn’t repeat itself but it rhymes. The present is a variation on the past.

  10. Thanks for the list. Several members confirmed my suspicions. Am using DuckDuckGo instead of Google whenever possible. YouTube sneaks in here and there quite a bit. Listing the antis will help to subtract established customers as well as to inhibit company growth.
    Noticing that Joe Biden is on a Democrat-proposed partial delisting as nuclear Commander-in-Chief. Such a half measure is not practical. Pull him NOW. If Kamala Harris is to succeed as President, we need confirmation that her giggle fits are not related to marijuana. We just cannot have a stoner President under any circumstances. An 11% chance of confirmed addiction is standard, and too high. Not to mention the hazard of induced schizophrenia.

    • Joe Biden is on a Democrat-proposed partial delisting as nuclear Commander-in-Chief. Such a half measure is not practical. Pull him NOW.

      They can’t. Not only is it probably unconstitutional to remove that authority from the Commander-in-Chief, they can’t pass a law that names Joe Biden, specifically, as not having full nuclear authority (see: “bill of attainder”). They have to write it so “the President of the United States” doesn’t have full nuclear authority, which will require a Constitutional Amendment.

      Thus, if passed it will also apply to “President Kamala” when she succeeds Joe, and to whoever succeeds her (if she fails at making herself Empress for Life).

      I suspect it’s to prevent U.S. retaliation when Iran develops their own nukes (since we’re re-entering the “Iran nuclear deal” farce) and tests a few on our ally, Israel. But that’s just me.

      • Looking for Joe Biden to be removed from office on medical grounds. One terrified, impartial chancre mechanic must be brave enough. Further, I can’t help having a vision of Kamala Harris holding a cabinet meeting full of pot smoke instead of the traditional cigar air pollution. Imagine the flights of imagination that would dominate the meeting, and the eventually tragic consequences. Maybe my experience of working with many hundreds of addicts has not given me some special intuition, but I doubt it.

      • @Strategic Steve:
        Invoking the 25th Amendment is something they could do. It’s much more likely than removing any part of the President’s authority as Commander-in-Chief, which would require passing and ratifying another Amendment.

        An interesting thought occurred to me. Leftists are known for projecting; they’ll accuse you of some wrongdoing — often falsely — as a distraction while they commit the exact same wrongdoing. Donald Trump was accused of an armed coup attempt with the Jan. 6 protest, which turned out to be the least-armed “armed insurrection” in history: something like 1% of those arrested actually had weapons — 99% were unarmed — and that doesn’t figure the thousands not arrested, who probably were also unarmed.

        (As an aside, 45 Republicans signed a letter saying the second impeachment wasn’t Constitutional, but only 44 voted to acquit. I wonder, who was that one who said it’s unconstitutional but nevertheless voted to convict? They should never be elected again!)

        At the same time, the Democrats have elected the feeble, at-least-partly senile Joe Biden as President, with the extremely-partisan and otherwise-unelectable Kamala Harris as Vice President. The apparent intention is to remove Joe so that Kamala can take the reins. All this while they have the National Guard activated and concertina-wired fences surrounding the Capitol Building.

        So who’s running the “armed coup attempt” here?

  11. Mas, I know this is off topic. But, whatever happened to that young man in Oregon who shot that felon using a AR15.

  12. The young man during Portland Oregon riots, he was protecting patrons in business shops along with owners. He was not even twenty.

    There’s nothing, I’ve heard any further about this young mans case.

  13. Larry, I had the wrong location. Yes, I was wondering about the rittenhouse case. Sorry Mas I had the location wrong.

    I was wondering about the latest information in this case. I hope all goes well for this young man.

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