Another mass murder. CNN goes into full 24/7 propaganda mode, every few minutes repeating President Obama’s knee-jerk anti-gun diatribe.

Sheriff John Hanlin of Douglas County refused to name the monster, and give him the credit he obviously sought. Good for the Sheriff.  Yet CNN committed a massive act of hypocrisy in this regard. They reported that early indications were that the homicidal narcissist did it solely to win some sort of sick fame…and then spent the night rewarding him with exactly that. What better incentive for the next sick, thwarted loser to become the next copycat?

In a speech undoubtedly prepared beforehand to allow an early dance in the blood, the President indicated he felt there were “scores of responsible gun owners in this country.” Gee, Mr. President, you think there might be as many as forty or so of the millions of Americans who are good at heart and responsible?  Damn sportin’ of ya, dude.

The Chief Executive expresses incredulity that anyone might believe that more guns might have stopped this.  “Does anyone really believe that?” he asks, with his Shocked Face.

You’re damn right we do, sir – BECAUSE THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED IN OREGON!  As soon as the cops got there with MORE GUNS, the killer was down and done.  But the victims died or were mangled during the inevitable time it took them to get to the gun-free zone hunting preserve for psychopathic murders, where we are told that even the single security guard on duty was unarmed!

Think of it as a test in applied logic and critical thinking. Our President and CNN have both flunked.  Let’s hope the rest of America passes the logic test.

Our hearts go out to the victims and their families. If a single “good guy or gal with a gun” had been there, this outrage might have been prevented.


  1. Just curious, why did you omit the “b”s? Am I missing something that should be o vious? I Enjoy reading your blog!

  2. Mas,

    Well spoken Sir even if the “B” on your keyboard seems stuck. 🙂

    One can see the inherent false assumption in the President’s statement. The automatic left-wing assumption that gun control measures are highly effective in preventing such mass shootings. They are the darlings of the left. They are the panacea. They are the silver-bullet solution that will fix it all!

    The President knows (or at least should know) that gun control is not the magic that he implies. Nevertheless, he is ready to jump in and exploit the tragedy at the drop of a hat so as to push his left-wing agenda.

    Early reports (which, I admit, have to be taken with a grain of salt) indicate that this individual did not have any prior criminal history or a history of mental illness. Yet, the President implies that it could all have been prevented by passing his recommended magic “gun safety” laws!

    Such hypocrisy can only flow from a fanatic. A more moderate mind would be incapable of it!

  3. You have to give Mr. Obama credit for being consistent. Whatever has happened anywhere, it is all about him, and he has never told the whole truth about any of it.

    Mas, your column came over with all the small b’s omitted. Some kind of hidden message?

  4. The scene of yet another irrational shooting is roughly 180 miles south of where I live (Portland, Oregon) but the local community down there (Roseburg) appears to be demographically and culturally 180 degrees apart from metro-sexual handwringers that band together up north.

    Following such tragedies like Roseburg’s, the assured reaction from Portland’s urban crybabies will always be a nighttime candlelight vigil, with lots of handholding and sobbing about the need for pacifism. Shortly after such an event, the participants will drift off to designer espresso shops, sip their lattes, and earnestly plan their soon-to-be shopping junket for fashion clothes.

  5. I’m going to give at least most people at CNN and even Nobama the following credit: they can’t be retarded. So methinks they flunked the test because of their bias and agendas, that’s all. They know the truth, but it just gets in their way, as the truth can do sometimes.

  6. Mas, you are exactly right. Only problem is your typical American zombie has lost the ability to think, reason, and understand common sense. The Oregon College president said she would not repeal the “gun free” zones, even after this tragedy. Here is a zombie with a doctor’s degree, who actually has a job of running a college! I’ll bet a lot of European zombies would agree with her!

    Another thing; here we have a President who wants to take very small arms out of the hands of law-abiding citizens, when just a few months ago he worked out a treaty with the world’s Number One sponsor of terrorism, Iran. The treaty would allow Iran’s leaders, who believe in “The Twelfth Imam” or the “Mahdi,” to eventually develop NUCLEAR WEAPONS. AND, he is going to give them $150 billion dollars to continue funding their terror projects.

    I believe Iran already has nuclear weapons. They probably want time to develop more. The USA produced two atomic bombs using slide rules, not computers, in about three years. Iran has been working on its nuke program for years if not decades, with computers, not slide rules. My guess is they want to launch many nuclear-tipped missiles all over the world, at the same time, to bring about the chaos needed for the return of their savior, the Twelfth Imam. They are buying time, and President Obama sold it to them.

    At the sign post up ahead, …… I see Rod Serling…… I’ve just …….entered ………THE TWILIGHT ZONE!!!

  7. It is often the case that when an armed citizen confronts the perpetrator the result is that the perpetration ceases.

    It is always the result that when there is only the armed psychopath that many people die until the shooter is confronted and stopped. ALWAYS.

    The armed citizen isn’t always the best answer but as a general rule it is the only answer.

  8. CNN was very disappointing, as usual, in its glorification of the killer. Its obvious that these homicidal maniacs want media attention above all else. Sheriff Hanlin was absolutely correct in his response, although I realize the shooter’s name would be made public at sometime. My understanding is that a former soldier charged the shooter but was shot multiple times in the process and, at best, caused a delay in his entry into another classroom. If he, or anyone else was armed, I suspect the shooting would have been over much faster. Also, has anyone checked out the CHL rules for that campus? Earlier, it was stated (sorry, I don’t have a reference) that concealed carry was legal on campus but not in the classrooms. Obama….’nuff said and well said, Mas.

  9. Folks, I have no idea what cyber-hive the Bs fled to, but the Evil Princess has used her techno-chick magic to restore them. Your sharp eyes are appreciated.

  10. Our incredibly wise Dear Leader is absolutely correct! We need to ban guns completely, except for those owned by society’s elite aristocrats and those who guard them because they’re more important than us peasants.

    Chicago is the perfect example of how gun control has made it the safest big city in America. With a literal ban on evil guns, it’s crime rate is the lowest of any major metropolitan area in the U.S.A. and it’s residents can walk the windy streets without fear of violence. Without guns, there is no gang activity since criminal behavior is caused by firearms that exert a supernatural influence to make people do evil things. If no one has guns other than the aristocracy in America, crime would cease to exist. Even better, we can achieve world peace by eliminating our military and turn all our warships, tanks, combat aircraft, submarines, and nuclear missiles into wind chimes. When dictators and terrorists see us disarm and destroy all our weapons, they will feel guilty and do likewise. It’s all common sense, just like our liberal elite’s common sense gun control proposals.

  11. Well said, with the “b’s. I did see a piece earlier that indicated he had attended a “special” school in CA; however, the background check on the church shooter proved how inept the government is at implementing laws / regulations.

    Nor is the incident in Santa Barbara used by MSM. The 1st three were by knife, some shot and lastly, by automobile. If evil is the intent, the choice of weapon is moot. Be it Boston, an IED …

    The father made an interesting comment: “how did he have the time to reload?” Perhaps that was before it was known how many firearms he carried, IF “they” were used.

    “Gun Free Zone” is meaningless to the disturbed mind with violent intent. Only the law abiding citizen, the non-theat abides. You nailed it with Media and Hunting Preserve – sensational …


  12. Be sure to keep talking up Chris Mintz, a 10-year Army veteran. He took three rounds blocking a door, then was hit twice more while charging the assailant. Thankfully, he is expected to make a full recovery.

  13. As usual, the knee jerk reaction from the ignorant Politicians rules the day.

    When oh when will these ignoramus morons stop blaming the weapon and put the blame firmly where it belongs. On the perpetrator.

    If this Guy decided instead to mow 20 people down with a car, would the talking heads and our illustrious leader be screaming for a ban on cars. Of course not because the public backlash would be swift and sure.

    What’s ironic is that the very politicians hollering the loudest are protected by… wait for it….

    Men and women with GUNS !!!!

    When will these pathetic excuse for leaders get it through their heads that criminal’s don’t give a tinkers damn about gun laws and background checks. Further more, if someone is bound and determined to cause mayhem and murder innocent people, the weapon of choice really doesn’t matter and more ignorant laws will not stop the determined.

  14. Don’t forget the Army veteran who confronted the killer and took multiple rounds. He lies in a hospital bed after surgery and will recover after, perhaps, another operation. If that courageous man had had a gun, things would have been different.

  15. I think the President was a bit quick to jump onto any distraction from his embarrassing failure vs Russia in foreign policy and his Secretary of State’s e-mail crisis.
    At least it got those off the front page, right?

  16. Very well stated Mas. Our President is very frustrated that he’s not been more successful in limiting our guns. He’s done a lot of damage though explotoiting each tragedy that occurs making law abiding gun owners responsible for the criminal acts that occur in such a crowded diverse nation. I’m not willing to give up one freaking inch of my gun rights for him. I’m “Not Responsible” for what criminals do.
    You mentioned this before when we had the movie theater shooting in Aurura Colorado an armed person may have stopped the carnage sooner but their not allowed to carry in gun free zones.

  17. I see that lessons were learned from the Columbine shooting where the cops dithered and dallied as the shooters were allowed to wreak more havoc and at least one teacher bled out after a cop entered the classroom and told everyone to stay put, then vanished never to return.

    In this incident the cops attacked the active shooter putting a quick end to him and saving the community and state from the expense of a trial.

    The armed student on campus reported that he was, “Some distance” from the site of the shooting and elected not to venture forth looking for the shooter. I read that his instructor asked if anyone was armed and he volunteered to stand watch in that classroom in case events progressed to their area. Probably a good idea. If the responding officers had rolled up on a student walking about carrying a weapon the results could have been unfortunate.

    I note, after doing some research, that Chicago has experienced (probably by now even more) 400 homicides this year, almost 80% of them black victims, one of the latest a young child riding in a car seat with her mother and grandmother. And not a peep from the Dear Leader about his adopted home town where gun control is the law of the land.

    But one can never expect consistency from a liberal (In the case of the Dear Leader, a Marxist) where political expediency is the rule.

  18. Mas, As a Marine veteran and licensed to carry concealed I do just that. The only gun free zones that I do not carry to are government buildings with metal detectors, the local VA hospital and the Post Office or any place that I can be arrested for being armed. I am carrying when I pick up the Grand-kids at school but if I have to exit my car I leave the gun locked in the car. The world is made up by three kinds of people: wolves, sheep and sheep dogs and I consider myself the latter. I’m sure that Chris Mintz does also but I don’t plan on being caught unarmed.

  19. Mas – I hate to keep repeating myself, but the folks in this land who understand the proper place and role – of firearms – us – simply MUST find a way to get our best firearms teachers, writers, radio hosts – into the public eye – big time. People like you, Mas, who are so adept at putting “it” into words – somehow (?) have to get prime time exposure. We need a benefactor who gets it – and is willing to get the information out there. We need our own Bill Gates/Bloomberg – someone willing to first of all, really listen to the real deal and get behind it. Until that happens (or, I win the Powerball), we cannot give any less than 110%. After becoming a grandfather this year, the import of this situation became even more amplified to me. There is too much at risk for future generations for us to now relax.

  20. Barack Hussein Obama must be rebuked by every gun owner in unison. If he wants to stop criminal violence, he should introduce a national Duty to Protect law. That would demonstrate sincerity since the Supreme Court has ruled more than once that there is no duty to protect.

    What happened in Oregon was domestic terrorism targeting Christians.

    And he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
    – Lord Jesus Christ, Luke 22:36

    Meaning buy an AR-15, and if you do not have enough money, sell your large screen t.v., etc. to do it. Evil Exists – Evil May Visit You – Defend Yourself Against Evil

    It is not in dispute the real agenda is to disarm American citizens. “Common Sense Gun Infringement” in Massachusetts has made it so onerous and expensive that gun ownership has declined 75%. Thanks Romney Loser! Their plan is to keep cutting at gun owners until reduced to a minority that is easily crushed, politically or by other means…

  21. I’m beginning to see an interesting factoid in the recent shootings. That is the focus on the assailant being able to buy the gun (s) legally. I keep waiting for the talking heads, both political and media to start saying, “the background checks are not enough because even the mentally ill are buying guns legally”. I’m waiting for something like to be the next talking point.

  22. I wanted to add as a retired police officer I was working a number of years following Columbine, serious active shooter training began following Columbine. Law enforcement practices on a regular basis and it has become national standard police practice that once officers arrive they immediately enter the school and engage the active shooter like what we saw here. This also applies to malls, movie theaters anywhere where these nut jobs might raise their ugly heads. We all witnessed this in Aurora the first officer who arrived entered the movie theater alone. Protocol is you proceed to the sounds of gunfire.

  23. DJ, I fear that you are on to something. Liberals are masters at developing a narrative and having that narrative repeated by their operatives in the media until it becomes “common knowledge”. Gun owners contribute to the narrative by agreeing (and rightfully so) that mental illness is a huge contributing factor in these incidents. This is where the dueling ideologies split. Gun owners will say we need to deal with mentally ill people as a group and as individuals. The anti-gunners will say that you (the gun owner or prospective gun buyer) need to be evaluated by a mental health professional and prove with documentation that you are mentally stable before you can even begin the background check process.(common sense restriction don’t you know)
    Thus the conundrum faced when actual common sense and adherence to the constitution conflicts with evil intent. By agreeing with the adversary when common ground is found, the enemy will use that as ammo to attack you.
    Do not be surprised if the next push by the left is for mandatory mental evaluations of all future gun purchases and as always, if successful, using their law of incrementalism, all current gun owners.

  24. Mas, I hesitate to post this link, but I feel it might address the subject of media manipulation and how the public can be mislead.

    I can no more attest to the validity of this blog’s story than I can to the CNN version. One, possibly both, has an agenda. It’s up to us to research and attempt to find the truth. Gone are the days that we can trust a Walter Cronkite to tell us the unvarnished truth.

  25. Michael JT,

    You said the Columbine cops “dithered and dallied.” I know you mean well, but actually they were just following orders, and doing as they were trained to do. They didn’t dither or dally, they were taught to clear the building one room at a time. That takes time. They didn’t know how many shooters there were, and they were told the school was booby-trapped with bombs. I read that the bombs did not explode like they were supposed to. I guess the killers were inept with bombs, and that is a good thing. It may be that the cops really did dither and dally because they were afraid to confront the killers. Tough job, but they signed up for it, and they should have cautiously gone toward the danger. (Easy for me to say.)

    If laws prevent us from doing the right thing, then those laws need to be broken by us. Do what is right, not what is legal. (Easy for me to say, typing on my keyboard.)

    Let’s imagine a scenario in a state and on a campus where concealed carry is definitely illegal. A monster begins a shooting rampage, and a concealed carrier (who is breaking the law, carrying without a license, in a state and place where carrying is illegal anyway) puts an early stop to the bloodshed. Will a judge throw the book at the hero? If he does, will the hero be backed up by the NRA-ILA and every American patriot?

    With all the violence around us it is only a matter of time before such a scenario plays out for real. Maybe this kind of thing has already happened, and it has been hushed up by the media.

    Laws change. Slavery used to be legal. Now it is illegal. Abortion used to be illegal, now it is legal. Marijuana laws are changing. Laws change, but right and wrong do not.

  26. Am I the only one to read Double Tappers blog post “WTF” ? About the Oregon school shooter being placed on the terrorist watch list , his social media website scrubbed and photo’s shopped … etc and ignored by this administration . This is big news across the pond but nothing here on msm or patriot sites???

  27. Fairly well balanced article from AP in Saturdays local paper. “Here we go again” by David Crary and Adam Gellar. They deserve attaboys.

  28. I have said it before in this forum so am repeating myself…and that’s the only apology I will make for saying this: Pray.

    Pray for Chris Mintz, a true hero who took bullets meant for others and by the Grace of God has survived.
    Pray for our country, which has been overtaken by pure evil in the form of “leaders” who tell us to give up our liberties and God-given rights (and responsibilities) so that they can take care of us.
    Pray for our *actual* leaders: those who are standing up to “speak truth to power” and who are showing us the truth.
    Pray for each other, that we have the strength to endure these trials and remain standing, side by side if necessary.
    Pray for our children and grandchildren (and God-children, as I have them as well) who will inherit this mess.

    When lies become truth, the biggest liars are called our leaders, and the majority of the country is either sound asleep or too invested in Bread & Circuses I honestly can’t see any other way out of this but through prayer.

    And that’s all I have to say about that 🙂

  29. Mas is correct gun free zones are like the moth to the flame for sicko quacked out folks with murder on their depraved minds.

  30. I know this is off the thread, but I gotta say it is so good to see Dennis back here, posting such relevant stuff (what else, from him?) again! Good to have you back, Sir.

  31. Jaji – your plea is a repetition we all could use more of. Yours is not a complex solution – it is the ONLY solution.

    Pray without ceasing.

  32. Thanks Don-Pa. Good to be back. Triple by-pass grew to six once they went in. Had surgery to clean out left carotid artery four weeks later ( all this following cleaning out my femoral arteries) . They say recovery will take biggest part of a year. I have resolved to not let them cut on me again until I fully recover. Too many donuts and South Dallas hotlink sandwiches over the years. Young Mas followers, take heed, I promise, no one wants to experience what I’ve gone through in the last three months. Thanks to Mas for checking on my progress through the back channels. You guys are truly family.

  33. Let me also welcome you back, Dennis. I missed having you around and am sorry that it was for something so serious. I hope your recovery goes well and you will have the time and strength to keep up your good work here.

  34. In a follow-up on my first post on this thread, I just watched Juan Williams, on Fox News this morning (10/9/15) on a segment on gun control, state that there is a movement starting up to mimic countries that require gun owners and purchasers to get a doctor to sign off on their mental competency in order to keep or purchase a firearm.

  35. Mas, the Oct. 5th post is NOT from me. I have no idea what it’s about.
    I believe “Gun Free Zones” are dangerous. Only “good guys” will comply-bad guys will go hunting.
    While not always the best answer, sometimes a good guy with a gun is the only answer.

  36. We are incredibly proud of our sheriff, John Hanlin. He is a perfect fit for for this county. He got a lot of flack from outsider (back east) press, but he is loved by his constituents. We own a gun/police gear store in Roseburg, and we and all of our customers did not want Obama to visit our community to advance his political agenda. Things are now getting back to normal — the vast amount of press is now gone. They were very disruptive to our residents – we declined all interviews so as not to give the anti-gun press the opportunity to twist our words to fit their agenda. We also have been long time subscribers to Backwoods Home Magazine and enjoy your articles. (Duffy has been a customer in our store).

  37. It is strange that in so many statements can be made with no evidence to support them.
    Most of the comments lack any reasoned argument.

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