So, this hefty mammal is stomping the crap out of a woman he once claimed to love, and a passerby who has fought for his country stops to help.  The Creature From the Testosterone Lagoon decides he’ll stomp him into jelly, too.  Ordinary size military vet with concealed carry permit from Wisconsin basically says, “Uh, no” and draws his 9mm pistol and takes the woman -beater now assaulting him at gunpoint. Woman-beater decides not to push the matter.

Street-savvy cops arrive, sort things out, can tell good guy from bad guy.  Bad guy arrested, good guy is recognized as such, and gets accolades from the sheriff, as seen here: .

HuffPost, not exactly what you’d call a pro-gun entity, gives him props.  Cool so far.

Read all the way to the bottom, to where Huffington Post compares him to other “vigilantes.” In a bizarre twist of journalism, they include a high profile case not yet adjudicated in Florida as an example of “vigilante justice,” along with Jack Ruby and some guy who threw marbles at a traffic control camera.

Uh…does anyone who writes for HuffPost understand words like “research”?  Do they understand that “words mean things”?

The term “vigilante” comes from “vigilance committees,” folks on the nineteenth-century American frontier who gathered together without benefit of government authority – in a time and place where there WAS no such thing to speak of – and became judge, jury, and occasionally executioner of those they felt were wrong-doers.

In the instant case, we have a man who fought for his country and carried a pistol to protect himself, his loved ones, and others within what the law would call “the mantle of his protection.” He made, essentially, an absolutely appropriate citizen’s arrest, and kept a helpless woman from being beaten to death.

“Vigilante,” my ass.

The words you were groping for, HuffPost, were “Good Samaritan.” Or, if that’s too many syllables for your current generation of reporters and editors, maybe just…”Hero.”

But, hey, I’m an old dinosaur who thinks in the Old Ways.

What do you, reading this, think?


  1. Leftist cannot admit that firearms can be used for good, under any circumstances. It is not in their genetic code.

  2. I liken this bad use of labels and comparison to when you have a justfiable a/k/a/ “good” shooting and the decedant is then labeled the “victim” by the responding officer even though the decedant’s nafarious act is what lead to him being the decedant in the course of his attempted victimization of the other party. it gets turned around and misconstrued by those who arrive or hear about it after the fact.

  3. I am surprised a liberal rag like the Huff Post didn’t call him every horrible thing it could think of and frame him up to be some type of lunatic fringe right wing extremist, oh wait, it kind of did. No surprise here. Huff Post is VERY predictable in their responses to stuff like this.

  4. @Wes – all comments (not just yours) are reviewed before being published in the column. It’s just a filter to keep out automated spamming. It’s not personal or biased, just a necessity in today’s corrupted internet.

  5. 100 to 150 years ago in this nation, any Philistine seen beating the bejesus out of a woman would probably have been shot dead on sight, since women were, in times of yore, considered as ultra-special human beings to be placed on pedestals, treasured and protected at all costs.

    Now in the Year 2013, “modern civilized society” dictates that women in danger of being assaulted and killed must obtain 38 (sequential) special restraining orders against proven beaters, court orders that restrain neither a beater nor the 357 magnum 125 grain JHP launched into a beaten woman’s chest from her beater’s wheel gun.

    I studied Latin diligently from grade 8 through my last year of undergraduate college, and the adjective “vigilans” was always translated as “watchful.”

    Mas, the day that you and I and other bona fide gentlemen in our society will cease to be “vigilans” over females in our society will be the day that we are (respectively) laid to rest. That’s pretty much a guarantee. The Huffington Post can go pound sand.

    With each passing day, a new, massive grand canyon dividing “Common Sense Americans” from Barackistanis, Hassanistanis, Devalistanis and hard core Cuomounist Cadres widens.

    The only good news is that formerly mouthy Cuomonists are now reportedly only permitted to utter seven words per day. Seriously, why would Cuomonists NEED to utter up to 30 words per day? Seven words per day? Enough, right? More than enough. And any words to be uttered would have to be pre-approved by a FFL (Federal Freedom Liberty) Defender to protect the public from sheer idiocy.

    We should probably consider buying some mules and commence scheduling tourist tours of the new grand canyon. Oh So Very Fashionable Fascism on one side, Lovely Lady Liberty on the other. I wish I were joking. I am not.

    This Republic is literally being split in two by the ultimate “Man Sure I Am” Candidate who remains in full time campaign mode and who deliberately fails to lead so as to hasten his desired destruction of all that our Founders built with care and precision so that their brilliance would endure forever.

    Hassanistan. Admit it. You are laughing. I will be sure to send you an English to Hassanistani Dictionary as soon as they become available for sale.

    Bumper sticker:

    Get Democrat Troupes
    Out of Hassanistan Now

    Christopher Ferris
    Captain, MI, U.S. Army DAV (Ret)

    No Man Left Behind

    Sent from my iPhone

  6. i didn’t think much of the “notorious vigilantes” slide show to be concerned at all. the article itself does not use a single reference to “vigilante” or variances. the slide show is featured separate from the article under “Also on HuffPost”. to me this is the same as amazon’s “you may also like” product suggestion feature, although most likely not automated like the former.

    the slide-show may have existed before the article and they tried desperately to find a related article.

    i suggest emailing the contributing editor, Andres Jauregui, to clarify the relation between his article and the slide show. it could just be one person’s shear stupidity rather than a group’s clever hidden agenda.

  7. For communism to take over a country requires control of public education, the press, and a dis-armed populace. This process began in the late fifties- early sixties immediately after Russia premier Nikita Kruschev addressed the U.N. promising to “bury the U.S. without firing a shot”. Leftist control of the schools led to control of the press which led to socialist politicians being elected, leading to a dis-armed populace. The “journalists” at Huffington Post should be pitied as they are just blindly following their indoctrination. Schools are now punishing children severely for displaying anything remotely resembling a gun, nearing completion of the cycle. We are less than generation away from fulfilling Kruschev’s prophecy. We sat quietly, observing this take over of our nation and now we can only blame our own complacency.

  8. In days gone by I would call him a responsible citizen, and still will. Today, the rarity of his actions might well qualify him as a hero.

  9. I believe they cannot allow a GOOD guy with a gun to do anything right, they have to ‘twist’ it to suit their agenda. And yes, Good Samaritan IS the right word!

  10. Yep, that’s pretty sleazy, weaselly layout. But, in the grand scheme, it’s still a win; after all, it hasn’t been that long ago that positive CDO stories never made the national media; in the past few years, it has become almost occasional.

  11. I think that it is indicative of not just the liberal bias towards law abiding gun owners, but the all volunteer professional military as well.

    It is almost as if an editor at HuffPo was reading through the article at press time and realize they didn’t editorialize that guns are in fact bad, and those that carry them must be bad to, doubly so if they have worn a uniform.

  12. CO Gov. Hickenlooper to Sign Mag Cap Ban Bill

    Posted on March 18, 2013

    “Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper [above] will sign gun control measures Wednesday that pose limits on ammunition magazines and expand background checks for firearms,” the AP reports. “A state government employee with knowledge of the situation confirmed the details to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because a formal announcement has not been made. The signings would be a victory for Democrats in the debate over gun control in this politically moderate state where gun ownership has been a treasured right.” Note: Democrats. Got it? Good. Keep that in mind. Now, I wonder where Magpul’s gonna go? Meet me in Texas?

  13. Mas, you’re being too much of a gentleman and treating the “journalist” a lot better than he/she deserves — but then nobody ever said the Huff Post engaged in journalism.

  14. Why we/anyone would waste their time and pollute their minds bothering with/taking seriously the HuffPo is beyond me.

    It is just another rag (digital) that is useful only for amusement and/or keeping track of what some of the loonies are up to. It should never, ever be taken seriously by anyone with the ability to hit ‘delete’ or ‘escape’ on their computer keyboard.

  15. Personally, I’m surprised HuffPost didn’t paint the wife beating POS in shades of “victim” and “helpless”.

  16. “Reporting the news” today for most (not all but most) of the MSM seems to be a practiced without integrity, thorough research, or accountability. The same way a doctor or attorney can lose their license to work their profession due to malpractice, I almost wish could apply news reporters and journalists. Who am I to say what should be? I’m just upset with the misinformation that gets put out there.