If someone had asked me six weeks ago, βWhen do you think weβll be able to get non-resident concealed carry for California?β my answer might have been, βOh, about the same time they get a foot of snow in Pensacola, Florida.β
Funny thing about thatβ¦
In recent weeks, snow DID reach twelve inches near Pensacolaβ¦
β¦and Second Amendment Foundation members will be able to get non-resident carry permits in California.
Details for applications have not yet been worked out. Stay tuned.
I am proud to be a member of SAFβ¦
Why only SAF members?
Now there’s a marketable membership option for SAF if I ever heard of one. What uniquely characterizes SAF membership as a “qualification” for an ‘application’ for out of state residents to apply? What about NRA? What about 32 years of pro bono service to LEO and military members? How about members of ACDL? Or, Brancas’ Law of Self Defense? Or, graduates of LFI/MAG? Or most important “Citizens of the USA where the Right to Keep and Bear Arms SHALL NOT BE FUCKING ABRIDGED. But, I digress. I wrote Adam Kraut’s outfit and asked for an explanation of WTF is this about, and, as I expected, got no reply.
It helps to be the plaintiff in whose favor the court ruled.
Wow! Never say never. ππ»
Mas, thanks to you, I became a Life Member years ago.
I will definitely stay tuned.
Does the 2AF have similar cases pending in any other states?
We have almost sixty cases pending. π
Great news Mas! As a SAF member, I can’t wait to find out how to apply for my CA non-resident concealed carry permit.
I realized the Sunday before inauguration that apparently “hell was freezing over” … sure have been making some changes lately!
Yes, Sir! The Democrats always said that it would be a “Cold Day….” before they ever let President Trump back in the White House. Given the weather on inauguration day, this was one of those super-rare instances where the Democrats actually told the truth! π
Strange how even district courts can violate the equal protection clause of the US Constitution. How can it allow only non-resident 2nd Amendment Foundation members enjoy the right to bear arms in California while the rest of us are left looking in from the outside?
May not matter anyway. California will surely get a stay before 90 days and drag their behinds while their appeal oozes its way through the judicial system at the rapid pace of a glacier. Call me a skeptic, but I’ve heard this tune before such as when Washington’s magazine ban case was stayed a whole 88 minutes after it went into effect.
I am too.
Good news, but somewhat cold comfort (sorry) for those of us who travel to California regularly: βThe Court also denied relief on the high fees issue, arguing that we had not made it sufficiently clear that this issue comes within the plain text of the Second Amendment. Similarly, relief was denied on the psychological exam issue.β
Likewise, SAF Member.
While I am pleased that some movement has occurred, it is nowhere near enough. Pardon my pessimism, but I think it will take years of foot-dragging by California officials to implement such a non-resident CCW program and will likely include significant qualifying and financial barriers, as well as an extensive lattice of “sensitive” areas that aim to make CCW impractical and burdensome.
We need to take this one step further at the national level: Full reciprocity of CCW permits across all states, just like drivers’ licenses. The Second Amendment doesn’t end at each state’s border I don’t need a state-specific “free speech license” for each state I enter. It is an unreasonable burden to get a California-specific CCW license to visit that state for a few weeks every other year (and pay recurring renewal license fees).
While I have reservations about putting too many hurdles in the way of any Constitutional right, I would accept a modestly burdensome system, similar to the one used to qualify for a driver’s license, that involves core education and a minimal competency/knowledge test. Something along the lines of a MAG-40 course–offered at no cost or modest cost to all law-abiding citizens who wish to CCW (paid for completely or in part by the State and possibly offered by qualified, accredited private entities). It could be offered in fourteen 3-hour blocks during evening hours or other times to meet the needs of working folks and students. After all, Driver’s Ed is offered free through most high schools.
California is governed by idiots. As a visitor there I can enter illegally from Mexico, smoke weed, possess small amounts of drugs, shoplift less than $999, sleep (and worse) on the sidewalk, and vote without providing identification. But, as an otherwise law-abiding citizen, I will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if I were to possess the means for self-defense.
It is a state of great natural beauty ruined by the wholesale implementation of policies based on naive progressive social theory.
Trying to figure out whether being a SAF donor means being a member. However, it doesn’t matter for the moment since the ruling will be overturned on appeal and then go to the Supreme Court who will fiddle fart around for years. And then, one foot over the border and you are in a sensitive zone assuming you don’t get killed on your unarmed journey to apply.
That last paragraph by Bill Sack is perfect. I’m sure California will resist with lots of rules and fees, but it is good to see the America-haters squirm.
I was aware of this legal win. I regularly get email notifications from the SAF. Thanks to the recommendation from Mas, I have been a life member of SAF for some time now.
Not that this win affects me, personally. It has been years since I was last in California. As the State continues its left-wing death spiral (as evidenced by the recent fires), I have no desire to ever go back. Therefore, I have no desire to jump through the hoops to get a California permit even if California is (reluctantly) being forced to issue them to SAF members.
I keep asking myself, how far will California have to fall before the remaining residents (those who have not fled the State already) wise up and kick their leftist overlords out of power? Have the people suffered enough yet? Or are they begging for earthquakes, riots, and economic collapse to go along with the fires?
Quote of the Day:
“Fiery the angels fell; deep thunder rolled around their shores; burning with the fires of Orc.”
Replicant Roy Batty – from the Movie ‘Blade Runner (1982)’
P.S. – You can apply the above quote to the recent airplane crashes as well as to the California fires.
Congrats! A Rolling Rock & stogie moment… Teehee, big grins!
We desperately need nationwide reciprocity to be the law of the land. Without it, anti second amendment state governments will continue to create hurdles to make it extremely difficult to exercise our fundamental constitutional right to carry.
Sounds like you’re talking about national Constitutional Carry. Let’s see, the Second Amendment says we have a right to “. . . keep (own) and bear (carry) arms . . .” So, we already have national Constitutional Carry. We have had it since 1791, but only 29 states recognize it.
Stupid voters have allowed the enemies of America to use the courts and the legal system to make criminals out of law-abiding Americans. That’s why parenting and education in civics is so important. If we don’t understand our freedoms, and our form of government, we are in danger of losing more of them.
No, full reciprocity of a gummi issued Mother May I Card is NOT enough. Not a bad interim step, but NOT what my Constitution guarantees.
If I am lawfully able to go about in public whilst armed in my state of residence, I MUST also be lawfully able to go about in public so armed in any of the OTHER forty nine states and all territories.
Since I am a citizen of the United States and possess all rights pertaining to that status, the right to go about armed must be included.
No training mandates, either. Those are costly government shaped boondoggles.
Not that I oppose formal training, this is something I do myself. But to mandate a particular course or level of expertise and the related expense and burden of obtaining it rises to the status of an infringement especially when mandated to be done or obtained in a certain way.
While I am happy to see the win on paper I think it will be some time before this βwinβ is put into practice.
The problem with courts is they take far too long to resolve issues that should be resolved much faster.
I wouldnβt be too excited to get a Carry Permit in California. At the rate they are adding locations that they have turned into Gun Free Zones you might have to rent a Gun Storage Locker near most every location that is worth going too in the entire State. Iβm sure that Newsom will provide those lockers for a SMALL FEE.π‘
Actually, you just mentioned a personal sore spot. I’ve always felt that if an establishment-or official building-wants to be a gun free zone, they should be required to provide secure storage.
With respect to the 2A, this action by President Trump is of interest.
Please see the attached news story: