In the past in this space, we’ve discussed the current shortage of police personnel. In-service cops are leaving early in droves, particularly those in places where Soros-bought prosecutors and chiefs appointed by “woke” mayors are throwing good police officers to the wolves. Because of that, and the widespread demonization of police, we have a severe shortage of good new candidates for law enforcement.It turns out that, for different reasons, their sister service – the firefighters, who often double as emergency medical service – is short of suitable new blood too. Read about it here


  1. I don’t believe the worst thing is the lack of officers, but the lack of good training! I will easily say that the police and suspect injuries and deaths are attributed to poor training.

    • Training is important but if you don’t have good men and women to hire and great working environment the training won’t matter and I’m speaking from experience…

  2. This is a good point. In the 18th Century, the Hue and Cry would call forth the yeomanry to do what had to be done. These were the police, the firefighters, and the EMTs. No, they weren’t professionals, but they got the job done as well as it could be done at the time.
    What has not changed over the centuries is the iron law of the space-time-continuum. When a bullet, bucket or bandage absolutely, positively, is the only thing that might help mitigate the situation, a professional with a badge is still a life-time away.

    The timeline has shortened from Pony Express to telegraph to telephone to cellphone. But it’s never going to close to the level where anyone (apart from the elite) can have emergency responders at hand who are BIG-government certified PROFESSIONALS to save the day.
    We have to do it ourselves. And, we have to accept that the best we can do is to ALLOW others – who are merely the unwashed masses just as we are – to step up and put that bullet, bucket, or bandage where it is needed at the moment it’s needed.

  3. Question: Mr Soros has been linked to, or at least highly suspected of being connected to numerous questionable dealings across the U.S. Isn’t there something that could be done to at least freeze his assets and perhaps change him with engaging in criminal activity?

    • Al Murphy
      Shhhhhh. We are supposed to believe that when Trump claimed for years OBama was a Kenyan (with mountains of proof) and that he had the evidence to lock Hilary up. There’s nothing odd about him then never lifting a finger in 4 years of his presidency.
      And there’s no discrepancy in there being lots of evidence of the Clinton/Muller/Biden/Scarborough (choose your fantasy) crimes and yet when the Republicans gained control of all three branches of government in 2016; a majority in both houses of congress and the supreme court and the presidency, they did absolutely nothing. Apparently Soros still controlled the Trump appointed republican FBI head and Attorney General.
      And there’s nothing strange about congress spending more time investigating Benghazi than 911, because obviously the Secretary of State who is responsible for the USA’s relations with the entire world, must have personally organised the security there. Then did absolutely nothing to Hilary when she was facing them. And the Hunter Biden ‘investigation’ has done nothing, but has tons of evidence.
      And there’s no puzzle about why not a single republican ever calliing the cops about all these crimes. Or ever bought a private prosecution.
      Try and keep up.

  4. He has the best legal advisors in the country, and by default, owns the justice department, so what do you think.

  5. I know in some places, volunteer responders have been pushed out by mandatory training requirements, that’s been put in place by unions, so that union members can receive overtime instead of using reserve/volunteers to perform the duties. We even have laws in place in California, that limit the roles that volunteers can perform.

    As a reserve peace officer in California, you are looking at undergoing 22 weeks of academy training, and once hired an additional 16 – 20 weeks of Field training.

    Hard to do, if you have a full time job. Taking 40 weeks off of a 52 week year, to help the community. Hopefully, you had a rich uncle that left you money, so you can pay your bills while you undergo training.

    • all of which together results in far more hours (thus most times getting into “overtime” territory) and a far better padded life pension bginning at an age when a man should still be able to work another wenty or more yars.
      If memory serves, it was the City of Vallejo in California that went bankrupt because the city poohbahs grandes put together a pension plan that was outrageous. As overtime and earlier returment began to mount, the pension fund was underwater. Can’t remember how it got fixed, but however that happened it cost the taxpayera a pile of money.

  6. As a volunteer firefighter I can confirm that we aren’t the best trained but we’re the only firefighters my county has. We come from all different walks of life. We all have different occupations and different schedules. I work for the military at my civilian job and am a 27 year veteran of the National Guard getting ready to retire. We have to have a minimum of 20 hours a year of state training in Kentucky to be a firefighter but getting everyone there on training nights is a chore. We all have busy lives and when the tones drop you never know who will show up, but we are appreciated. The paid EMS will call us for lift assists, and to get them through high water. Just recently we had been doing chest compressions and CPR on a guy for 20 minutes before EMS even got there. Without the volunteers to extricate a crash victim from an upside down car, EMS would never get them to the hospital. Local law enforcement is also ever grateful. We cut trees off the road after storms, deal with gas leaks and down power lines until the utility company gets there. We usually have all the brush fires put out every spring and fall before forestry even gets there. And structure fires? We roll up with 3000 gallons between 2 trucks and only have 2 hydrants in our district. We’re small, not the best trained, but do pretty damn good for what we are.

  7. Is this mainly a small-town / rural problem?

    In the 1970s and ’80s I had heard that urban firefighting services was one place where affirmative action led to conflict between Irish Americans who traditionally took those civil service jobs and African Americans who wanted them. There would no longer be political conflict if there were jobs for all the Irish Americans and African Americans who wanted them.

    Perhaps there has always been less reliance on volunteer firefighting in places where one has to deal with driving a truck through bumper-to-bumper traffic and then fighting fires in very tall buildings.

  8. From 2017 to 2023, Wisconsin lost a total of 749 EMS workers, primarily volunteers in rural communities. A combination of increased state certification requirements, lack of funding, inflation, and the aging-out of long time volunteers has contributed to the shortage. Many rural areas lack EMS coverage during some shifts and some have had to cease operations.

  9. I was a volunteer EMT for 10 years in a Corps which answered 3000 call a year. It just shut its doors after 70 years of service to the community on Easter. Whose going to answer those calls now???

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