The difference is, the Easter Bunny doesn’t defecate all over your rights. bunny_web

It ain’t a “those damn liberals” thing. Many true liberals have realized that the right to protect self and family is one that should be spread to all socio-economic levels of society, and not restricted to the wealthy and influential. Liberal law professor Don Kates and former Amnesty International leader Mark Benenson come to mind.  So does the late Charlton Heston, whom too many forget marched with Martin Luther King.

But, hey, it’s a holiday weekend and time to lighten up.  Whether you’re a devout Christian or a secular humanist about to enjoy a traditional time for American families and friends to gather, or anywhere in between, I wish you a Happy Easter.

And, should holiday discussions turn toward controversial topics, you might find some very useful ammunition here: .

Oops, did I slip on the “lightening up”?  To compensate, here’s the recipe for a way cool Easter treat:

  Cottontail bottoms up…


  1. Obviously a true liberal is tolerant of most everything, including the right to self defense, and survival.
    Whereas, a liberal who wants to dis-arm us, is liberal with an agenda, one one aspires to rule over the rest of us, and to do that, they must find, and use, whatever excuse, or reason, to make the rest of us as defenseless as possible, before taking over and starting the actual Ruling of us.

  2. Happy Easter to You and the Evil Princess. Love the recipe for Bunny Shots. Might have to give that a try 🙂

  3. Thanks Mas,

    Happy Easter to you too. Glad to know there are others who feel as I do. My desire not to throw other groups under the bus sure doesn’t stop them from throwing me there.

  4. Thanks Mas. I haven’t had a drink for about 18 years, or I might try the bunny shots. Happy Easter!

  5. Hmmm . . . “What’s the difference between the Easter Bunny and a certain kind of politician?”

    I was expecting the answer to be “One’s imaginary and the other’s made of chocolate?” I am, of course, referring to an honest politician. A touch cynical I know, but . . .

    Anyway a Happy Easter to one and all!

  6. LOL…liquor filled candy is illegal in half the US and the border. But if you live in Colorado you can cook up pot filled brownies. Tell me this world isn’t upside down?

  7. Happy Easter!….I’m a “fan” from way back. I enjoy everything that I’ve been able to read that you’ve written. Keep up the good work my friend! Long and happy days to you and yours.

  8. I stumbled on this the day after it was posted. It pissed me off enough to register so I could leave a comment…

    It made we want to go get a handicapped sticker for my truck 😉