Canning with hominy

I want to can pork posole using raw hominy. Do you have any comments on using the raw hominy? I do not want mushy hominy.

Myra in Arizona

Hominy cans up great. I’ve even re-canned #10 cans of store-bought hominy. I’ve never had it go mushy. With raw or uncooked hominy, just pack it into canning jars, leaving 1 inch of headspace. Don’t pack it tightly, allowing a bit for expansion during processing. Add 1/2 tsp. salt to pints and 1 tsp. to quarts. Pour boiling water over the hominy, leaving 1 inch of headspace. Process pints for 55 minutes and quarts for 85 minutes at 10 pounds pressure in a pressure canner. — Jackie

Winter weather

So, have you noticed what the beavers might be saying about this winter weather yet? Or am I still too early?

Elizabeth Seymour
Whitefish, Montana

They say that we’re going to have early snow and a moderate winter with average snowfall and cold. Do remember that these are Minnesota beavers. Montana beavers may have another opinion based on their locality. Our beavers have already stockpiled plenty of brush for winter food, but not excessive and haven’t built up huge dams. All of this lets me know what the beavers “say.” — Jackie