I’m canning our first harvest of the year

Although we've been eating fresh asparagus a lot lately, our three beds are producing more than we can eat and doing it often! This morning, Will went out and brought in a big basket...

We’re starting up the heat in the greenhouse

I guess spring must be here. I've started transplanting peppers, first with the habaneros I planted early, but there are a whole lot more seedlings that need to be transplanted soon. With not enough...

After weeks of work, Will got our Ford 660 tractor started

You know how some pieces of equipment are dependable to their bones? Well, our old Ford 660 that we bought years back, from my son, Bill, has always been one of those. It would...

We had a quiet, happy New Year

Where most folks went out partying, we just stayed home and enjoyed the fire in the wood stove. No, we sure didn't stay up until midnight to watch the ball drop. Hey, we're homesteaders,...

We had an unexpected Christmas present

On Christmas evening, David and Elizabeth invited us over to their house to have a late Christmas dinner with his family and Elizabeth's parents. That was very nice, and we enjoyed the evening very...