Okay, so that was after freezing rain. But, hey, rain is better than the white stuff after all winter, (There are rumors of 40 degrees later on this week!)

I got a kick out of watching a nuthatch this morning. He hogged the feeder, driving the chickadees and sparrows away. Then he’d grab a seed and peck it open on the fence next to the feeder. If someone else showed up, he’d fly at the “intruder” then go back to his seed. (I wonder how much a tiny nuthatch can eat?) We’re really getting spring fever! We fed big round bales today and the sun came out. It felt SO good! The big cows were bucking and running around like calves, so it’s not just me. Then Will popped a front tire on a tree branch. Luckily, he had previously bought a couple of front tractor tires from our friend Wally and by the time I went to town to mail seed orders and buy feed, he had it fixed and we resumed our feeding. Not so bad, after all.


Last night I was browsing Dancy Daylily’s online catalog and ended up with two pages I wrote down of ones I “just have to have.” I will just pick a few as I’m not independently wealthy.


I got out my pepper seeds and am trying to decide which ones we’ll grow this year. We’ll grow fewer varieties but save more seed. As peppers can be insect-pollinated, we will have to put netting over the pepper plants to keep out insects. Luckily, peppers are chiefly self-pollinated so under the netting they will be able to do their thing and make peppers. We’ve got some really nice peppers already and will add some to that. The mini greenhouse comes up tomorrow and I’ll start seeding! — Jackie


  1. Wally,

    We’re always glad for visits! Probably I’d advise calling ahead just to make sure we’ll be around. (Like yesterday when we spent four hours helping a neighbor load a butcher cow!)

  2. It was a very nice weekend. Hopefully there will be even nicer weather coming soon. I’m glad you were able to get some use out of one of the tires. I still do intend to get up there and have a look around before you guys get crazy busy.

  3. Rick Riley,

    It’s a photo from Dancing Daylilies’ website and I’m sure it was taken in warmer weather although Becky lives in Georgia. I caved and am ordering it along with a few others; I’m an addict. What can I say??? Yep, I’d sure like to have enough of those babies to make a huge bed down along the creek!!!

  4. Miss Jackie, Woo Hoo!!!! what a daylily !!! is that thing blooming indoors now or is it a photo from warmer weather? I remember when the much more plain orange variety grew every where there had been an abandoned farm- stead, and by every clear patch along a creek.( and they still grow in such places.) We loved them, and made them into little bouquets for grandma….But wow how great it would be to have enough of those to grace a massive bed by the creek! Rick

  5. Sure….make me jealous with a nuthatch photo! He sure is a cute little guy! I haven’t seen or head even one this winter…!

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