Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone

Around here, it's a little behind. But what's new? I do have the tree up and decorated, most of the presents home but not all wrapped. Christmas cookies are in the oven and Will's...

We had a very nice Thanksgiving

And we had a big surprise. My daughter, Randie, who had been living on Cape Cod for the last 30 years came to dinner with Bill and his family and David and his family....

The sun is out!

Hooray! Sunshine! It seems forever since we've seen it. And, living off grid, having long periods of cloudy weather means it's generator time when I want to wash clothes. Yep, I put it off,...

Hey, it’s still raining

Although we were in drought, weeks of snow and rain sure has made everything soggy around here. Will has been trying to get our big round bales hauled home from the fields and has...

Finally, we’re sort of getting caught up

Will has nearly all of our firewood cut up. We split it, then he hauled it into a huge pile in the woodshed, so it stays dry. Now he has to get it stacked....