Storing lamp oil

How long can you store bottled lamp oil before it breaks down and can’t be used?

Meta Porter
Walkerton, Indiana

Years and years; I’ve never had any go bad, yet. — Jackie

Chicken and dumpling recipe

I was all set to make the chicken and dumpling recipe in your canning book (which I love and couldn’t do without) but ran into a snag on the dumpling part, where it says “bake at 300 until dumplings are done”…um, then you say “don’t peek until they are done” Can you give me an idea (timewise) that I could check for doneness without them getting soggy.

Sue Barker
Independence, Oregon

The dumplings should be set in about 25 minutes. I say “don’t peek” to keep people from constantly lifting the lid to check. This makes them soggy. A quick check or two near the end of the cooking time won’t hurt a thing. — Jackie