Out of the neighbor’s scrap pile, Will re-purposed an old satellite dish stand to be used for our new solar panels that our carpenter friend, Tom, gave us for our wedding present. He’s spent hours for two days, figuring out angles and measuring things, but tonight, after dark, he’s out there, pouring concrete in the form, in a hole in the ground. This will be the sturdy base to which the steel rack will be bolted. We DO have wind up here…and one day, we’ll use that wind for a wind generator to provide electricity for our house and get even further away from using gas for the generator to charge our battery bank.

Meanwhile, I’ve been canning up a storm. The last batch was chili. I’ll do a repeat tomorrow, after we go pick up two more calves from a friend who has a dairy about thirty miles south of us. The garden is simply abundant with produce that I’m trying hard to use to its best advantage. Stay tuned; I’ll give you more pictures of the solar panels when they’re mounted. — Jackie