But now we’re cracking to get ready for our own homesteading seminar this weekend. So please forgive me for not getting more on the blog. It’s terrifically busy around here. I promise to get back at it soon!

I had a lot of fun at the Expo, visiting with BHM family as well as speaking two days and being on the panel of “women preppers.” It was also great to see Dave, Annie, Sammy, Jeff, Don, and all the other BHM crew and folks of Red Shed Media.


  1. That is awesome that you were on a panel. Do you happen to know if the other women on the panel had websites. It’s so great to read the experiences of women who do what you do.

  2. Michelle,

    sorry but no. Sound was bad in there as it was a warehouse-type building, a guy was demonstrating the use of a fire-starting bow and a personal protection German Shepherd was barking.


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