We have been having decent weather, in the high thirties. So we’re getting as much done as possible because winter is closing in on us quickly. Even though the next week promises to be nice and in the forties (above!), we’re madly trying to make good use of these beautiful days. Too soon snow and lots of cold will be heading our way.

We finished stacking another row of wood on our enclosed porch, leaving just a tiny walkway through to the outside. (You always want two ways out of the house in case of a fire!) This is our “emergency” wood, close to the stove, nice and dry, and neatly stacked. Of course, we also have plenty under cover in the wood shed. But when the blizzard’s blowing and the temperatures climb to a high of twenty below, it’s nice not to have to haul wood!

And because of blizzards and snow, Will’s adding a storm porch onto our entryway to keep the wind from piling snow up in front of our door. The floor under the entry is insulated and he doesn’t want snow melting and finding its way through the vapor barrier into the fiberglass insulation and ruining it and possibly rotting the wood. This will also help keep the house warmer; it’ll act as an airlock, preventing cold wind from whistling in the front door every time it’s opened.

I’ve been stashing away the seeds I’ve dried and saved as well as the herbs I dried earlier this fall. We have quarts of sage, thyme, oregano, basil, lemon mint, and chives. Boy, do they smell great! And I’ve already started to get seed catalogs! Does that mean spring’s just around the corner? Mmmm, I think not. At least not in northern Minnesota!


  1. Nancy,

    This year it’ll be small. We trade having Bill and family for Thanksgiving/Christmas with Kelly’s folks so this is their year. The other kids are too far away to come. So it’ll be quiet with David, Will and I. This year, I’m just as happy as I’m still working at canning up our deer! Have a great Thanksgiving!!!


  2. Blessings to you and yours this Wonderful Thanksgiving . God Is Good!! Do you have a big gathering at your house? My favorite day of the year..

  3. Yep, best wishes for your Thanksgiving.
    Politics aside, we all have much for which to be thankful.
    Blessings from our house to yours…

    Best regards,
    Jack & Deb in NH

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