Monthly Archives: January 2013

Q and A: canning frosting, squash vine borers, and canning brown...

Canning frosting I am an avid canner. And I love your advice and wisdom in canning and homesteading. I was recently given a bulk 12lb...

Q and A: green potatoes, planting corn and pumpkins together, and...

Green potatoes When I dug my potatoes last fall they were nice and brown. I put them on tables in my garage and they turned...

When it’s -25 we do indoor stuff

Although we work outdoors much of the winter, when a severe cold snap hits, we find plenty to do indoors. And this week we'll...

Q and A: canning turkey and chicken stock, rhubarb from seed,...

Canning turkey and chicken stock I'm a newbie to pressure canning, and you are right Jackie, it is addictive! I have a question about my...

Q and A: purple carrot, powdered cheese, removing air bubbles before...

Purple carrot I was wondering if you have ever seen a carrot which on the interior is shades of orange and purple? I can't seem...