Monthly Archives: February 2013

Q and A: pruning grapes, heating canned foods, and canning Velveeta...

Pruning grapes My questions are about my concord grapes. 1st my mother told me the first year I moved onto my property to cut my...

Q and A: cleaning eggs, planting under a tree, and spilled...

Cleaning eggs I am getting chickens in the spring! first time! And I was wondering, how do you clean your eggs before you put them...

It’s snowing — again

Well, the beavers must have known something because it's snowing again, right after another seven inches of new snow! Will plowed the driveway yesterday...

The beavers were right, again.

This fall, I was asked what our beavers' actions told us about the coming winter. I replied that there should be cold temperatures and...

Q and A: aquaponics and medical help in a rural area

Aquaponics I have become intrigued by something called Aquaponics. I do not recall this subject being discussed in any previous articles, and have been unable...