Okay, so it sounds like we’re getting depressed. Got that right! After getting a foot of new snow a couple of days back, we’re getting another foot right now. We got eight inches overnight and it’s still snowing. Sigh. We’ve got nice green tomato and pepper plants in the little greenhouse in the living room, but even they look depressed because they look out on all that snow.


I’ve lived in Minnesota on and off for a total of about 30 years but this is the longest winter I can ever remember! At least we’re not in drought now, so that’s something we can be thankful for.

Because he can’t work outside, Will brought in three wheelbarrow loads of rocks during our last thaw and is now starting in on the rock wall behind the wood stove in the living room. Right now it’s framed and he has stapled plastic backing, used chicken wire as re-enforcing wire, and then screwed in long screws, wiring the chicken wire to the heads to hold the wire out from the plastic.


There are sorted rocks all over the floor and six bags of cement sitting in the dining room. Pretty soon he’ll start in on the rock work. While that’s in progress, I’ll be transplanting all those tomato, pepper, and snapdragon plants into larger containers to sit in the big greenhouse windows. (Maybe, just maybe, spring will come eventually?) — Jackie


  1. When you get lemons…make lemonade.
    When you get snow…make snow pancakes!
    I found this recipe on the net and the last time we had a snow storm I placced a roasting pan out on the side shelf of our BBQ (so the snow I collected would be clean).
    Sift together: 2 c. flour, 1 Tlbp. baking powder, 1/2 tsp. salt, 1 Tlpb. sugar
    Combine 2 eggs, well beaten to 1 1/2 c. milk and slowly add to the dry ingredients. Stir well & set aside (batter will be thick).
    Grease your griddle & get it good and hot. Quickly go outside and get your fresh snow. Fold 1 1/2 c. snow into batter. Cook pancakes as usual.
    This made the fluffiest batch of pancakes I’ve ever made.
    I can hardly wait to try it out when grandkids are around – they’d love it.

  2. Ellen,
    No, there won’t be that much heat back there as it is dissipated by the rocks which will get warm but not hot. Our stove is 36″ from the rocks. Yes, it is just drywall behind the plastic and wire.

  3. Arm2008,

    Yep, the date is right. And yesterday and last night, we got another 18″ of heavy, blowing snow. Sigh. I know spring will come but even the weather folks are calling this the Relentless Winter.

  4. It’s 10 degrees here at Kenny Lake Alaska. Had four inches of snow yesterday but what is really discouraging is that we haven’t had a single day above 32 since April 8 and we had three nights with below zero. Last year was our coldest garden season in the fifteen years we have gardened here but the second week of April had highs in the 40’s and 50’s. Last year we had tomatoes in the hoop house with wall o waters on May 5. It will take a real change in the weather to thaw the beds by then even with IRT on the beds. No robins yet.

  5. So sorry about the snow…we are in full bloom allergy season. Pollen is everywhere. The peach blossoms have come and gone already. We have seen over 80 here several times in SE Virginia. Your plants look lovely and I can’t wait to see pics of the finished rock wall. Is there anything you two can’t do?!

  6. I’m in Oklahoma and thanks to your last post I purchased a little green house just like yours. Even though we don’t have snow my plant are still in the little greenhouse waiting for the random freezes we’ve been getting each week to pass. Sunday we had temps in the 80’s but Thursday we’re expecting another freeze and they’ve already warned us that we may have another one coming on Tuesday. I’m sitting here now watching flashes of lighting and listening to the weather reports on the radio. Due to all of this cold and hot weather we’re on the look out for tornados tonight. Thanks for all of the great information you share with all of us, sure do appreciate it. Well with that last flash of lighting I’m shutting down the computer…Hope we’ll all be gardening soon.

  7. I am not far south of you but west. We have lots of robins, chipping sparrows, a Tri colored Blackbird (trying to eat suet!) I saw an unhappy Blue Heron today, Killdeers, meadow Larks, lots of hawks, a turkey vulure AND about 22″ of fresh snow, with possibilities for more…. I am keeping my feeders full and they get a lot of traffic. The crows and grackles have been back for a couple of weeks and lots of waterfowl. It won’t be long…. Your peppers are way ahead of mine~!

  8. It seems like a longer winter than usual, but it also got started later. Around here we usually have snow in October, but we didn’t get any until partway through December.

    We have robins and green grass growing, but there’s also snow in the forecast.

  9. Just a question if there needs to be any protective barrier on the wall from the heat that will be trapped by the rocks? Is it just drywall behind the plastic and wire?

    I’ve seen two robins this Spring in Southern British Columbia, and we haven’t had snow for months – but I’m sitting here with thick socks, a sweater, and a blanket over my lap. The fruit trees are in blossom, but the bees are barely flying this week due to cold and rain.

  10. After living in Iowa,near the Minn border for 32 years I can understand your feelings about snow & winter. I am eating cherry tomatoes. We are going into our hottest month,May. Not high temps like Iowa & not the high humidity. It’s been 84* most days. I won;t have a garden this year due to the neighbor having 10 cats,none fixed & I have a new dog. We have an Organic Mkt here each week. I do grow greens in an Earth Box & a big bucket growing New Zealand spinach.
    Thanks for all your teachings! I enjoy your Blog. Frugal

  11. Wow, is the date right on this post!? If it’s any consolation, your peppers are doing much better than mine even though we have warmer weather here. I have a hard time getting them started early enough, and since I’m only home on weekends it’s a bit harder for me to get it all done right now.

  12. Snow here in Wyoming, also. We had very little snow until the past two weeks now it’s nothing but snow day after day. The past two days we got 18 inches, which is alot for where we live. The mountain, 20 miles South of us, got another two feet on top of their previous two feet two days before.
    Hopefully, Spring will arrive soon :).

    Love your blog, your books, and your column, Jackie. Thanks!

  13. Here in WI all of my east, west and south windows have oodles of plants in them! Besides the snow it’s too cold out even in the greenhouse. I bet your beavers are laughing until their sides ache! By the time they show their heads it will be summer!!!

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