Monthly Archives: November 2013

We got a bit of warmer weather

And Will got nearly all the big sheets of metal barn roofing on. We finished all but the very last big sheet last night....

It’s a small, small world!

We decided to sell five of our black Angus cross heifers that we bottle raised as Will and I hate to butcher good heifers....

It has warmed up!

There's so much fall work to do that Will is feeling like nothing is getting done on the barn. The sheet metal is all...

Q and A: canning chicken in half-pints, rubber gaskets on canners,...

Canning chicken in half-pints In your segment on canning chicken in Self Reliance you mention that you have canned half pint jars of chicken. I...

Q and A: chili sauce too hot, canning brine, and crumbly...

Chili sauce too hot I have just made some fermented chili sauce that I would like to can. I made it too hot and I...