Monthly Archives: February 2015

We had one of “those” days

First off, our 5-year-old six-battery battery bank was quickly dying. It got so we didn't even have enough power to run a CFL to...

Q and A: garden mulching, watering, and using hoop houses

I see in the summer pics of your garden, you use mulch. Looks like hay, and doesn't look really thick like the deep mulch...

Q and A: leaving rings on jars in storage, canning pinto...

Leaving rings on jars in storage Our family butchered a 500+ pound hog this past weekend, and we were able to render 30+ quarts of...

No, it isn’t spring in Minnesota

I just thought you might like to see some shots of our garden in the SUMMER! I know we're getting kind of tired of...

Mittens “helps” Will stamp our seed envelopes

Our cat, Mittens LOVES to knock small things off tables and shelves. She even tears open plastic bags and carries screws around in her...