Monthly Archives: May 2015

Q and A: raising beef and orioles

Raising beef I've been looking for information on raising my own calf or two for beef. Do you have some suggestions on what I need...

Rain, rain, rain

We've had nearly two inches of rain in two days and guess what? It's raining again today. But at least it isn't snowing. Monday...

Great weekend — got a lot done

We had a little rain on Saturday, but not much. So this weekend we got a lot done. Will and Krystal moved the big...

Our new apprentice, Krystal, arrived

We've got a summer apprentice homesteader, Krystal, who arrived yesterday from Georgia. She's anxious to learn what we can teach her for her own...

Q and A: jar sizes in canner and harvesting asparagus

Jar sizes in canner I have a question concerning jars. Today I was putting up potatoes in qt. wide mouth jars. Ran short by one...