Today Will’s out in our north woods, cutting a trail through the trees to a huge white pine he cut two days ago. The pine had been leaning, more and more over the past five years, until it got hung up in a big tamarack fork. Working carefully as such a tree is VERY dangerous, Will got both trees pretty much cut through then drove wedges in. The wind did the rest. While he worked many yards away from the tree, cutting brush, the trees cracked and fell to the ground with a whoosh. The trees will be sawn into boards to use on our new barn. Waste not; want not!

We’re getting excited because the back yard and garden are slowly showing as the snow is receding. I actually walked in the yard for the first time since late last fall. The plum and cherry trees wintered well and I can’t see any vole damage, although there were a few vole tunnels in the grass. There is water on top of the beaver ponds now and the creek is running.

Inside, our peppers are jumping up and looking good. I’m especially excited about a variety a friend sent which she calls Venice Bootleg hot peppers (they were obtained in a cafe in Venice and “smuggled” home to the U.S.). It occurred to me how much gardening brings us all together. Through our seed business, we’ve had letters and seed orders from folks who are Amish, Baptist, Seventh Day Adventists, Catholics, Mormons, Muslims, Buddhists, and more. And you know what? We’re all excitedly awaiting our seeds springing to life with warm weather. Brothers and Sisters in gardening. I think that’s a lesson for us all. — Jackie


  1. Hi Jackie,
    I have tried before to leave a comment but haven’t succeeded. Thought that I’d give it another try.
    I live in Australia. In the state of Victoria. We are just coming into the season we call Autumn and you of course call Fall.
    I have been reading everything you write for years now and love your common sense and advice you give to all. I also have several of your books which I’ve received for gifts from a very considerate daughter.
    This comment is really a very big THANK YOU from me, and I look forward to reading every post for many years to come.
    with high regards

  2. Ohmygoodness! I can see your green grass! We still have 24 inches of snow and more on the way. WAAAA!

  3. Rick,

    You bet it’s a huge blessing! As is our life here. Yep, the water’s frozen again. Tonight it’s supposed to be teens below zero. Brrr. But we know spring’s coming. Yea!

  4. Miss Jackie. Those huge trees for more lumber How great a blessing!
    I have been following your weather and temps. I’d bet the water has frozen on the beaver dam again…..SOON spring time will be here so we can really do what is our passion, grow wonderful things to can and eat fresh. Rick

  5. thank you for such a pretty page and thought today. My order arrived and I am sharing it with some friends.

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