Our cold snap has snapped. Wonderful! With temperatures in the low 40’s above zero, we were happy campers. Then on my way to the eye doctor for an exam, we made the end of the driveway in our Escape when it started over-heating. Will went out, checked things, and we let it cool down. Then we went back home, watching the heat gauge creep upward again. We hopped in our Ford pickup and just made the appointment. (Good news — no cataracts. Bad news — expensive glasses. I won’t be going there again.) I mean, really, there were $350 frames! Needless to say I chose much cheaper ones but, wow.

Will thought it was the thermostat that had stuck on the Escape but after a closer exam, he found it was the water pump instead. He ordered a new one, put that one and a belt on, and pow! The new one crashed. Luckily it was under warranty so today we got another new one … which looks a lot different than the one we previously received. Hmmm. Maybe that’s why it crashed? Anyway, Will has that to do sometime soon. Again. Not a nice job. Everything is so close in there.

Will is busy at work cleaning up the old wheel so he can get a good tire mounted on our plow truck.

Then there was the problem of all that sudden thawing and rain, and not freezing at night. Our driveway became a foot of ice/slush pack, crumbling as it melted. So last night Will took the plow truck out and began plowing slush off the driveway. He made one complete trip, out and back. Then the front tire blew! It was dark so he parked the truck. It froze last night so we now have big, frozen ice balls all along the driveway with smaller ones in the middle. No cars will be driving our driveway soon. But Will had another tire and got to work putting it on the old rim. Hopefully sometime soon he can hit the drive again and remove the icebergs.

See all the frozen ice balls beyond our Escape with the hood up? Not fun to drive on!

You know how I’ve always said not to put plastic covered seeds or seedlings in a sunny window? Well, I kind of did that myself. I put all our new pepper seedlings in the plastic greenhouse in our south-facing living room window. It was pretty cool and cloudy so I zipped up the front cover tight. Then the sun came out, and I didn’t notice it. Yep, a third of them were fried and limp. I had to replant. So much for getting an early start for our hoop house plants… Well, that’s homesteading — plenty of ups and downs. — Jackie


  1. Rhonda in Meadowlands:

    Hey Rhonda, Will just told me I’d missed your comment and invitation way back when. I’m so sorry. I do speak at some local garden clubs and community events. But now March is nearly gone. I’m sorry I missed your comment.

  2. Jackie – I got your seed catalog a couple days ago. Thank you for getting it out so soon. I’m working on a small order for a small garden this summer. Due to physical issues I am unable to have a larger garden like I used to. I so enjoy reading your blog – I think for 5 or 6 years now at least. I grew up on a farm and we always had a garden and canned. My dad always planted 1/2 a acre sweet corn. Of course it wasn’t GMO like it is today. I remember my dad driving our almost old farm truck out the driveway and it decided to quit right there. My dad was very unhappy to say the least. Blessings and remember spring comes in a few days March 20 if I remember right. Ruth Ann Martin

    • I’m glad to hear you’re still gardening. The soil is actually good for us! I hear you about the GMO corn. Luckily, ours is definitely NOT! No commercial fields for nearly 100 miles. Yea!

  3. Man, that sounds like a rough few days. I hope your days get easier from here. My husband has had some of those days recently too… replaced a water pump, had to fix the shop breaker which went out, ran over someone’s mailbox… Here’s to smooth sailing for us all in the coming week.

    • We all have them; the good and bad. Sounds like your husband had a bad week too. I agree; let’s all have a smooth spring!

  4. Down here in Iowa, we have flooding all over the place. The rain and snow melt just hit too much at once! So many of my neighbors have basements with water seeping in, but I lucked out in our home.

    • Yes, I’ve seen on the news how bad the flooding is in many parts of the country and especially Nebraska. Our prayers are with all folks affected by rampaging nature.

    • Wow, TJ, that’s a good tip! I got my new ones yesterday and can see so much better. But I still wince at the price!!!

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