I found a horse for our horse-loving granddaughter, Ava, through a friend of ours. Yes, Ava had her POA pony, Whinny, but Whinny has Cushing’s disease, which is kind of related to diabetes. Only it causes horses to often get sore-footed, as in foundering. Unfortunately, even with medication and a special diet, Ava hasn’t been able to do more with Whinny than care for her and be led around, bareback. And Ava is taking lessons and would really like a horse she could ride at home. So, on Sunday, my son, Bill, and his family (except grandson, Mason, who is now the IT guy at church and needed to be there to do their video) came to our place. We had a nice visit then went to our friend’s farm to meet Ghost. He is a pretty Cremello with blue eyes, standing about 15 hands high. Ava got to brush him then they saddled him up and she took him for a trial ride. Unfortunately, it was a windy, cold, rainy day and she wasn’t able to ride much before freezing. (No gloves and it was raining.) But she decided she and Ghost would make a good team. The stable where she takes riding lessons requires a Coggins test on all horses. So, the vet came to our friend’s place and drew blood. As soon as the tests (Bill also wanted a Cushing’s test … just in case) are back negative, they’ll come pick him up. I hope this works out well for the whole family.

Also, while they were here, David came over to our house, bringing Delilah and Melanie. I haven’t seen Melanie for several weeks because I can’t do their stairs (except for emergencies, obviously!) and I was sure tickled to be able to hold her for a while. Such an adorable baby! She’s so happy and isn’t a bit strange with folks she doesn’t know well.

We had to laugh today though — while I was playing with Melanie, Ava and Delilah were raiding my seeds. And, today, Will found Delilah’s stash of bean seeds. On the stairs going to the upstairs bedrooms! Will laughed, saying she was setting a trap for him. They were big, round beans and if he’d have stepped on them… Whew! I’ll pick them up and stick them away for her. She’ll sure have fun planting her own beans, come spring.

— Jackie
Hi Jackie! I’m so sad to hear about Whinny. Cushings is rough that’s for sure. We just had the vet out for teeth floating and found out that our new to us 12 year old pony is actually 25 years old!!!😖🤦🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️she’s in great shape now that she had a molar pulled and we realized she is missing two other molars. No wonder I couldn’t keep weight on her! Ponies do last forever though! Sending prayers for a full recovery from founder for beautiful Whinny!!!
Lots of love, mia
Grandbabies are just that, “GRAND”, aren’t they? Looks like you are having fun. Hope the new horse works out. So sad about the pony.
Ava looks good up there on Ghost! I hope the tests come back negative.
I got some of the Party Mix beans for this year. What a colorful bunch! Any chance you could do a photo with a one bean sample of what’s in the mix along with a name? I’ve got my pack sorted out so I can plant sections of each down the rows to compare them. Can’t help tinkering with stuff! :)
What a wonderful weekend! it is always so nice to see the kids and grandkids, isn’t it. Ava’s new horse looks beautiful and I hope she has a good time with it. Sending prayers for a blessed week.
Hi Jackie, love the pictures! Melanie is lovely. I hope the new horse works out for Ava! I loved horses growing up. I started riding with my older male cousins when they worked cattle. I was behind whichever one pulled me up behind them. I was told to hang on tight to the gun belt, or I’d fall off and the cattle would step on me. When they got off their horse I was “in charge” of the horse. Actually looking back at it the horse was in charge of the horse. 😆
Great baby and gma pic!
We are dealing with metabolic syndrome with one of my granddaughter’ 21 yr old Q-horse. No foot problems yet but he’s developed the curliest coat. We’ve had pasture pets my whole life so he’ll just live out his life with his buddies.
Oh we’ll hang in with Whinny. If she doesn’t get sound enough to ride, she’ll be a great pet. All our family’s animals are home to stay. We don’t sell or give them away, once they’re here. After all, they’ve become family!
What a beautiful picture and you and the baby. Babies are such fun!! Enjoy her and hopefully, your new health.
I love this picture too! My knees are still sore, but getting better and I’m able to do more each day. Hooray!
I’m so sorry to hear about the POA Whinny. Ghost looks like a good solid horse that Ava can grow into nicely. I sure hope tests come back negative.
That little doll Melanie! She’s a cutie!
And who could resist those beautiful beans. My heart quickened just seeing the picture of them!
I’m so glad you had a great weekend.
We’re hoping that, in time, Whinny’s feet will remain sound enough for Ava to ride her too. We were sure a happy family this weekend.
Melanie is a beautiful baby. Ava looks so grownup on her horse, hope all tests come back clear.
Yes, she is. But then I’m really not impartial…. I’m sure Ghost’s tests will come back fine.
Family is where all the fun is. We love having the “little” come to our home. Spring seems to be coming early. I’m glad you’re getting better.
Yes, it is. We always love having family around us. My friend, Sherri, said her peonies are starting to poke through. Only a month and a half early…. Eeek!
I just want to say growing your colorful beans brought me so much joy, I had no idea something so seemingly trivial as colorful beans could bring so much pleasure. It’s no wonder she loves them!
We simply LOVE shelling out all of our various colored beans! It’s like opening a Christmas present. And, I love running my hands through baskets full of them. Ahhhh… Zen.
Beautiful beans! what fun they must have had with.
oh the sweetness of introducing the girl to her new best friend. brought back memories of my daughter and Callie. 19 years they had together. Callie succumb to effects of Cushings last year at 29 years. Callie had a few good years even after the diagnosis so hang in there Whinny. good to hear all going well . Family hugs with the grandchildren
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