There’s some things you just can’t do much about so you keep on doing whatever you can to make your family’s life better and prepare for what may come in the future. Just like the day of 9/11. I was canning tomato sauce at the time and was horrified as I listened to the radio. But I kept on canning tomato sauce.

Today, I’m canning more meat (wow there is a lot of meat in a 1/4 of a beef and a whole hog!), as well as hot pickled cauliflower and carrots, in between batches of meat. I’m NOT a “prepper.” We simply try to live as self-reliant a life as we can. It used to be that “stocking” up was a good thing and what every farm and homestead family did to prevent hard times. Now it’s called “hoarding” and we who stock up are nut cases and weirdos. I don’t think so! And with the current vibes around the country, I’m sure glad we do think ahead.

Will’s still working on the barn and when his back gets too bad, he switch-hits to clearing on the 40. That, by the way, is going very well. Or it was until Old Yeller threw a track yesterday. But the sun was out and the weather was warm, so I got some tools (a pry bar, come-along, and the grease gun for the track tensioner) and Will set about putting it back on — all 250 pounds worth.

It went okay, and soon the dozer was again shoving piles of brush together, making larger areas of nice, clear ground. Soon that will be disced and planted into orchard grass, clover, and bird’s foot trefoil with oats as a nurse crop. It’s looking very nice already. — Jackie


  1. Brett:

    Apparently you have not read that latest Executive Order that Jackie was referring to. In it is authority for the government to confiscate any and all personal property. At any time of their choosing.

    It also includes provisions for involentary drafting of people into work gangs.

    There is more but you get the idea.

    I would certainely think that all of this is an *issue*.

  2. Jackie, by posting this in your blog you are indeed doing something. As news-savvy as I have always been, this slipped past my radar and I didn’t know about it till reading your post this morning. I hurriedly did look up the information. Thank you for posting.

  3. Brett,

    One of the reasons that we homestead is to try to be as independent as possible. We felt a little nervous to hear the President had declared martial law in peacetime, with no apparent reason. But no matter what does or does not come of it, there’s nothing we can do about it, so life goes on. I have no “issue”. We entered the self-reliant lifestyle decades ago, when times were “good” and have continued on our path all this time.


  4. Brett Gross, this decree from Obama has everything to do with homesteading. There are actually those of us who attempt to be as self-reliant as possible and believe that the due process of law will protect us from the federal government intruding on our lives. We respect the Constitution and pursue our happiness with vigor and enthusiasm. When Obama declares martial law for no reason other than to usurp the Constitution, then those of us who live without our hands out to the government recognize the threat presented to our liberty. It’s that simple and I really don’t understand your confusion.

  5. This actually matches the language in EO 12919, however, even the part about “in peacetime.” EO 12919 was signed in 1994. This EO has foundations in previous presidents, including Reagan. I would suggest further research before jumping to conclusions.

  6. I’m not sure what the President’s executive order has to do with your family working on your homestead. What is your issue?

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