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A Backwoods Home Anthology — The 22nd Year
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6  Publisher’s Note

7  Editorial:
How we battle the effects of a recession

78  Irreverent joke page

67  Ask Jackie:
Developing a spring, recipe for cheese, corn for seeds and canning, etc.

48  Lenie in the kitchen

59  Making a living:
Rachel Carlyle: Gluten Free Mama

79  Letters

83  The last word:
The threat of electromagnetic pulse!

85  Classified ads (pdf)

85  Classified advertising form

87   Advertiser Index

88-94   BHM anthologies & books

95-96  Order form/Subscription Info

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Cover 132
This issue’s cover is a watercolor by Don Childers, 81, who has painted most of BHM’s covers, including the one for our very first issue. We’ve had this cover for about two years and decided it would be appropriate for this winter issue and to complement Len McDougall’s Mushing article on page 30.


30  Mushing
By Len McDougall

64  Living with wolves
By Len McDougall

15  The other camping season
By Len McDougall

44  Reduce your property taxes
By Carolyn Evans-Dean

42  New yarn from old sweaters
By Margaret Mills

39  Midwinter madness
By Claire Wolfe

60  What to do in case of an unplanned homebirth
By Rose Peck

12  Build a holz hausen to dry firewood
By Doug Fluckiger

72  Reload your own brass
By Dale Petry

76  Recycled saw blade knives
By Winston Foster


34  Building Eric’s house, part 6
By Dorothy Ainsworth

Alternative energy

8  Solar-powered chicken coop
By Jeff Yago, P.E., CEM

Farm and garden

52  Persimmons — the backwoods sugarplum
By Tom Kovach

Food and recipes

18  Savory supper pies
By Linda Gabris

24  The best apple pie you’ll ever bake
By Richard Blunt

53  Processing and cooking with persimmons
By Charles Sanders

56  Making yogurt
By Patrice Lewis


62  Horse labor and putting up firewood
By Tom Kovach