Pheasant eggs

Would you eat pheasant eggs? I have some little ones and was wondering when they grow up if we could eat the eggs.


Sure. pheasant eggs taste just like chicken eggs, so there’s no reason you couldn’t eat them. Pheasants don’t lay as many eggs as a chicken, but while they’re laying, you will have plenty to use. And, of course, you could always let the hens sit on some of the eggs to raise more pheasants for next year. — Jackie

Homesteading with aches and pains and protecting cabbage against worms

How on earth do you keep your body from not hurting? My husband and I have tennis elbow; been to therapy, had shots in the elbow, wore the bands around the arms — nothing works. Any suggestions?

2nd question: Last year I planted several cabbage plants, and I refused to put anything on them for worms. Needless to say I lost the whole crop. I just planted 25 plants and my husband is having a fit cause he thinks the same thing is going to happen again. What should I use for worms?

Jacqueline Wieser
Sidney, Nebraska

I DO hurt! Several broken bones, three compressed vertebrae and a whole lifetime of various sprains, strains, and ouches. We do a lot of soaking in our tub — the hot tub in the warmer months — in evenings before bed. And we start out slowly in the mornings. I pop aspirins on the worst days and rub Mineral Ice on the worst spots. You might try dipping comfrey leaves in boiling water until they are limp, then using them on your elbows while still very warm, as a poultice. That’s worked several times for me. Also, heating a rice bag compress in the oven or microwave, then holding it against your joints sure feels good.

To protect against cabbage worms, you can either use a floating row cover over your plants to keep the white cabbage moths from laying eggs on the plants or spray or dust your plants with bT (a bacteria that will kill the worms but not harm you). Or you can powder the plants with rotenone powder, which is a natural product and quite non-toxic to people, birds, and pets. — Jackie